Thursday, October 25, 2012

Taunting Panther's Fans Force Marine Amputee Out Of Moosehead Bar and Grill

On Sunday a U.S. Marine who lost both legs in Afghanistan was forced to leave Charlotte's  Moosehead Bar and Grill along with his wife, parents and friends after another patron at the restaurant became verbally combative and the restaurant staff asked the Marine to leave.

According to the Charlotte Observer: "The incident happened after Garrett Carnes, his wife Courtney, their parents, and friends Brett and Nicole Coburn stopped at the restaurant for dinner after attending the Carolina Panthers’ game against Dallas. Several members of the party, including Garrett Carnes, were wearing Dallas Cowboys jerseys.

Coburn said that when the group reached the front door, the fan, who other patrons called Tank, was waiting for them."

Josh "Tank" Watts and friend at a Panthers game.
“He was standing at the door, and he started harassing us because of the Cowboys jerseys,” Coburn said.

He said Tank told Garrett Carnes, “Don’t use your wheelchair as a crutch.”

According to multiple accounts of the incident, Carnes told the patron – and others who were ridiculing the group for being Cowboys’ fans – that he was a veteran and had lost his legs in Afghanistan.

Members of the Carnes-Coburn party tried to “defend ourselves verbally,” Brett Coburn said.
He said Tank walked toward Carnes in a threatening way, and some other patrons stepped in to break it up.

Neilsen said his employees are trained to separate possible combatants, in an effort to defuse such situations. On Sunday, staff members asked Garrett Carnes and his party to leave, while they took Tank to another area of the restaurant."

More about Garrett Carnes here and Deadspin picks up the story and takes in national here.  The Daily Mail in the UK piled on this morning here.

Meanwhile the Moosehead Bar and Grill is getting slammed with neg comments on Yelp which is here. Moosehead's Yelp rating has "Tanked" to two stars out of five as Marines from across the nation hammer away at the four star rating the bar had this morning.

Cedar Posts suggests that Josh errr "Tank" may want to leave the state, or at least lay low for a few months. But as the following photos attest he just ain't that smart.

Hey Marine Corps you guys suck!

Read more here:


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Just My 2 cents said...

PJ....just an observation here.

I'm a fairly big guy but surely not a bruiser. But I learned a bit about boxing from an older brother from when I was a small kid and I could always handle myself. I have known NYC Firemen who could have played fullback for the Giants; men who if you knew they were about to beat you could make you offer to chew a finger off as they were walking death. Oddly, they had no nicknames. What they had was respect as they were all gentlemen to the core. They knew their strength and rarely had to use it. And I knew some NYC Cops who were referred to as "Ten Knuckle Guys". They were so strong they could hold a guy out a window upside-down by his ankles if they need information. "Tank" really should be "Blob" as he is fat and only fat. Both of the aforementioned would toss "Mr Tanks" aside like a toothpick.

We had a bully in HS for one month. I say one month because when I was 5'7" (6'2" and 220 now) this six-foot bully pushed me in the mud from behind. When I asked if he thought that was funny as he laughed he got his ears boxed and a punch to each side of the head that dropped him into a ball and crying. The result was that he was humiliated and never touched anyone again, and I was elected freshman class president.

You see PJ, actions can have consequences. Tank is both humiliated and angry right now. He is probably threatening people now in the extreme. And I know Marines who wish to teach him a lesson he deserves. And after that lesson his life will probably be changed for the better. The only counseling tank needs is a fair beating. And I hope he gets it. There is no talking to the school yard bully. Humiliation delivered by a beat-down is what usually works. I don't wish him seriously injured by any means. But I know some men who when he looks at them and into their eyes, "Mr Tough Guy" will have some tears in his. I hope they meet some day soon too. All those years of as a self-proclaimed "Tank", since this douche bag sure gave himself that moniker, will be gone in under a minute.

Then we can all move-on. But for now, true justice awaits him for a heinous act of cowardice to a man who ENLISTED, knowing that what happened to him was possible. he is every bot a hero that those two SEALs were at the embassy that the Obama administration apparently allowed to be murdered by denying calls for back-up. So I just hope that some enraged lunatic doesn't hit "Tank" with a tire iron for he does not deserve that. In fact, a beating real soon might be what is needed to save his life. One never knows, does one?

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. well Cedar-we can take care of you just like we did Best Western. You won't have a single customer and your business will bankrupt until you fix this injustice and ban the despicable individual who would start a fight over a NFL team with a disabled veteran. As the daughter of a Marine, we don't take nicely to this kind of play.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant Moosehead Bar not Cedar
we can take care of you just like we did Best Western. You won't have a single customer and your business will bankrupt until you fix this injustice and ban the despicable individual who would start a fight over a NFL team with a disabled veteran. As the daughter of a Marine, we don't take nicely to this kind of play.

Anonymous said...

Pj... I really don't think it was HANDLED yet
at ALL!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO Tank is on the Wall of Shame on Stolen Valor!!! Right on!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tank the Wank,
Please kill yourself!
It would make me happy.
have a nice day.

US MARINE said...

Just about as stupid as they come, this guy has no idea what real men do for a thrill. It' ain't sittin at a bar drinking while over-paid kids play a game. They put their lives on the line for people they don't even know. To name a few, Law Enforcement, Fire Fighters, EMT/Paramedics, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard. I bet he is a use car salesman.

Anonymous said...

He has been invited back for dinner?????Well isn't that Southern of them!!!! I think it is safer to go back to war with the Marine Corp who love and support him than eat in there..Don't ever camp with the enemy......

Anonymous said...

I am a licensed concealed carry and am taught in related courses not to resort to excessive force unless absolutely necessary. Had I been there and he lifted a finger like he was going to hurt Garrett or his wife (or anyone), I would have started with his knees remorse.

Secondly, to the poster who mentioned this issue would not have had nearly the coverage had it not been a vet! Did you ever get out of your self righteous mode long enough to look at the REASON for his condition? He did this for you, SUCKER! And me, and everyone else in that place that didn't stand up for him, including you on your post. Don't minimize bravery, courage, stamina and integrity just because you don't possess those qualities.

Third, I am a God fearing, Bible believing Christian that understands "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." All I can say for Tank is that if he's not a saved man, he'd better get there fast. He and all the scum that hang and enable him are EXACTLY the reason our country is in the shape it's in today. Why is it that people like him can live by "no gutts, no glory" and be commended for their horrific, sarcastic, bigoted behavior, but when Semper Fi exercises the same in a righteous stand, covering your brother, protection....we get slammed for it! STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT!!! Quit criticizing men for being REAL MEN and get rid of the scum suckers that scream the loudest and get the most attention.

There's a silent majority out here that when backed into a corner can be louder than the offender. Don't give us a reason to fight back. Keep your trash within your scum circles and leave the heroes who sacrifice for ALL of us (and YES, including you Tank) alone.

In case you haven't read the Biblical account of the Philistine army being wiped out completely, I'd suggest you do that. They came against God's people and He took out the entire, women, children, animals. If you think you're man enough to handle that kind of wrath.....then...bring it on! I'll enjoy the show for the arrogant, foolish, pathetic excuse that you are. I just hope you know salvation in your heart before this coming moment in your life. Proverbs describes you in several chapters.

Anonymous said...

"Eat a bullet" ???!!!



Learn a skill. Learn anything. Quit acting like a neanderthal. Stop talking for a month. See what you hear. Really.

Anonymous said...


it is a felony to threaten others over the internet, just like it is by letter, over the phone, or in person..
it is harassment and it is a serious situation..

the FCC, local police,FBI..they all take this very seriously and will investigate and prosecute

IT DOESN'T matter if he is a douche bag; an asshat; or an array of other choice names, this fella is clearly in need of a few dips in the gene pool.

Posting personal business on the internet UNLESS you are 150% sure it is the right person, could end up getting an innocent someone hurt or killed or both.

I FULLY side with every one of you on this mindlesswannabeamansomedayjerkwad, but is it really worth some government wanker knocking on your door to make sure you were just angry?

Karma is a nasty bitch, Tank just hasn't met her yet...

USMC Captain said...

For those of you that think stomping a mudhole in "Tank"s ass and walking it dry is too severe a response, don't be such pussies. And to be honest, if you didn't serve, STFU! This is something effecting our brother and we are one big family and we will stick together to the end. I don't expect any of you civvies to understand.

Now, shooting this jackass would just be stupid. Not that I wouldn't enjoy it, but it would reflect badly upon us as a service. Beating him would only be temporary, as eventually those things heal up (mostly). What would really be good is to keep this story going so it follows him forever, so he never gets a decent job again, never has a g/f, etc. Better yet, how about we all write or petition the owners of the Panthers and ask that his seats be cancelled and his happy ass banned for life from the stadium. Or better yet track down all his friends in section 501 and let them know what a shitbag their friend is and see if they'll even talk to him at another game or tailgate event.

I'm all for this guy getting an ass-beating, but you folks need to think of more long term retribution. I assure you being ostracized by his "friends" would hurt his sad little ego far more than a beating. Just food for thought.


PS, If someone does beat his ass, please take a video and post it. :)

Johnny Ford USMC 1984-1987 0844 said...

For whoever is critisizing the military community about rallying for our COMBAT WOUNDED BROTHER, be advised he is our family. If you don't understand this man left his legs in the combat zone because he did a job many won't, and what he deserves from us, you are an idiot. Many people hide behind the flag, and preach fron their soapbox, but without action, these are empty words. Corporal Carnes has proven his committment to our country. We, his military family, are obliged to assist him. Presently, giving Tank an "education" is how we are going to do it.

Anonymous said...

I am sure the owner has invited them back and is desperate to have this go away! While I am sure most of us would like a few moments alone with this guy, I beg everyone who lives in this area to boycott his restaurant and do a massive media/facebook/twitter campaign to shut them down!!! Money talks!!!

Anonymous said...

Anyone threatening violence or recommending suicide because of a stupid, drunk, loudmouth punk for mouthing off to a real hero because of abusive comments about a football jersey that devolved into more is just as lunk-headed as "Tank." You would be demeaning your service and this fine officer's REAL service and it's real meaning.

And don't be so stupid to recommend video-taping a beating. Those doing the premeditated beating would likely be sued and go to jail. Is that what you want? More drinking money and bragging rights for that loser?

Keep him out of bars.
I don't think he needs help keeping women away from him.

Service men and women don't get enough respect, medical care--for physical and psychological wounds--and help with jobs, housing, adjusting... how about throwing some of this rage and energy into projects surrounding that? How about rallying behind this combat brother with all his medical bills and a home that he can navigate as he recovers and tries to put his life back together?

Thank you, Marine. Thanks to all the active servicemen & women and vets.

Anonymous said...

Tank looks like he is a fat ass drunk and thinks he is all that he just got his 15 min of fame and now ppl are looking for his dumb ass waiting to read some military beat the shit out of him for opening his fat mouth. This place sucks never steping in there loose a lot of business now

Anonymous said...

I knew Josh for many years, used to ride Mountain Bikes with him through mutual friends.. He was allways a prankster and the kind of person who would do anything fo get attention.

With that said I do believe this is getting out of control. Although I havnt seen him in 3 years, I can think of MANY people who deserve this kind of crusifying more than Josh.

Take a look at the sex crime locator maps and I think youl find MANY child molesters living close to you.

megapotamus said...

Is this spermless wonder actually wearing shoulder pads in the stands? He should be skinned alive on the county square just for that! What a puke. What a punk. I don't think you'll see him around before Groundhog Day. Smoke 'im if you do.

Anonymous said...

Oh great, I saw Darth Douche at that exact game, and thought he must be a tool... Looks like I was right.

Anonymous said...

Has he made a public apology yet?

Anonymous said...

He is also on the radar of a few of us that are close and extremely proficient at certain, shall we say, expedient government deeds - good luck Tank. Perhaps the last thing you hear before the fuzzy echos come will be a hearty...OOH RAH!!

Anonymous said...

Tank,you f'n P.O.S., You deserve to have your ass beat all over town.

Remember, all us Marines are brothers,you can run but you can't hide.Be a man and go on down to P.I., and see how much of a man you are!You look to FAT to make it through boot.
To my Marine Corps brother, hang tough,just because your in a wheel chair does not mean you still not a brother. Just wish I was there to land a hand. S/F
Sgt Jim Mac; Proudly served,
1st,3rd,&4th Marine ANGLICO div's

Anonymous said...

Check out @tankwattsDB on twitter

Anonymous said...

Thanks PJ for sayin that. (buttercup here) Yeah, he can be a total douche. If the family can let it go so should everyone else. Not sure why it is being turned into an anti-vet or anti-marine issue by all these people. The guy is an ass plain and simple

Anonymous said...

Also the caption under the last photo is just unnecessary. Whoever created that should be ashamed..hope they know adding fuel to fire makes them just as much of an ass

Anonymous said...

What gives you the right to call out Tank and hack his Facebook account?

When did he agree to allow you to post his pictures?

I hope he sues your ass off you worthless chicken shit journalist wanna-be!

Ian said...

I don't think "tank" has the capacity to sue anybody. Isn't he in his mid 30's and still lives at home? He's a piece of crap bully.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Josh "Tank" Watts, you doucebaggery has now made you famous in California.

It's not like a guy that looks like you can just blend in with the surroundings.

maybe you can do like all the lowlife celebrities and claimed you have checked into rehab.

My deepest condolences

The Ex-squid

Anonymous said...

I know Josh Watts. He moves around, I'm sure due to trouble he causes, currently living in Rock Hill, SC. Lives off of a woman now in her home with her small children. He is the worst kind of bully who makes everyone around him miserable. I can't think of any redeeming qualities even though most people do have at least one. Not him. Jackass all the way. Please let me say Happy Veterans Day to all who serve our country, past and present. I am honored and humbled when I am in the company of any military. I cannot begin to imagine what they endure for our freedom. Anyone who disrepects that should be dropped by parachute onto the nearest war torn foreign country.

Anonymous said...

So was he in his seat yesterday?

Anonymous said...

So, yesterday, first home game since Tankgate; we all know what he looks like, where he sits, what he wears to every game, not to mention it was a military appreciation day so the place had to be crawling with Marines...
Soooo, anyone make good on the 200+ threats/promises on this board??

Anonymous said...

Is all this talk or is anyone going to take care of this loser? This is not just about one incident. Josh Watts is abusive to children and women and I know this firsthand. Please someone do something. He ruins lives. God bless this soldier in a wheelchair who only wanted to have a meal with his family. It should be an honor to be in his presence. God be with you always Garrett Carnes. Thank you for your sacrifice and thank you to your family also. I saw your family on facebook and I cried when I saw the love and devotion in your faces. What a beautiful family. You are all in my prayers. I salute you. God be with you now and always.

Anonymous said...

why does it have to be Marines, there are other service members in Charlotte that would love to put a boot to this guy head.
Yelp filtered and block all the bad ratings from Marines across the nation.

Josh Watts
634 Chipley Ave
Unit 5
Charlotte, NC, 28205

Anonymous said...

What about the Bucs game on 11/18, was this assclown in his seat?

Jim S said...

An update on Cpl. Carnes & Josh Watts: First, On/about Nov. 20th, Cpl. Carnes was released from the hospital after undergoing a ten day stay to deal with surgical wound complications. This turned out to be just in time, as on Nov. 21st, in the late evening, Cpl. Carnes and his wife were contacted by the Dallas Cowboys and flown out to Dallas on Thanksgiving to watch Carnes' Cowboys play the Redskins, as well as receive a special VIP tour before, during, and after the game. Second, our buddy "Tank" has been fired from his part time security job with the Charlotte Bobcats, and when I last checked was in jeopardy of losing his ticket privileges to future Panthers games. A columnist, not the original reporter, for the Charlotte Observer has made repeated appointments with "Tank" for a followup story, and each time "Tank" has committed, then FTA'd on each appointment. Chris Nielson, a Navy vet & the owner of the MooseHead, has had a severe "counseling session" with employees working at the time of the incident, and has 86'd Tank for good.

Anonymous said...

Jim - thanks for the update.

Kelle said...

What Josh "tank" did was horrible no doubt....not to mention barbaric. However, wishing death upon him and violent threats is equally barbaric. Be better than "Tank". And how is posting his personal info. online gonna make this better? So people can stoop to his level and gang up on him. It's a illogical cycle of the bully becoming bullied. You're becoming Tank. Disgusting. This is THEIR situation and I'm sure it's been hashed out. Getting the peanut gallery involved just fuels the flames.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
I am a licensed concealed carry and am taught in related courses not to resort to excessive force unless absolutely necessary. Had I been there and he lifted a finger like he was going to hurt Garrett or his wife (or anyone), I would have started with his knees remorse."

Bust a cap in his knees over this? Absolutely necessary? Please. You just want some petty excuse to put a few holes in someone. Then you have the nerve to launch some phony bible crap to justify fighting back with violence. I can't wait until the day when we all evolve and Religious neanderthals like yourself no longer exist. I really don't want it to seem like I'm trying to defend Tank, but when you have comments like this and others it's kinda hard to take a side.

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