Wednesday, December 15, 2010

CMPD Grabs More Than Perps

Cedar Posts is a little late with this news, but it seems that don't ask don't tell has become don't grab or I'll tell at least under Rodney Monroe.

Case #1 Involves two sergeants one who got a handful of the other's backside. The grabbee, didn't take kindly to the unwanted attention and has sued CMPD for the usual reasons, distress, humiliation, PTSD and so on. The grabber is still at large, or on the loose in the same position as before, while the grabbee/plaintiff has been reassigned.

Case #2 You might recall was a frontside grab to Deputy Chief Kerr Putney by former CMPD super hero Lisa Shores, the settlement was a pretty good amount of change so we hear. And Major Shores resigned. Or so we can assume since she didn't make the top 400 list released by CMPD a couple of weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

Lisa Shores was a legend in her own mind.

Anonymous said...

The grabber in this case is North Divisions RAC (Response Area Commander) Jeremiah Blow. He, allegedly, grabbed or slapped Sergeant Eric Brady's behind. Brady requested and got a transfer for fear of retaliation for bringing the issue the CMPD superiors.

This is just what we hear. We don't know the complete facts or what is happening with the complaint. If it's like other things at CMPD, it will be swept under a rug and disappear with nothing happening.

Anonymous said...

No, Brady didn't request a transfer. He asked Gregg Collins to do something about it and was told to just let it go (guess that's what happens when you go to a Captain and make a complaint against his best friend). When that did't fix things, Brady went back to Collins but this time was told that he needed to drop it or he would 'ruin his career.' Next thing you know, Brady is on the midnight shift in another district. Sound like Romo shuck and jive tactics to me.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:14
You are 100% correct!

Anonymous said...

Supposedly there are 4 others who have also filed complaints against Blow, for similar stuff. Keep digging..

Anonymous said...

From what I have been told, Blow is an arrogant, extremely immature knuckledragger who is somehow "protected".

He has made more than one persons life miserable at CMPD.

Anonymous said...

You've got to hand it to Rodney, or more likely his PR TEAM, he knows how to put the spin on murders!!!!

And please, keep Vicki Foster OFF the tv as the "face" of CMPD....
or else take a public speaking course somewhere along the line, please!!!!! Leave the public speaking to the PR spinners, that's what you pay THEM for, isn't it?

And it's the OFFICERS who deserve credit for anything at CMPD, they manage to do one heck of a heck DESPITE lack of leadership from the top!!

Anonymous said...

Back to Brady. When Collins told Brady he would ruin his career, brdy went straight to Internal Affairs to register another complaint. At this point he was transferred so he would not work for someone he complained on. Latest word is RAC Blow will either be an officer again or take his chances with the Civil Service Board and be cited for termination. To be honest it is time for him to go. Collins, Steve Willis and others have protected what is nothing more than an idiot for years. Lets see, he used his TASER on someone handcuffed in his car, He screwed up a case in Federal Court due to his inept testimony. In fact he has an opinion on him and can no longer testify in court. n unauthorized vehicle chase he was in lead to the death of a family. While a shift sergeant he would brag, boast and show off a semi auto AR-15 rifle he kept in the trunk of his patrol car. He was not authorized to have that weapon in a CMPD vehicle. He is a walking disaster who could not lead a 2 person detail to an outhouse if his life depended on it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous December 18, 2010 8:00 PM
all of the things you said are true, but you left out a couple of things.
1) How about during that vehicle chase he had a ride-along with him. When asked about it, he lied, denied that the ride-along was there, even after the ride-along was captured on his car video.
2) While attending a crash reconstruction class at Stanly Community College he was caught CHEATING on a paper that he had to do for the class.
Then he sits in his division's office for 2 years so he doesn't screw up and can take the Sgt.'s test, and someone HELPED him get those stripe's on his arm. Not only does he not need to be, but nor does he deserve to be a supervisor of any kind. He doesn't even deserve to be a police officer.

Anonymous said...

Damn that's that some good stuff! And all true! Go to the North Division and see how many officer's respect him. NONE! Most do what they have to because it's in their best interest. He will throw your butt under 2 buses if they are side by side.

Anonymous said...

Im just wondering if Blow is apart of the LGBT community is that why he has been protected so long?? Coincidence???

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