Thursday, January 27, 2011

Egypt's Mubarak Called on to Resign

Violent clashes between police and demonstrators as over ten thousand gather on the streets of Cairo. The Egyptian population has endured a tyrants rule for far too long, millions struggle each day to find where their next meal is coming from.

January 25th, 2011 marks the day when the people rise and take back what's rightfully there's. This isn't the end, but hopefully the beginning to a long awaited regime change!

Now into a 3rd day of demonstrations, things may heat up even more.

Very detailed coverage is here. Yes it is a link to Al Jazeera but the news from something other than MSNBC or FOX will do you good.

Cedar's Take: You must have passion, to live and in Cairo there is much passion. Kudos to the film maker for pulling Into The Fire - Thirteen Senses to help convey that passion.

Spread the word!


Billy Fehr said...

As always Cedar, good work.

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is all I can say. Why is this down played here in the gool ole USA?

Anonymous said...

"This isn't the end, but hopefully the beginning to a long awaited regime change!"

Amen Cedar! I saw it World News tonight as well. God pray for the Egyptians. Could you imagine living under a terrorist Muslim government? All I can say is if I were living there this would be one fight worth giving my life for sure.

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