Thursday, February 17, 2011

CMPD's Vicki Foster Credits Internal Changes for Sudden Drop in Charlotte's Murder Rate

WBTV aired a short interview with CMPD spokesperson Major Vicky Foster this evening.

Foster was asked to explain the reasons for only one murder so far this year as compared to 6 this time last year.

From WBTV's interview by Sarah Batista:

According to Foster: "I think we're doing a lot of things internally that are helping keep people off the streets and get people off the streets," said Major Vicki

Major Vicki Foster credits the lower homicide rate to a number of changes at CMPD.

She says more offenders are tracked through electronic monitoring, the violent criminal apprehension team is hard at work, the $5000 Crimestoppers reward is bringing in more tips and the department has improved its relationship with the district attorney's office.

"We're involved in a lot of the discussions with them and that's good for us to be able to sit down and talk about our concerns with particular offenders that are preying on the community," said Foster.

CMPD is optimistic about the year ahead. Major Foster hopes the departments swift justice approach will continue to deter criminals.

"The homicide team as well as other units in the department are working very well with the DA's office and people need to think twice before they go out and commit a crime because things have changed here in Charlotte," said Foster.

Cedar's Take: Foster is about as unqualified a spokesperson as I've ever seen. To have Foster spin the lack of homicides just 48 days into the new year and declare it being the result of changes within the department, is just insane.

Ditto with crediting working "very well" with the new DA only 48 days since Andrew Murray took over the Mecklenburg DA's office.

Crediting Crime Stoppers, for bringing in tips is just as crazy as they have only made one reward payment since the increase to $5,000.00

The guys who work the streets know that homicides happen, and while good police work can lower the abundance of gangs and drugs on the street there is so much more they have no control of.

One reason for the nationwide drop in homicides, is the paramedics another the ER doctors. These professionals are saving more people with traumatic gunshot wounds, and that's a fact.

Maybe the Chief is really hiding bodies?


Anonymous said...

Isn't that what Monroe claimed after he had only been here a month or tow? roflmao! Those two really are 2 "peez" in a pod....I only wish wish they were in a "pod" at Jail Central....roflmao!

Anonymous said...

It was too cold to kill people.

JAT said...

No kidding, Anon.

With everyone iced-in for a solid week, your random street crime's opportunity to escalate into a murder took a hit.

But all that matters is that the potted plants on City Council will lap up every word from Tricki Vicki.

Anonymous said...

What is even more baffling is when there was a rise in homicides the mantra was that the police department could not impact those random acts of violence. Wow must be nice to have your cake and eat it too.

Anonymous said...

What is even more baffling is when there was a rise in homicides the mantra was that the police department could not impact those random acts of violence. Wow must be nice to have your cake and eat it too.

Anonymous said...

Yep, agree with the dude that said it is to cold to kill anyone. But, hey, it's warming up...things will be changing.

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:58:
Sad, but true.

Anon: 8:28
Also, sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she didn't have on rhinestones and tight jeans!

But why is she rodney's pick for being the "voice" of CMPD? Is he trying to somehow make her legitimate material for DC? Well, that's gonna take some work.

Just let the PR people, all 5 or 6 of them, speak for CMPD. Isn't that what you hired them for? Or was it just to hold an umbrella?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't Foster wearing her uniform?

Oh wait she's now homicide so she doesn't have to wear a uniform.

What a joke!

Anonymous said...

yes, a Job Well done by our 1st Responders, Lives are being Saved

Anonymous said...

February 18, 2011 7:08 PM

she must be getting ready to show a house...

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