Friday, February 11, 2011

Update to the Crime Scene Employee Shooting

A week after the reported shooting of CMPD employee Roy Patterson, a slightly different story has emerged.

Seems Roy Patterson told 911 that he thought his neighbor shot him with a pellet gun, which might explain why WCNC didn't view the story as new worthy.

Because it was reported as such, the call was logged in as a non life threatening assault with a deadly weapon. In NLT ADW cases, normally the duty captain will send notifications but only to a couple of people.

Once at hospital, it was determined the Patterson had been shot with a real gun versus a pellet gun.

At this point the update, changing from pellet gun to a real gun did not get out.

At about the same time Eastway Division's 3rd shift Sgt notified the Eastway Captain but this also created some confusion as the Captain misunderstood the Sgt and thought the report was on a DSS employee versus a CSS employee. We'll guess he rolled over and went back to sleep.

About 30 mins later the CSS Sgt called the Captain and asked about the lack of response. And the Captain, sprang into action, the notifications were made by phone and the folks moved out.

So was this a hate crime? Who knows, Patterson is ok, Whitley is still locked up now under a $200,000.00 bond with a prohibition against returning to his neighborhood should he be able to make bond and everything seems just a little clearer.

The real story based on many of the comments posted earlier is that we have a nut case who should not be on the streets and how the "system" failed him and the citizens of Charlotte.

To be continued.........


Anonymous said...

Looks like Mr. Smartass Cedar Posts is eating some crow. Got your facts wrong? or did one of your sources crapout on you. Maybe the Chief just set you up?

Anonymous said...

Actually Smartass....CP did a pretty standup thing, he kept reporting and found the truth. So many other publications and media fail to do the same. Nice job CP. I'll keep reading because eventually you get to the botom of things. Can't say that about a lot of folks around town. Don't know to may of those guys who will keep digging...and then report it. And remember Smartass, this is a Blog, not the AP, UPI, or local news and media.

I bet CP is laughing his ass off about your comments while he is prepping his yacht for a trip.

Anonymous said...

Is that you RoMo? Foster?

Anonymous said...

Except the facts still aren't right. Mr Patterson is so far from okay.

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