Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Charlote FBI and CMPD Are Seaching for Man Seen In LYNX Restricted Area

FBI Press Release:

The Charlotte Division of the FBI and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department are asking the public to help identify a man who was in a restricted area along the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) LYNX Blue Line in April. He was observed acting in a suspicious manner on a surveillance camera, and the incident was reported to the FBI. Agents and Task Force Officers are now asking if anyone may know this individual.

“The safety and security procedures that we have established along the light rail line assisted in detecting the individual in an area that is off limits to the public. We immediately notified our partners at the FBI and CMPD,” said Bryan Leaird, CATS’ General Manager of Safety and Security. “The combined efforts of CATS and our local and federal law enforcement agencies help keep the transit system safe for our customers, which is our top priority.”

“We do not want to create a sense of alarm releasing these surveillance photos. Our job as law enforcement is to track down suspicious activity. Recent events have created an atmosphere of heightened awareness, and that type of vigilance is a good thing,” said Chris Briese, the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Charlotte Division. “We hope someone in the community has information that can help us.”

Anyone who has information that may help the FBI identify the man pictured in the surveillance image is asked to call the Charlotte Division at 704-377-9200.

Cedar's Take:

Whoa! April? You have got to be kidding me! This is almost July, why has this just now become a concern? Did CATS just now review the tape? Or is the FBI that overwhelmed with possible terrorist suspects? Has it taken this long for CMPD to admit that they don't have a clue who this guy is? Or what he was up to? Who dropped the ball this time?

I doubt there is anyone among us who doesn't think that it was exactly this sort of complacency and incompetence that brought down the world trade center towers ten years ago. This is a serious screw up.

Even so I'm not too worried unless the obviously Arab man was driving something that looked like this:

Mega Props to the Cedar Posts reader who sent this:

That guy sure looks familiar, I think I know who the mystery perp is, he's Darryl from Newhart!


Anonymous said...

Interesting how the local FBI office is taking a page from RoMo's playbook.

Saying there is nothing to be concerned about.

OK Arab looking guy hanging out on the light rail line, without a ticket, after dark, in a restricted area and we shouldn't be concerned?

The DNC made their announcement on February 1, and in April this guy shows up. All of the FBI with all their techo guys and tricks along with the CMPD fail to turn up who he is.

You're right Cedar we are screwed!

Anonymous said...

"He was seen acting suspiciously on surveillance footage, authorities said."

Looks like he's whistling Dixie.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that's Larry. His brothers are Darryl and Darryl.

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