Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CMPD Vice Cops Bust Infamous Florida Hooker

One of the East Coast's most infamous prostitutes made the mistake of setting up shop in Charlotte this week. CMPD Vice officers were quick to arrest Jennifer Wheeler of Orlando Florida after she placed a repeat ad on Backpage. Wheeler has a record of arrests for prostitution from Maryland to Florida.

Wheeler's Norfolk Virgina arrest was documented in the following expose' published in the The-Virginia Pilot:

In the sting that led to the woman from Florida, an undercover male officer printed ads from for female escorts in Norfolk.

"I saw your posting online and was wondering if you had any openings," he says on the phone, sitting in a grocery store parking lot in a car that once belonged to a drug dealer.

He sets up a 9 p.m. meeting at a hotel where police already had arrested a prostitute that evening. She tells him to walk up to the balcony.

"Wow, you look beautiful," he says as he walks into her room. Her cell phone rings. "You're a busy woman!"

After they agree to trade a sex act for cash, the officer goes to the bathroom. Seconds later, there's a knock on the hotel room door. He rushes out, asks if she was expecting someone and opens the door. Officers come in and arrest her.

They begin questioning Samantha. She gives police permission to search her room, phone and computer.

She says she has an associate's degree in communications marketing and once worked at a bank.

"Next question: Are you alone?" asks Investigator Matt Tolson, a towering vice detective.


"Why Norfolk?" Hlebinsky presses.

"It seemed like a good spot to come to."

"Who do you send your money to?"

"I don't."

In fact, she says, she has just a few hundred dollars on her and had spent several days in Norfolk after driving from Connecticut.

Hlebinsky is annoyed: "Every time you answer a question with 'Honestly,' you lie," she says. "You're going to jail tonight."

Samantha, whose online ad says she is 23, is actually Jennifer Lynn Wheeler, 25, from Orlando. When her phone rings, Hlebinsky answers, hoping it's a pimp.

Hlebinsky's voice instantly shifts from aggressive to flirty. "Come on over to 236 and come up to the room," she says, then hangs up and announces: "A john is on his way up to the room. We're going to charge him with visiting a bawdy place."

Wheeler is taken into the bathroom and sits on the toilet in handcuffs while a detective holds a glass of water for her to drink.

A man knocks on the hotel room door.

"Come on in, partner. Take your hands out of your pockets."

He has $250 in cash in an envelope. He says it's a gift for his housekeeper. A detective glares at him: "You and I both know this isn't for your housekeeper."

Police write him a summons for the misdemeanor; his court date is in January. He takes it and drives off.

With Wheeler on her way to the Police Operations Center, Tolson ponders the case in the frigid night air on the hotel balcony.

"I really don't believe that she's only been doing this since August," he says.

A yellow Lab named Duke sniffs her rental car and gives police probable cause for a search. In one bag is $9,830 in cash. Four cell phones in another bag are ringing.

Wheeler is on probation for a prostitution charge in Maryland.

Police suspect she's part of a larger ring because pimps usually collect cash at the hotel and don't let their prostitutes keep that much cash on hand.

Wheeler is charged with conspiracy to commit a felony, solicitation for prostitution and maintaining a bawdy place.

"After you go through this case, do not come back to Norfolk to prostitute," Hlebinsky tells her.

Read the full report here.

Wheeler's Charlotte Back Page ad has since been removed but a copy is here here.


Anonymous said...

I guess this is a preview of things to come with the DNC2012 coming to town.

What is the going rate for white girls these days? I'll guess 150 so that a whole lot of pipe to get to 9000.00 add back in expenses and wow she must have been doing some serious marketing to have that amount of cash.

Just saying.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Vices aren't crimes. This is a waste of taxpayer money and peace officer time.

Anonymous said...

Don't you wonder why with all the crack hoes out there they go to the trouble of busting this girl?

Drive down towards 36th street or The Plaza they are on every corner.

What a s waste of tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

Really? Do we really care about someone taking the trouble to seek out these girls? A serious waste of time and effort on the part of the pd.

Neesa Roy said...
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