Monday, August 8, 2011

Milwaukee State Fair Riots

Is this a preview of Charlotte's DNC 2012? Milwaukee's demographic closely mirror Charlotte in many ways.


Except in Milwaukee city and local law enforcement officials speak openly and honestly with the media about what happened:

Sheriff David Clarke on State Fair Race Riot by justin-earl


Anonymous said...

Excellent parallel to our riots from Memorial Day, Cedar. For extra emphasis, I'll just say it: not only do they have some law enforcement and politicians that will speak openly and honestly, but they have some MAIN STREAM MEDIA WHO ARE REPORTING, who are actually journalists.

Those two things are probably related. If you have media controlled by the local people in power, instead of people in power being kept in check by the media, you end up with the pitiful mess we have in Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

What is it with black youth that they see nothing wrong with rioting, looting and attacking white people? You see it in Charlotte, Wisconsin, the UK, etc. This has to end and the answer isn't to give into these thugs. We need to use deadly force on them, which will certainly stop some of them from participating, and lock up as many as possible. If you don't act civilized you don't get the benefits of living in a civilized nation!

Anonymous said...

Looks about right.....

Anonymous said...

The mayor of Philly spoke out on this same type of behavior, and mandated a curfew. Mayor Foxx won't even address the speed street as a riot. What a joke. These flash mobs are happening all across the U.S. Its time to break out tear gas and fire hoses when this crap happens.

Anonymous said...

Sub Cluture Sub Class Sub Human need we say more? line them up gun them down.

Face it as the world population expands we will not have room for the misfits and socially unacceptables. Extermination is the only solution.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Foxy has any clue. You know all hell is going to break out during the DNC.

Just wait for it.

citynewswatch said...

As usual, you were far ahead of the "news." Did you see that ABC's national network Nightline has done a piece about Milwaukee and Philadelphia mob attacks of violence?

It was exciting to see that they had real leaders who told the truth about what happened, called for criminals to stop conducting criminal behavior, put plans in place to make that happen, and a network press that reported on it.

I wish we had all of that here. I wish we had any or most of that here. Maybe Nightline will contrast those responses to what Foxx, Monroe did after the riots and murder here Memorial Day weekend.

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