Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What's Wrong With Washington?

Maybe the trouble starts at the top.

U.S. President Barack Obama waves as he and daughter Malia Obama (FROM L-R), nephew Avery Robinson, family friend Roxanne Nesbitt, daughter Sasha Obama and firstlady Michelle Obama return from a family visit at Camp David to the White House in Washington, August 7, 2011.

Maybe it is just Cedar but 2 days after S&P lowers the nation's credit rating the Obamas are living the good life at Camp David. While the rest of us watch our retirement plans give back a year's worth of gains in 48 hours of trading, B and M enjoy family time at our expense. Just doesn't seem fair.


Anonymous said...

Hopefully he is spending money while on vacation, letting his riches trickle down. Isn't that what teabaggers want the rich to do????

Anonymous said...

Actually the "teabaggers" want everyone to pull their own weight. That and stop the gov't entities from extending their unfunded programs/pensions that will bankrupt our country in 5 yrs or less.
Has there ever been a more clueless communist organizer?

Anonymous said...

cedar, do you know how many vacations Dubya took while he was in office, with all the crisis he had...??? Katrina, 9/11, all the while ignoring the banks and mortgage industries that p,unged us into

Here are his stats for vacation:
149 trips to Camp David..487 days total to Camp David!

77 visits at his ranch in Crawford, Texas for 490 days.....

That is a lot of freaking vacation, huh?

Starting wars, ignoring crisis, and ignoring the economy makes a feller tired!!!!

Lame Cedar, even for you with your so obvious prejudices!

Anonymous said...

Teabaggers are over reactive, ignorant alarmists.

That use terms like "communist organizer".

Anonymous said...

I would say he deserved a fews days down time.....

Anonymous said...

Makes me sick to see the hood ratz on the south lawn. All I can hope is that as Avery hits that last drag of the cig he doesn't toss the butt into the rose garden.

Anonymous said...

Oh lawdy Cedar...you do know you just opened a can or worms, right? LOL

Anonymous said...

the more he is on vacation, hopefully means the less he is working. That's actually a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Cedar, I dare you to put Dubya's stats on your front page!

No? Didn't think so!

It just amazes me at how many really prejudiced, ignorant people are drawn to your biased rants.

It is sickening that there are still people who hold on to their racial bias, and are probably passing it on to their backwoods kids.

Anonymous said...

Why is Obama wearing a jacket? Wasn't it like 90 degrees on Sunday?

Anonymous said...

Avery and Roxanne be sporting that ghetto look fo' sho'. Giiiiiiiirl. I know, right?

Anonymous said...

The copilot looks like he's gonna puke.

Anonymous said...

728 $ 521

Could you BE more ignorant?

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