Saturday, December 14, 2024

Christmas 2024

We are rounding the corner towards another Christmas Eve. 

In my family Christmas Eve is more of a celebration than Christmas Day, for it is in the chill of the Carolina night that we gather, at Charlotte's Little Church on the Lane, as we have done for 50 plus years to worship God and the birth of his son.

While the celebrations and decorations continue through Epiphany (January 6th) it is the night of Christmas Eve that I enjoy the most. 

Most years like many of our family I've found a way to be home for Christmas, yes there are those where deployment or work required my personal presence elsewhere but in a certain way I've always been home for Christmas. 

Sadly within some of our family the requirement of their profession as nurse, fireman, police officer, doctor, Marine, and Sailor will call for that we have a glass in their honor, but their presence will be felt. 

Our family reaches from Maine to Florida and the Carolinas to California and while some will not make it for dinner after church the runs to the airport will be frequent over the next several days.

I've made many a trip on Christmas Day finding myself heading in never the same direction one year to the next. So for those traveling Godspeed, Fair Winds and Following Seas. 

I'm going to enjoy the next 10 ten days, disconnect from the madness of my liberal run city and let the woke socialist looney birds go on about how Christmas movies are racist and misogynistic without me.

And Yes, Die Hard is a Christmas Movie!

Ten days of Christmas starts now, so stay tuned for 10 stories in 10 days and by the way.... 


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