The Sheriff's Office has confirmed that Dennis Gerwing, was the last person to see the Calverts together before they were reported missing March 4.
Authorities on Saturday searched the home, business and cars belonging to a business associate of missing couple John and Liz Calvert in relation to the ongoing investigation into their disappearance, the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office reported today.
Gerwing is not cooperating with investigators and has obtained a lawyer, according to Sheriff's Office.
Tonight Tuesday March 11, 2008 employees and friends will hold a candlelight prayer vigil at 7:30 p.m. at the Liberty Oak in Harbour Town, with representatives of Providence Presbyterian Church on Hilton Head Island leading the service.
Employees of the marina are inviting all to attend the vigil as the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office has asked for more manpower from both SLED and the FBI according to the lastest report from the Island Packet newspaper.
More Coverage from the Island Packet: SLED to get More Involved in Search for Missing Couple
While many theories abound, nothing of substance has come of the speculation. Local bloggers have even weighed in, offering thoughts and suggestions for local police and the public to ponder.
Blogs commenting of the disappearance of John and Liz:
eMarket South
Crazy Lady Talk
Under Cover Brother
Posting Goddess at Crime and Justice
and the Island Packet's continuing coverage here: Island Packet
Meanwhile the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office has issued a formal missing person bulletin and now even the mindless three word sentence Nancy Grace has gotten into the media frenzy.
Outside of the nut case comments, one theme I keep hearing and to misquote F. Scott Fitzgerald as one blogger has "The rich are different". This has been repeated over and over again using words like afluent, wealthy, prominent and well heeled, but let me assure you of three things;
First Fitzgerald said "the very rich are different from you and me" and Hemingway's famously dismissive response "Yes, they have more money" is still on target, lastly John and Liz are not what you would consider very rich and they are not so different at all.
They own a business that manages rental property, a very modest boat and modest home in Atlanta (yes 3 bedrooms and 3800 square feet in Atlanta is modest), a dog, a cat, a Porsche and a three year old Mercedes, and an small airplane to get them from Atlanta to Hilton Head without the headache of trying to get home via the back roads of Georgia.
John and Liz are wonderful down to earth hard working normal people, that don't live extravagant lives or beyond their means.
Yes, they were doing alright, which makes it all the harder for anyone who knows them to understand why they would just disappear.
The Sheriff's Office is asking anyone who may have seen either the Calverts, Dennis Gerwing or his vehicles after 5:30 p.m. on March 3 to contact investigators at 843-524-2777 or 843-842-4234, ext. 258.
John Calvert is 47 and 5 feet 6 inches tall with blue eyes and grey hair. Liz Calvert 45 and is 5 feet 4 inches tall with brown eyes and brown hair possibly last driving their silver 2006 Mercedes E320 with Georgia tag GT821B.
I agree with you. Some people may scoff at an “average Mercedes, Porshe, etc.” and a “modest home” worth $650,000.
But Liz is a smart but tough attorney and businessperson who has worked hard her whole career and is still working full time after moving to Hilton Head.
Two educated, smart, hard working people can build a comfortable amount of wealth. I know a couple that are both public school teachers and they own a plane–it’s more common than you think.
And by the way, some reports made it sound like they owned the Marina and 125 rental properties. I think they just own the company that managed these things. I hope there is good news soon.
Atlanta Friend
Monday, March 10, 2008
The Disappearance of John and Liz Calvert
“We have some idea that they knew something someone didn’t want them to know. Sounds like an episode of Law & Order but there are several things that make the closest of friends and family believe Liz and John have been the victims of organized crime. That is what I believe … it is too strange a series of events for me to believe anything else”.
I am deeply concerned about the welfare of John and Elizabeth, and pray that they will be found safe and well.
I am one of John Calvert’s many cousins. John has many relatives who live in North Carolina, two aunts and one uncle still living near the Charlotte area, and numerous cousins in the state, as well as VA and MD, and we are all wishing for their safety.
His mother and father have passed away, as well as his younger brother.
Ann Skidmore
Four Attorneys, a King, a Solicitor and Dennis Gerwing
Attorney Dan Saxon
Attorney Peter J. Strauss
Mark King, President of The Club Group
Attorney Charles A. Scarminach
Attorney Cory Fleming, Criminal Defense
Solictor Duffie Stone
Dennis Gerwing, CFO of the Club Group - Deceased
“Dan Saxon, an attorney who represents “The Club Group” and had previously served as Dennis Gerwing’s attorney until the matter escalated outside of his firm’s expertise”. There are two operative words here, one is “previously” represented Gerwing and the other is “represents the Club Group”.
"Dan Saxon’s Hilton Head law firm, Novit & Scarminach, referred Dennis Gerwing to a criminal defense attorney, Cory Fleming of Beaufort". AMAZING? “The two (Saxon and Gerwing) last spoke Monday”, Saxon said.
“On Monday afternoon, Cory Fleming called Dan Saxon’ Law firm (Novit & Scarminach) when he was unable to reach Dennis Gerwing, said Attorney Chuck Scarminach”.
"Attorney Dan Saxon and another Attorney Peter J. Strauss of (Novit & Scarminach), went to the villa where Gerwing was staying. They called Mark King, president of The Club Group, which manages the complex, to unlock the villa when no one answered the door".
“The three(Saxon, Strauss, and King) entered and encountered another locked door upstairs, said Scarminach, who wasn’t with them. They then called 911 when they heard no response”.
“Cory Fleming, the defense attorney, said Wednesday that he continues to represent Gerwing”. “His law firm is cooperating with authorities “to the extent we’re allowed to under the law,” said Fleming.
“What interesting is that Criminal Defense Attorney Cory Fleming of Beaufort continues to represent Gerwing”. REALLY? Surely by now, someone has told Attorney Fleming that Mr. Gerwing is deceased. Given that Fleming was unable to reach Gerwing on Monday, it’s unclear if Fleming even has authorization to represent deceased Gerwing or his estate at this point. Does Fleming have some kind of signed Power of Attorney or some other legal document signed by Gerwing that authorizes Fleming to continue to represent Gerwing?
“14th Circuit Solicitor Duffie Stone said he is receiving frequent briefings on the case and is providing legal advice to investigators”. Is this normal? You have a Solicitor receiving briefings on an ongoing investigation by FBI, SLED, BCSO? Is this normal for a Solicitor to give ongoing legal advice to the FBI, SLED, and BCSO during an investigation?
“The Club Group” lawyer(s) on Monday and this whole Criminal Defense Attorney Fleming thing happening and calling and speaking to the “Law Firm” yet never speaking with his client on Monday? WHAT? THIS MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL!
For Attorney Saxon and the Novit & Scarminach Law Firm to supposedly hand over their client Dennis Gerwing to Attorney Fleming is bizzarro-weirdo. Also, you can bet that Fleming just might exercise his Attorney-Client Privilege which may in turn impede the investigation. It’s worth looking into to see if he actually has that privilege. The fact that Fleming was called in by “The Firm” that represents the “The Club Group” speaks volumes about this case.
Also, WHY DID Attorney Dan Saxon, Attorney Peter J. Strauss, and Mark King go into Dennis Gerwing's Condo KNOWING THAT HE WAS A "PERSON OF INTEREST"?
Four Attorney’s, a King, a Solictor and Dennis Gerwing
"not cooperating" then "the extent we’re allowed under the law"
BCSO said:
"Mr. Gerwing has retained the services of counsel and is not cooperating with the Sheriff's Office in this ongoing investigation".
“Cory Fleming, the defense attorney, said Wednesday that he continues to represent Gerwing”.
“His law firm is cooperating with authorities “to the extent we’re allowed to under the law,” said Fleming.
“to the extent we’re allowed to under the law,” Very clever!
You know...it is really interesting that it turns out that Cory Fleming is Dennis Gerwing's Attorney...that's REALLY interesting...it becomes even more interesting that he is almost insistent that he continue to represent him after his demise.
And Fleming is going to represent him “to the extent we’re allowed to under the law,” what a nice guy that Fleming is. WOW! What a nice guy! Just to show us how much of a nice guy Fleming is, he is going to do all of this even after "not cooperating with the Sheriff's Office in this ongoing investigation" from the beginning.
Fleming is going from "NO COOPERATION" to what he is allowed to under the law. I have to tell you, Attorney Saxon sent Gerwing to the right guy(Fleming). Fleming is Mr. No Cooperation
Watch the WTOC VIDEO and then watch the Island packet VIDEO. The part about Gerwing's Attorney's was cut-out of the middle of the Island Packet VIDEO, i.e. the part about who is or was Dennis Gerwing's Attorneys, i.e. Criminal Defense Attorney Cory Fleming...hint!....hint!
Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office - Hilton Head Island, SC
UPDATE: BCSO News Conference on John and Elizabeth Calvert’s Disappearance
Video: Watch today's press conference with Sheriff Tanner
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