The Multi-National Corps, the U.S.-led coalition fighting in Iraq, issued a brief press release saying a soldier died on Wednesday Baghdad of "non-combat related causes."
On Saturday November 8, 2008 the Pentagon released the following information:
Spc. Adam M. Wenger, 27, of Waterford, Mich., died Nov. 5 in Tunnis, Iraq, of injuries sustained during a non-combat incident. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Ga.
The incident is under investigation.
As of Wednesday, at least 4,196 fellow members of the U.S. military have died and 30,812 U.S. service members have been wounded in hostile action, since the Iraq War began in March 2003.

Adam Wenger, the day he left for Iraq. Pictured and wearing "we support our Daddy" T-shirts are daughter Aubrey and three-year old son Matthew and step sons Jacob, Landin and Austin.
According to Cedar Posts sources in Iraq, Adam Wenger was a member of 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, based out of Fort Stewart, GA.
Cedar Posts has received un-confirmed reports that Adam Wenger was working support within a transport convoy when the vehicle he was riding was struck and over turned, he later died of injuries sustained during the accident.
Adam was looking forward to returning to his Georgia home in December so he could spend time with his wife Brandy, their five-year old daughter Aubrey and three-year old son Matthew and step sons Jacob, Landin and Austin, and step daughters Starla, and Erica.

The 3rd ID a familiar symbol since the First World War.
The 4th Brigade Combat Team is the last remaining brigade of the 3rd ID deployed to Iraq. All other 3rd Infantry personnel deployed to Iraq have returned to Fort Stewart.
The 4th Brigade has been conducting operations from FOB (Forward Operating Base) Kalsu which is located south of Baghdad in Iraq.

U.S. Army soldiers fire a 105 mm Howitzer during a fire mission outside Forward Operating Base Kalsu, Photo by Staff Sgt. Sean A. Foley, U.S. Army
FOB Kalsu during the summer is described by some as being as close to hell’s heat as you would ever want to be, with the taste of dirt and dust that stays with you long after you return home. Even during the winter when it's a little cooler, the dirt, sand and dust, seems to get into everything. Kalsu, best described as a fine place to live as long as you like being miserable.
Operations include daily patrols, presenting a strong presence to deter insurgent attacks, training of Iraqi forces, never ending combat readiness training, and ongoing humanitarian missions.

Soldiers Headquarters Battery, 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, deliver backpacks, soccer balls and notebooks to students. Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Tami Hillis, U.S. Army.

Maj. Gen. Tony Cucolo, 3rd Infantry Division commander, talks to Soldiers of the 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Inf. Div. Photographer: Spc. Sophia Lopez
Earlier this week Maj. Gen. Tony Cucolo, 3rd Infantry Division commander, spent three days visiting his Soldiers of the 3rd ID, and discussing upcoming plans to return home.
Addressing his soldiers General Cucolo, stated:
“All the brigades but Vanguard have come home from their surge operations here in Iraq,” he said. “On my mind … has been the Vanguard Brigade, the 4th Brigade Combat Team, and all they’re doing over here.”
“Operations from January up until now broke the back of al-Qaida and finished them off south of Baghdad,” he said. “Almost simultaneously and certainly now, [Soldiers] defeated the Shia extremists groups and criminals in the area. What they’ve done is single-handedly bring a level of security not known to this part of Iraq, and it’s clear on the faces of the people I saw when I walked the streets with a couple patrols. The children are waving to them, and the local adults are coming up to them and patting them on the back. They know many of them by name. The bond with the local population is something I haven’t seen before.”
“If America knew what the 4th Brigade Combat Team accomplished, what the rest of 3rd Inf. Div. has accomplished, they would have immense trust and confidence in the United States Army [even] more so than they have now,”

Adam and his wife Brandy who he often called his favorite flavor of ice cream.
Earlier stories in the Post and Courier failed to list Adam's five step children, including 3 of the children pictured in the photo at the top of this post. The Saturday November 8, 2008 print edition of the Post and Courier was cropped as to show only four of the five children.
Adam Wenger's Memorial Guest Book at
Patriot Guard Riders Honor SPC Wenger
When SPC Adam M. Wenger was killed in Iraq, the news made
Oak tree, marker in park by Charleston Harbor a tribute to 27-year-old soldier killed in Iraq
Sad, very sad.
That blows that the Post and Worrier stole your photo idea, just because they didn't do any fact checking.
Shame on them!
P&C ran the photo that you posted but in the print edition it shows only 4 of the childern. What's up wit that?
Wenger was a good soldier but however he didnt die from a convoy escort that rolled over
Wenger's wife is a whore who was pregnant no more then 3 weeks after he was put to rest
To anonymous that comment about brandy is totally uncalled for and highly inappropriate. You should be ashamed of yourself for posting such hatred on a man's obituary. Adam was my friend and he would be mortified to see someone speaking so I'll of his wife especially with lies. How dare you! You do realize that his kids will see this and be hurt. Brandy is still hurting from his death as well as the kids.
Thats my mother your talking about so why don't you go ahead and post your name and number so we can handle this. How DARE you talk about my mother like that on a page in memory of her husband. He sacrificed his LIFE for this country and u disrespect him in this way is down right sad and wrong. He would be furious for u to disrespect him and her in this way. You have no respect and your a disgrace.
Posting someone is a whore on a obituary is very low. I will pray for your mean heartless soul.
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