According to WSOC news: The two men that were hit were treated and released. The woman remains hospitalized. Pienta is also in the hospital with serious injuries.
According to court records, Pienta was not supposed to be driving. Her license had been revoked after she was charged with DWI and underage drinking on May 31, 2010.

From CMPD's significant Event Log:
(3) Pedestrians were struck by a vehicle while crossing the 1900 block of E. 7th Street. All three victims were transported by Medic with NLT injuries. The female driver of the vehicle ran off the roadway and collided with a tree after striking the pedestrians. She will be charged with DWI and other related traffic offenses.
From the Charlotte Observer somewhat limited reporting:
A woman was charged early Sunday after the car she was driving bumped three pedestrians as they tried to cross the 1900 block of Seventh Street, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said.
After striking the pedestrians, the car ran off the street and struck a tree.
Medic took the victims to a hospital. Their injuries were not believed to be life-threatening.
Turns out Kirstie Pienta, who has a nice track record with CMPD including priors for DWI as reported by WSOC and assault and battery back in 2007.
In a related story:
Also arrested early Sunday morning for DWI was Jacelyn Thomas, who Cedar Posts orginally thought was the women charged in the accident.
Police reports are pretty random. So while Cedar Posts would have really liked to think Ms. Thomas is the one who "bumped" 3 people last night while they were trying to cross 7th street turns out Miss Hottness was only drunk. Rats!
Of course the news worthiness of the story just fell about 90%
Major props to Ms. Thomas who politely answered Cedar Posts email.

Ms. Thomas's Facebook Photo

What a story that would have been.
I'm surprised Cedar Posts hasn't discovered the bigger joke on the new and improved CMPD webpage. Why has RoMo completely removed the "Signifigant Event Log" and "911 call" links off the CMPD webpage?
Hmmm, pretty fishy huh?
Maybe Cedar Posts can get to the bottom of it?
I noticed the same thing.
Put the word out via twitter yesterday, and noticed right away that "new and improved" is not necessarily better.
However the Sig Event and 911 calls are still there.
I'll post the direct links in a few.
Cedar Ms. Thomas should be you hottie of the week!
I'm just sayin....
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