CMPD Detectives have issued a murder warrant for Michael Neal Harvey, 34, the man Hamilton was last seen with. Detailed coverage at WBTV News here.
Harvey was seen driving a 1996 white Chevy Blazer, with North Carolina license plate ZXE - 1756. Harvey's vehicle is either 2-door or 4-door, police said.

The Blazer may look smilier to the one above.
Harvey is no stranger to Charlotte Mecklenburg Police officers. His priors include a long list of property crimes, drug use and weapons charges in Mecklenburg County as well as a 1996 rape conviction in New York. Check out Jeff Taylor's The Meck Deck
for details regarding Harvey's priors.
Below the many faces of Michael Harvey his two most recent arrests occurred in March of this year.

Cedar Posts Takeaway:
Major props to CMPD officers, crime scene techs and detectives. We know this is not the outcome you were working towards, but you will find this murderer and with his arrest justice for Valerie.
WBTV news broke this story early Sunday morning. The Charlotte Observer's budget cuts left no one to cover night beat news so Charlotte's only crime metro reporter was zzzzzzzing.
How much has news changed? Cedar Posts learned about the warrant and discovery of Valerie's body via twitter props to @kokomodianne and per @CopaCavanna.
Suggest BOLO for New York State and Canada.
Cedar, it won't surprise you to find out that Harvey is a registered sex offender now out on probation for felony theft charges.
Another fine example of our justice system in action. I say To Hell with the system! Let him out again, Im sure someone will take care of him. Or keep him in jail and let him go to court. If she was my dughter, he would die in the court room. The Death Penalty quick and easy.
JAT what surprises me is that someone like Valerie would go to East Charlotte on a Tuesday night by herself.
No one I know in South Charlotte would find themselves in the Plaza ara at 12 Noon much less Midnight.
Plenty of bars between Providence Road and Highway 51 and SouthPark.
I don't think we are getting the whole story here.
Behind that headline at the Charlotte Observer, is another murder this one on Albemarle Road.
Lovely area East Charlotte.
Dunno about the timing and locale, given that the Thomas St. drag is only 5 mins away from CPCC, where Hamilton was reported to be taking classes. Zip down Pecan/Caswell from Thomas -- bango you are on Providence and on your way back to the Arboretum.
CMPD will have to find out from her friends if that was a normal thing for her to do on a weeknight.
Valerie did not go to the tavern by herself, she went with friends. They wanted to leave and she wanted to stay. They left and I know that will haunt them for the rest of their lives. This is very very sad. Please keep her, her family and friends in your thoughts and NEVER let your children leave their friends behind!
I agree never leave your friends behind, no matter how much they want to stay, and how much you want to go home.
No man or woman left behind.
How many times does this sort of thing happen in Charlotte and someone ends up death, or injured.
Some sucking friends if they just left her there with this rapist.
This is horrific, and beyond sad. This is NEEDLESS. This man was not stopped and could have been.
"No one I know in South Charlotte would find themselves in the Plaza ara at 12 Noon much less Midnight."
One of the stupidest comments you have made. You have such a high and mighty attitude. You and your friends in South Charlotte obviously know nothing about the Plaza Midwood area.
That being said, I am heartbroken for this young lady and her family.
I am with Cedar Plaza Midwood is no place to be at 1am East Charlotte is over run with gangs and murderers.
East Charlotte be it the Plaza, Commenwealth, Milton, Eastway, Central, Albemarle is a mess.
Nothing good happens in East Charlotte.
Like The General said the deathy penalty quick and easy. In this case its pretty clear this guy is the perp, if he doesn't do it himself first I hope CMPD or SHP takes care of this pile of dogsh*t!
I do not blame her friends for leaving her at the bar. They wanted to leave, she didn't. If she is old enough to go drinking and partying, she is old enough to make her own decisions. I am very sorry for what happened, but it was her decision to stay when her friends wanted to leave.
Bottom line is our justice system is f&cked up , it has been for sometime . Mecklenburg county's arrest were just the tip of the icebug. He made his rounds through several counties and has several other charges pending anyone of them could have held him w/o bail but the court doesnt take previous history into consideration when assigning bail.
We need to go back to the days where punishment is swift and just and not trying to rehabilitate everyone. Unfortunatley people can not be rehabilitated- that is a figment of some liberals immagination, you can not stop a sex offender, you can not change them it is in their make up...maybe it is mis-firing of the brain, but you can't control it and can't change it. They have no place in society just like several others out there who roam the streets and committ these heinous crimes.
Anon 5:20
It is not a matter of "blame", it is a matter of friends looking out for friends, no matter their age, but especially young people (and 23 certainly qualifies!) who still view themselves as invincible. In advance, before alcohol consumption, should make the decision that someone is a designated driver and they all leave together, or at least don't leave one person alone. So someone leaves earlier than they want or stays later than they want but at least they get home. My daughter worked with Valerie and is around the same age. It is absolutely heartbreaking.
Death is too good for this piece of shit! A very slow torture and mutilation works for me!
So how do you get the mug shots?
Those mug shots are from
Outside of Mecklenburg County you can check with the local LEor sheriff's office to see if they have those record on line.
You can also check the North Carolina State list at
I can only hope this case will cause a ton of pressure to come down on the District Attorney's Office and the judicial system for letting this guy go with probation, etc.
It's made national news. The Chief went on Good Morning America and the article is on Fox, etc.
I hope it wasn't "our" "chief" that went on GMA, seems he was not around when all this went down, and it wasn't really a priority for him until it hit national news.
Such a young life lost, so tragic.
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