Scuttlebutt on a Friday Night how lame. Looks like the memo is for real, Chief Monroe has promoted Vicki Foster to acting Deputy Chief in charge of Investigative Services Group at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department.
I honestly hope this is a hoax, hell it has to be an hoax.
Well, there you go, if this does not prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are different standards of behavior for different folks, I don't know what else it will take to prove that to anyone that will listen.
You have got to be kidding...
I'm figuring it did it out of spite now. His ego couldn't take NOT doing it.
What a freaking JOKE he has made out of CMPD.
Just, wow.
Hope they have a good "career" here, because they won't stand a chance of being in real law enforcement anywhere else.
What do you want to bet they end up working for the same "company"?
Too funny, and too tragic.
The question you should be asking is how long has Monroe been in cahoots with Foster and at what point did they become aquainted, since Foster is sleeping w/ Keys and Keys was under Monroe at one point...what webbs we weave...what a damn shame.
Ok who is going to take her place as his Assistant?? Is that Persall I hear?? or maybe the Councilman that was relinquished of his duties by Probation/Parole
Foster and Monroe are both hot heads they are like two peas in a pod, or rather two rats in a hole.
They go off on other people daily and have these fits of rage almost hourly. Just a matter of time before they go off on each other.
We can only hope one day we find them both about to bleed out after some monster death brawl.
From what I hear, his new xo will be, wait for it, wait for it......who is over the new unit rodney created for him at CMPD, you know the unit that is taking the place of the now infamous "chaplains"....you know the unit that is a redundancy of about three other already established agencies...the unit that has his retired "friend" running it, driving to and from this boondoggle of a job in the "chiefs" "old" car?
Any guesses????
It's like a freaking Greek Tragedy/Drama with these freaks that are running the show at CMPD.
If ANYONE else had done the things foster has done, they would be fired, and that's no exaggeration.
Such a shame, a real shame.
But karma is truly a bitch, and I figure at some point it's gonna catch up with the bunch of them.
It seems that a prerequisite for getting promoted and for getting a cushy job is being an idiot.
And rodney seems to be able to find them quite handily.
What is the probability that Foster will show up at all the shootings like RoMo has made others? One thing that RoMo has accomplished is that Foster actually works more than 20 hours a week since he came to town, I mean she is actually in the building more than 20 hours a week now. She was rarely around closing real estate deals and managing the security company. We need to keep records of how many homicides she actually responds to. Any bets?
Anon ll:17
She will probably show up for about as many as rodney has.
And did anyone watch 48 Hours?
OMG, it was painful and embarrassing to watch....can't imagine how bad it will be if Vicki's "audition" tape is any indication of her camera presence.
Please make it go away.....
What was so painful and embarrissing to watch? I gotta hear this one!
Watch it and see for yourself and form your own opinion....
IMO it's awful and I can't imagine why ANY PD would subject themselves to coming off looking like morons.
Let me get this right, she allegedly can't tell a real bill from a counterfeit bill, but she is going to be "acting" DC over Investigations?
You just can't make this stuff up!
What a joke!!
I'm sure all her "experience" with her private security company will come in handy....yeah, right.
It's just all so smarmy and trashy in a "back room" deal making kind of way.
OK, so since our great leaders can't and won't intervene in the ongoing drama, i.e. corruption, butt kissing, etc. WHAT agency would investigate CMPD? THAT is where I think those who post on these boards SHOULD go! Keep all memo's TAPE meetings, etc. DO what ever it takes to get what is needed to get this frigging piece of shit OUT of Charlotte and let him take his hoe with him!
What a joke, Monroe is a joke.....RoMO if you read this take note.......Your D/C have told you that they don't support Foster, your Command Staff has no respect for her and the bottom line you’re going to do what because of what?
Let's take a look at her career with CMPD. Well that took a second because she done absolutely nothing except sold you two houses. I don’t think she has every testified in a misdemeanor or felony case and you are putting her in charge over all that experience and knowledge. Wow I bet the Detectives will look to her for her expertise and know-how.
Once she is promoted you will have officially destroyed CMPD. Your troops will not support her and neither will your D/C's. Just give her a 100K salary and let her go away and the entire city will be better off.
What a joke, Monroe is a joke.....RoMO if you read this take note.......Your D/C have told you that they don't support Foster, your Command Staff has no respect for her and the bottom line you’re going to do what because of what?
Let's take a look at her career with CMPD. Well that took a second because she done absolutely nothing except sold you two houses. I don’t think she has every testified in a misdemeanor or felony case and you are putting her in charge over all that experience and knowledge. Wow I bet the Detectives will look to her for her expertise and know-how.
Once she is promoted you will have officially destroyed CMPD. Your troops will not support her and neither will your D/C's. Just give her a 100K salary and let her go away and the entire city will be better off.
Is there any proof that Maj Foster acted as the Chief's realtor? How do you find that information?
I don't understand how the system works:
is it in the CMPD regs that officers are not supposed to work as realtors when off-duty?
If it's verboten-and it's provable, then why doesn't whoever oversees the Chief (the City Manager?) step in and take action?
Who does the City Manager report to?
Do they (the City Council) know what's going on? If so, why don't THEY do something about all the corruption and complaints?
What do some of the former Chiefs like Stephens and Nowicki have to say about all this? What about some of the former DC's who have retired or moved on: Stephens, Sennett, Mowrey, Miller? If those guys feel like the city's going to the dogs, why don't any of them speak up, call a meeting with Walton, write letters to the editor? I can;t believe they;d al remain silent just to avoid offending Chief Monroe or to avoid stirring up political controversy...
Anon 8:42
Bottom line is, the chief can do whatever the heck he wants to do.
Do you not understand, there USED to be rules and regs that EVERYONE had to follow, including the chief.
That is not true, at all, anymore.
The chief just does whatever he wants and has NEVER let a reg stand in his way, he just changes the reg to suit HIS needs.
And yes, Curt Walton and the rest of the idiots have kept their mouths shut to avoid any kind of political fallout, and to save their own hides.
Well, Putney has no "police" experience or experience testifying in court either. He was on the street a very short time, moved up and made his rep by berating and belittling those who don't agree with whatever he says. If you question him or his ignorance in many matters, you're gone to the black hole of some third shirt somewhere. I believe the city has a policy against retaliation. Maybe it's time for someone with some actual huevos who feels like they've been wronged to stand up.
Of course, you know the city won't back you. Didn't they just pass around a race inclusive survey? I believe Curt is slappin ol Romo on the back at the club on weekends.
Anon 10:43
I have never heard of Putney retaliating against anyone...disciplining, yes, retaliating like rodney does, absolutely not.
From what I am told, he actually LISTENS to people and will accept views that differ with his own.
Rodney is the one that will send you to Siberia if you are not of the same mindset....of course, this does not apply to his inner circle, as they all kiss his butt.
But when they screw up big time, they always get a pass.
But let others who are more outspoken of him and his policies have any kind of a screw up, and he decidedly does NOT have their backs.
They are wearing the scarlet letter.
There is NO comparison between Putney and rodney.
And to even think of comparing Putney and Foster, not even close!
Putney has ethics and integrity...
Putney...ethics and integrity?? C'mon you obviously have never sat in on CompStat when he was in there. And he was talking about things he has no clue about. And look at the 2 clowns he put over his pet project the Post/trap or whatever he wants to call it! Can you say cover up on that BS waste of manpower!
Unfortunately I've never been to a Compstat meeting.....I've only heard about them.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion.
I have only heard good things about Putney from my friends, and I trust their judgment. If they feel he is honest, impartial and fair and has integrity, I'll go with that!
Anon 8:42
Of course you can work off duty as a realtor....
It's just that some don't know what OFF duty means....it means not conducting realty business while you are ON duty...not using your city phone for OFF duty business.
Realistically, if you didn't do these things, how hard would it be to actually sell homes as a realtor?
Between the Realty business and her other company, it's a wonder she has time for police work.
Did you see that video????
As someone said, it was like watching an episode of Jerry Springer, only worse.
You can't believe if someone else had done that, that they wouldn't be looking for another job, yet she gets a promotion.....it seems to be a very strange world at CMPD.
How is work going on the new Command Staff million dollar offices?
You know, those new, redecorated offices, that are not even finished yet, and that were totally NOT NEEDED!
You know, just another example of Romos wanton spending since he has been at CMPD.
He spends every penny he has, and then has to cut back BECAUSE he has spent every penny he has.
Didn't he go to CC and ask for even more money??
Does anyone have any idea how much he has spent and what it was actually spent on since he got to CMPD?
Let's everyone hope rodney and his colleagues take advantage of their bright shiny new offices....
I wonder, does anyone have a bottom line on the cost for this pet project of his....I heard it was over two million.
Why, I bet they could have gotten everyone an IPad or IPhones for what they paid for the redo, LOL.
I think what makes this so difficult to swallow is that it "cheapens" what it means to be a Deputy Chief. She is not a great thinker, as proven by that godawful video, and will probably make decisions based on anger and emotions, from what I have heard.
From what I have heard, she has been "given" many opportunities to prove herself and has failed miserably.
Other, more qualified people with better JUDGMENT and EXPERIENCE should be given a DC job. People that have shown true, unbiased leadership qualifications.
You have to ask yourself why rodney hasn't "officially" promoted foster yet?
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