Making a Difference in Haiti - On January 12, 2010, at 4:53 pm local time the island nation of Haiti was struck by a magnitude 7.0 or greater earthquake, the official death toll in excess of 230,000. The toll on those who remain continues to be unimaginable.
12 months after the live news crews announced "we're clear" for the last time and our flat screen televisions in the states faded to black and the headline writing news reporters have moved on, life in Haiti continues to struggle as best it can.
But there are those among us who have ventured back to Haiti. Those among us who are willing to help beyond writing a check to the Red Cross. Those among us, who are getting their hands dirty for they are the "boots on the ground" in Haiti.
One among us has stepped forward to make a difference and his name is Billy Fehr.
In his own words:
Down in Haiti, in a small town called Babancourt there is a schoolhouse with a need that I feel compelled to try and fill. Either new or used LAPTOP Computers are in great demand at the primary and middle school.
Photo Billy Fehr
These computers will not be used to surf the Internet, so they do not have to be the latest, greatest or fastest new machines available.
The computers will be loaded with education software that will help teach the children language skills, mathematics and science and help the children acquire basic computer skills often taken for granted in the modern western world.
With that said, I know that the problems in Haiti will not be solved by me or anyone else for a long time to come. There is no need to try and solve the greater problems on the large scale if some of the smaller basic needs cannot be taken care of.
If you have the resources, I ask that you donate a new or used Laptop Computer to the school in Babancourt through Pastor Lyonel's Haiti Mission in Port Au Prince.
No nay saying, here's how this will work:
-I will be running this "Laptop Round Up for the Real" for the next month. The closing day for this computer drive will be January 15, 2011.
-Contact me immediately at whereonearthisbill@gmail.com with any donations you may have and
I will explain all of the logistical details at that time.
You can read Billy's entire post at Laptop Round Up
Cedar's Take:
The call to action is simple, give up that old laptop by emailing Billy Fehr or Cedar Posts. Let's dig up a bunch of laptops for the kids in Babancourt.
And check out his amazing photos of Haiti here, here and here.
Thanks, I mean it. The Laptop Round Up for the Real appears to have raised 7 machines as of today. One is coming from as far away as West Palm Beach FLA. Please help make a real on the ground solution come to fruition for the children of Babancourt if you can. Peace.
GO BILLY! I am so excited for you and Haiti...they jut don't know how lucky they are to have you friend! I will hit you and Cedar tonight via email about others things you need!
Good luck and God Bless you!
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