Earlier this year Chief Monroe and City Manager Curt Walton told the citizens of Charlotte that the Federal Government had sealed CMPD's report on Delvonte Tisdale's death and the secret squirrel nature of the report prevented them from providing any information other than on a "need to know" basis. In short the city manager said the report was "classified".
But the local paper and several media started asking questions and determined that the Chief and Walton lied that the TSA or Feds never said the report was classified.
Monroe dogged and weaved and replied that the report should have been classified, and continued to hold the report.
According to WBTV Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department said it made a formal request to the TSA on March 17, 2011, asking the agency to conduct an additional review of the Delvonte Tisdale security breach report.
CMPD went on to say that they made the request "to protect sensitive security information included in the report."
In other words, CMPD's chief again caught in a lie, needed a goat or a cover up.
During the TSA's investigation, CMPD says it worked closely with the TSA.

Specifically David Wary who is the top TSA official in Charlotte. Police say their participation included "hosting meetings, providing sensitive security information that was ultimately included in the final report as well as their review and feedback on the content of the report."
When the TSA released the "do-over" report, they redacted some of those details and sent it to CMPD on Thursday, April 14.
The Department added, "This review reaffirms the city's original position, indicating (another more accurate word would be "lying") that the report contained sensitive security information concerning airport security and vulnerability that could not and should not be released publicly."
Police say they have also found other portions of the report that should not be released to the public and made additional redactions in the report released today.
WBTV has a copy of the report here.
Cedar's Take:
If you read between the lines and cross relate to facts known about CMPD, CDIA and add some common sense you can see why the Chief and City Manager wanted the report "classified", the bottom line is CDIA is grossly understaffed and there is no security at the airport other than a rusty chain link fence outside and the TSA conducting strip searches of 5 year old passengers inside.
Tisdale, was dispondant and by himslef as he walked down the rail road tracks that passed near his home. Hours later in the cold night air he scrambled up the hill at the airport and found a way to enter the property. In a brazen move under the cover of darkness he ran up to a random USAirways 737 and climbed into the wheel well.

Read Charlotte Douglas International Airport Not Secure? Why You Shouldn't Be Surprised.
In the end the report is less about Tisdale and more about how grossly inadequate security is at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. So why the big cover up?
Several hours after the report became public, Mayor Anthony Foxx issued this statement:
Today, Charlotte City Manager Curt Walton, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe and Aviation Director Jerry Orr delivered on their promise to release the redacted Delvonte Tisdale Investigation Report. As city staff has already said, implementation of the report recommendations has already begun and our budget process will include discussion of additional steps. Given the sensitive nature of security issues, it is best for me to allow city professional staff to provide further insight on this matter. I am very confident that the steps being taken will result in improved security.
Just another dog and pony show put on by the corrupt politicians and disingenuous civil servants (Rodney) of Charlotte.
It is just amazing the way Curt the Clown and Rodney have introduced this present culture of corruption. And it permeates from the top down.
Come on , does anyone with an IQ above a bag of rocks NOT know what is happening?
Honestly when is the last time you saw a CMPD patrol car enforcing the no wait parking at the terminal?
Sure they were all in your face right after 9/11 but since then hell I park my car and walk in to pick up my husband every Friday night, security is a joke.
I think the Tisdale family might have a case.
If the city knew that security was so limited that they are ranking at the bottom of the list, then that is a big issue.
Cedar Posts it looks like they did their investigation straight from your play book.
So I'm going to guess you either work for the CMPD or have pretty good inside information.
I'm not throwing stones just pointing out that it seems odd that your Decemeber post is almost exactly what they checked out.
Letter for letter and point for point.
No where in the report does it say they talked to any of his classmates.
So who are you?
For the love of God, why can't anyone ABSOLUTELY RULE OUT that Tisdale knew SOMETHING about the airport via his AF jROTC class?
Did he go to the aiport/museum/Air Guard facility with his unit at anytime?
Why is this so hard?
I think Tomlinson said in his story a few weeks ago that he had only been in the ROTC for three months. Had only moved to Charlotte last summer so the chance that he had spent time out at the airport is close to zero.
Airport Police Officers are nothing more than gun toting EMT's, suppressed for years by Jerry Orr.
CMPD needs to take over airport security, make it a stand alone division, and be independent of the Airport Director.
Of course with City Manager Curt Walton's record of law enforcement decisions this is likely never to occur.
Jerry Orr what a joke, I'm sure they will name a road after him, and I'll be the first to unload a wad of chew on it, I promise you that.
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