After years of planning and nearly two years of construction, the Obama administration's National Labor Relations Board filed suit against Boeing's $2 billion plant 787 dream liner plant in Charleston.
The NLRB which is dominated by President Obama’s appointees is simply playing a first hand in the run up to November 2012.
But South Carolina's Republican Governor Nikki Haley as well a 19 Republican senators say the the April 20 NLRB suit, which calls for Boeing to bring the jobs planned for South Carolina back to Washington state is nothing more than a stunt to build support from the President's unhappy labor union voters.
North Carolina Democratic Governor Beverly Perdue is staying out of the fight saying its not about North Carolina. Well guess again madam Governor.
Boeing obviously brings millions to the Charleston and South Carolina economy, but the financial inflow also finds its way to Charlotte as well as other parts of the North State. ie Carolina Panthers and tourist destinations like Hendersonville, Asheville and Boone.
But it doesn't end with just a general economic impact, specifically North Carolina companies will also benefit from the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner plant, companies like Kidde Technologies (Fire Suppression) in Wilson, NC. Michelin Aircraft Tire in Norwood, NC a place hard hit by the death of the textiles industry and the manufactured housing (mobile home) slump, Curtis Wright Flight Systems in Gastonia, and BE Aerospace in Winston Salem, NC. All told there is a total of more than 220 supporting businesses and $200 million in annual expenditures at risk.
So what troubles me is that North Carolina's democratic Governor is keeping mum about the entire NLRB suit? Cedar Posts doesn't have a clue, we contacted both Chrissy Pearson, Communications Director and Ben Niolet, Director of New Media and got nothing but crickets.
So I think that North Carolina's Governor Perdue needs to make the trip to Washington along with Governor Haley. There is more on the line than just South Carolina jobs.
Boeing PR Piece illustrating Boeing's impact on North Carolina is here
Probably in Kentucky watching the horses
Or investing in a chewing gum factory...
Perdue is owned by Obama, so don't expect to see her do anything except show up at the convention next year and introduce the POTUS.
As far as jobs? She hasn't a clue.
Nice point of view Cedar. Is there anyone you approve of? Anyone at all?
I happen to think Perdue is doing a pretty good job, considering the mess she was handed.
6:03, hate to interrupt your Perdugasim but the "mess" she was handed came from her own party and are policies she had supported all along her political career. She is a walking / talking disaster and the sooner she's out of office the better for all.
As part of the redneck Rocky Mount mafia, Bev no doubt thinks that if the feds can scuttle the SC plant, that'll clear the way for putting it at the Global TransPark.
All we'll need to do is grease the right palms, "market" the state with a little HushHush.com-style action and -- boom -- instant Boeing plant.
These Down East knuckle-walkers have no conception of modern business or economics. Everything is zero-sum, everything is who you know.
Are you her pilot? Are you dreaming she is doing a good job....oh yes she is doing a great job at screwing up the state. Man oh Man just look around...she rides in a tour bus with gas a 4+ a gallon instead of keeping her botox gone bad face in Raleigh..Is not in the state when tornado's hit the state..shall I con't ..man get a clue she was the Lt. Governor for the Easley years, she was part of the screw ups
No reply from Gov Perdue? Does that surprise anyone?
And what happened to your rant against WSOC? Damn lawyers no doubt.
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