Thursday, June 9, 2011

Google Honors Les Paul

The talanted people at Google came up with a fun way to honor the 96th birthday of the father of the electic guitar Les Paul, a doodle that is an interactive playable guitar in the form of a Google Logo.

Which got me thinking of some of the great guitar riffs, the really memorable ones, those that from the first few notes you reconize.

Eric Clapton's Layla is one of those and would be my choice. What's yours?

I'm thinking it must be in a top ten list or maybe I'm just old. If later as the first cords of the piano coda begin you find yourself getting chills then you might be old as well.


DWright1 said...

Cedar, thanks for that. I saw Clapton many years ago at the old, old Charlotte Coliseum & he did that same little tease before Layla. It was his opening number & set the tone for the whole show. Goosebumps then, goosebumps now.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Home Alabama, Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd, Anything by Hendrix Watch Tower and Purple Haze, You Got Me by the Kinks.

Ha Cedar I'm older than you!