On January 17 of this year Jamal Steven McKenith tried to rob a Subway restaurant. Things didn't go so well and he ended up taking two bullets in the back, one in each leg and dying just a few yards from the front of the store.
Apparently McKenith's family members are upset and feel his death should be treated as a homicide, yet Mecklenburg District Attorney Andrew Murray has declined to charge the restaurant employee saying that he didn't believe a jury would convict the man.
CMPD officers that Cedar Posts spoke with following the shooting sided with the Subway employee as well, noting the McKenith had been a thorn in their sides for much too long, off the record they repeated the classic saying "he needed killing".
According to the "Mecklenburg ME" autopsy report, McKenith died of "multiple gunshot wounds", one of the bullets struck his heart and a right lung. Another injured his right kidney, gallbladder and liver.
The coroner's report also noted that as they were removing McKenith's clothes to examine his body, a revolver with black tape wrapped around the handle fell from his pants.
The shooting happened around 7 p.m. on Sugar Creek Road in the Hidden Valley community. According to police, McKenith and Demetrius Nathaniel Thomas, 19, walked into the Subway armed with handguns and tried to rob the restaurant. An altercation began when the employee refused to comply with the suspects' demands. The employee opened fire, shooting at both men.
The suspects fled and McKenith was found dead at the end of the strip mall, the statement said. Thomas showed up a short time later at Carolinas Medical Center, suffering from a gunshot wound. He remained in Mecklenburg jail late Tuesday charged with robbery, conspiracy and possessing a stolen firearm.
Cedar Posts has obtained a copy of the Mecklenburg Medical Examiner's Report which is here.
It is interesting to note the trajectory of the bullets may indicate that McKenith fell with the first shot and was hit with the remaining 3 shots as he fell.
Not sure what point you are trying to make....
I don't think Cedar is trying to make a point. Maybe just suggesting you can draw your own conclusions?
maybe subway should sue this POS mama for raising a turd. how can they be mad when he put himself into that position in the first place. no one made him rob the store. to me, its the cost of doing business. good shooting sir.
Molly G was so gangster that it took a Subway employee to rid the world of his sorry behind.
The Observer says "Autopsy: Subway robbery suspect was shot 4 times in the back".
After reading the autopsy I find the Observer headline to be false. I suspect they felt saying he was shot in the back 4 times would drive readers and page clicks.
Thank you Cedar for posting link to the autopsy and not adding to the headline hype.
Hmmm, sounds like the shots came from behind.. no matter whether they shot him from behind, beside, above, whatever. I'm glad the turd is in the ground and the employee is in the clear.
Kudo's to the Subway employee. Doing the job CMPD and DA should have done .....
Don't care if he was shot in the back it is one more PofS gone!
Heck with RIP to this scum, let's hope he is roasting in hell......
Cedar, you heard anything about the suspects in the pursuit the other day? One had an ankle monitor on? Not alot of coverage in the media.
Hey Cedar,
What are u talking about in your tweet when you said cmpd officers were being unprofessional in threatening Blogs?
And about cmpd officers not liking pics?
One less thug on the streets of Charlotte!
All of you sons of Bitches should be the ones roasting in hell!!! Your mothers will die of cancer or something that will Make her suffer And then she will wonder what sorry piece of shit Kids she raised... I HOpe u dont have any trash brats wo get killed or murdered!!! Then again it should happen to you and see where Justice lies for you!!!!! What will your Words be then bitch!!!!!
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