Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Grace Roakes aka "Hey Beamer"

I’m sad to note the passing of Grace McKay Roakes, known to my wife and I as simply Grace. 

News of her death came Sunday morning with fog at sunrise, and departed with thunder just before ten AM and yet there was no rain.

She was family and will be missed like one of us. And perhaps in that way she was like all of us. 

Godspeed Sweet Grace Godspeed.

Footnote: Grace was everything to my sister; friend, co-worker, wingman, a childhood friend that stayed with her long after most childhood friends have faded away. And for that reason, and many others she was family to all of us.

Grace was “Hey Beamer” long before she became Roakes. I enjoyed having her in my office for a time and she took that experience and went on to bigger things in the investment world, somehow ending up working for my sister.

When cancer found my sister, Grace was there for her, and so it was that the 10 year cancer survivor was one of the first to learn of Grace’s illness and in turn was there for her as well.

A one point, Grace texted a photo of my sister and her, enduring the first of many chemo and radiation treatments that Grace would face. Accordingly, I took to twitter with the photo of the two them saying simply: 

The Cedar Sister and her Bestie who is battling cancer - prayers appreciated.

Within an hour there were more than 100 replies offering prayers and positive energy. 

But there was also a private message from her husband demanding I remove the tweet and an hour later from her son also demanding I delete the photo and prayer request. 

And so the tweet, the request for prayers and the image of Grace and my sister was deleted, and the prayers stopped.

Grace lost her nearly two year battle with cancer on Sunday.

About this photo: Grace lived for the last 7 years about 300 yards behind my house. This Sunday morning as I've done often, I took a picture of the sunrise. Doing so requires that I point my camera or cell phone at Grace's house. Look closely at the photo just to right of the large tree. What is that anomaly? Even stranger is in the series of photos I took it comes progressively closer and it comes from the direction of Grace's house.


Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss Cedar.

Anonymous said...

Grace sounds like a special person. Sorry I never got to meet her.

Anonymous said...

I can not imagine anyone not wanting prayers! What is wrong with these people?

RIP Grace Roakes

Anonymous said...

This is heart breaking to read. Your poor sister. I do know how she feels. My bestie and I went to college together interned together raised our kids together suffered broken marriages together traveled together lived on opposite coasts and could still figure out a way to meet for coffee at Atlanta or DFW while catching connecting flights. She was my sister from another mother (and father). We planned a big trip together to Paris last year. Two weeks before our departure she was killed by a drunk driver. Gone in a moment. She was my hope. Life is not fair but I go on. Hang in there Cedar Sister and Cedar you too!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Whoa her husband demanded you take down a tweet asking for your prayers? Was she not a Christian? Didn't believe in God or something? I'd say her death is totally on him. No one turns down prayers do they? SMDH

Anonymous said...

Rest in Peace.

Anonymous said...

Cedar I don't do the prayer thingy but you know seems sort of stupid to refuse prayers. What do they always say "There are no atheists in foxholes"? Faced with cancer I think I'd accept prayers hindu chants incense holy water beer pong whatever. Just saying.

Anonymous said...

Some people just don't believe in God but why risk it?

Anonymous said...

Guy must be a total class act.

Anonymous said...

That's is really sad. RIP Grace.

Anonymous said...

From her obituary "She was married to the love of her life, Tripp Roakes for 21 years." Who puts that crap in an obituary? She may have been the love of his life and maybe that should be stated but WTF and what is up with the company sales pitch? Does he need business so badly that he has to advertise it in her obituary?

Anonymous said...

She was a very sweet girl married to a jackass.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on the jackass he just lost his wife of what 20 years? But demanding people not to pray for his wife's life against cancer? That's pretty low.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for all even the husband.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of a jackass, what is "Sloppy Joe" McGarity up to these days? I am so glad he ain't in South Division.

Anonymous said...

I know this jackass and can't say I'm surprised. I don't think he really thought it through. But one thing is fact he's not in the running for husband of the year.