Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Death of the Republican Party

I posted this back in 2012 and much to my surprise so much of this holds true. Let me know what you  think.

If the Barrack Obama holds on to the White House in 2012 I suggest that it will be the final blow to the Republican Party.

To date the Obama administration has all but handed the White House over to the GOP. Now if the "Grand Old Party" could only stop from killing themselves.

Obama would be wise to follow Napoleon's maxim - Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.

It would be nice if our elected officials would listen to the people instead of the shrill voices of the lunatic fringe.

The trouble is they won't. Neither the Democrats or the Republicans know where the country is, they have not a clue who Joe the Plumber is and and they have no idea where he lives or how he's been doing since November of 2008.

While some may relish the idea of the death of the GOP the undoing of our two party system for a fractured "collation style government is unacceptable because of its strained inefficiencies.

Look to the UK or Israel for how a multi party system functions. Not very well. The Tea party needs to sit down and shut up somewhat over the next 14 months.

But the death of the GOP may be more than the undoing of our two party system.

Years of the far right insisting that the Republican "platform" include an anti-abortion stance has splintered the party of Ronald Reagan. The battle over gay marriage has fractured the party of Richard Nixon and Teddy Roosevelt.

The emergence of the "Tea Party" once an anti-tax movement which became a ultra right wing nut movement has caused the GOP not only to lean heavily to the right but to take on a terrible list much like the Titanic did hours before she slipped below the surface of the frigid Atlantic.

If the Republican party is going to right the ship and get this nation back on course they will need to stop slamming the White House at every step of the way. They need to back away from religion and that means stop with the Muslim bashing.

I for one could care less if they want to build a mosque next door to a Catholic school.

On the other hand if Romney wants votes he'll need to switch from Mormon to something a little less out there.

Perry needs to shut up about how they would do things in Texas. Most of us have never been to Texas and have no desire to be like Texans. We had enough of Texas with Bush ditto with McCain from Arizona or anyone from Minnesota.

Bachman needs to stop saying stupid stuff. Singing Happy Birthday to Elvis Presley on the anniversary of his death, naming John Quincey Adams as a founding father of our country, he was nine when the declaration of independence was drafted. It was his father John Adams who was his father and a founding father. She also confused John Wayne with serial killer John Wayne Gacy. These are just a few of the nearly two dozen gaffes she's uttered in the last six months. Making her a strong contender for the annual Joe Biden "Bite-Me" award.

Bachmann's gaffe's are not all her fault but she has surrounded herself with idiots who have allowed this to continue.

The Palin factor is troubling as well, since Sarah Palin is more celebrity than presidential candidate her role for 2012 is best suited for being that "momma grizzly" pitbull hockey mom and an unaffiliated attack dog. Palin is the republican party's best offensive weapon, but not the parties best political candidate.

Ron Paul is far too quirky in an Andy Warhol sort of way. He's sort of the Timothy Leary icon of the 70's those who remember the age of dropping acid or as Leary often said "Turn on, tune in, drop out" the counterculture phrase popularized by the good doctor in the 60's even in their state of higher consciousness those who worshiped Leary wouldn't have voted for him.

So what's left not much,

What the Republican party needs is someone with the command presence of Dwight Eisenhower, the warmth and familiarity of Ronald Reagan and a connection to the common man that Teddy Roosevelt had. Someone who really does speak softly and carries a big stick.

The republican party has no such person unless there is a surprise face in the crowd Obama will hold on to the White House by nothing more than a hanging chad and the Republican party will die a quiet death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GOP death was from having complete spineless candidates and not really standing for anything. At one point GOP was the party of commerce, but now it's crony capitalism, so business owns everyone in Washington. Once the GOP went along with NAFTA, China in the WTO, and forever war, there was no difference in left and right. Tea Party should have been louder, earlier, longer.