The face off in downtown Asheville included loud yelling and vulgar signs. The event highlighted the tension between people who live in the liberal enclave and the others living in conservative counties that surround Asheville.
Could it be the posters?

Ever since the Russian Revolution the simple method of silk-screen printing (or serigraphy), has allowed for mass-produced radical posters, which were made quickly, without a lot of expense to be pasted up by communist supporters hoping to overthrow the government.

So it’s a little surprising that the Obama campaign would go retro with a printing process made popular by the 60’s counter culture movement, and communism's rise in the 1950's.

More 50 years ago Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, And Ernesto "Che" Guevara found that the silk screen process could provide cheap posters that could be printed without sophisticated equipment in hidden basements and attics and then easily distributed by student and pro communist radicals.

In 2008 even Latino groups like the North American Date Farmers have gotten into the act with cheap screen printed posters like the one below supporting Barrack Obama for the March 4th primary in Texas.

When the Soviet Union needed to spread the message that the capitalists were still holding on, screen printing delivered.

Mao's movement needed a cheap and effective way to spread the word and screen printing provided the prefect media.

I'm not saying the Obama is a Communist, but with a tax and spend background, redistribution of wealth programs, socialist style medical insurance for all and other extreme left leanings I'm beginning to wonder.
The use of a poster images that are shockingly similar those used to promote the rise of communist nations like China, Cuba and Russia, makes me just a little concerned.

Get out and VOTE for McCain or we just might be calling each other "Comrade"
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