Friday, November 6, 2009

Romo's Warm and Fuzzy "We Care" Survey

Thanks to a CP reader who noted the "Survey" sent to all employees of the CMPD today by Romo and Ray Ray.

According to the CP reader the survey is a trap if you answer honestly because it is anything but anonymous.

Further the survey is worded with pretty leading questions in order to prompt the answers they are looking for, since much of the survey has to do with racial bias.

Here are two of the "Questions":

Section 3:

Hiring, Promotion and Reward Practices:

9. Employees are hired based on their skills and abilities, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity or other differences.

{} Strongly Agree
{} Agree
{} Neutral
{} Disagree
{} Strongly Disagree

10. All employees are encouraged to apply for job opportunities that fit their experience, skills and career goals.

{} Strongly Agree
{} Agree
{} Neutral
{} Disagree
{} Strongly Disagree

Again major props to the CP reader who let us know about this garbage.


Anonymous said...

Wow....its not anonymous? Are you kidding me? How can that be? Sounds like Romo knows something is up and is already getting his defense ready for the attack that is about to come.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone sent this to the observer. I know I doubt they care, but this is crazy.

Anonymous said...

All I know is it is another example of how the CMPD wastes our taxpayer dollars.

But I'm sure our new Mayor Foxx will step up and do the right thing.

Right after pigs fly out of my butt!

Anonymous said...

I answered it honestly as should everyone. If you don't voice your displeasure you have no business coming on here and complaining

Anonymous said...

This is the first and only time I will post here as I finally have had enough and wanted to get the facts I have out to the readers. OK I answered the following,

9. Employees are hired based on their skills and abilities, regardless of their gender, age, ethnicity or other differences.
{x} Strongly Disagree
10. All employees are encouraged to apply for job opportunities that fit their experience, skills and career goals.
{x} Strongly Disagree
To keep any fulltime officer from being identified I will talk about the Reserve Unit disorganization and Forced "Retirement" of their Commander who is no longer here and other facets leading to my response/opinion in this who matter;
• The Commander's retirement came on the heels of a meeting where an entire chain of command [Deputy Chief Story, Major Foster, Captain Bannerman] affirmed an offer to the Commander to be extended to all Reserves who obtained their Rank after becoming a reserve officer. The offer was to allow anyone impacted by the impending demotions to retire rather than being force demoted to the rank of a Reserve Officer versus their Sergeant, Captain, Major or Commander Rank as achieved as members of the Reserve?
- Each member made their individual decisions, and the Commander elected to accept their offer.
Questions nobody ever addressed
• Is it legal for the department to force demote any employee from a higher rank to a lower rank without cause? NO, it would not be allowed or tolerated. The Reserves were an easy target since they have no civil service protection. They are governed by Reserve By-Laws and are appointed by the City Manager. Oh right those By-Laws were ignored, they are a legal document and the CMPD just walked over them as if they were above the law.
• Was Foster abusing her position? As it appeared Major Foster was hell bent on busting up the reserves. To the extent that she came up with a Reserve Standard Operating Procedure written the way she wanted. Foster’s pulling rank started before Monroe arrived, and she was told to back off. Once the Chief changed out, to her fiancé’s best friend she had run of the department.
• You might say what, but if you look up Monroe’s tax listing in Meck County GIS, appears his new residence is real close to Foster. Look up Foster’s real estate holdings, it sure is funny they live on the same block in the same neighborhood. To the point they can see one another’s property. Now that’s close friends don’t you think? I haven’t been out there I just looked up some useless public information the county posted. The maps that system displayed show what I describe.
• Someone in real estate ought to look up the real estate deal in the MLS, see who the listing agent was; who the selling agent was and if Foster’s Real Estate firm is involved isn’t that a HUGE conflict of interest? If any real estate work was done on-duty by Foster and if her firm was Monroe’s representative… this all could become rather embarrassing for both. I have no knowledge if this is the case, but it is an interesting thought to investigate if someone had access to the MLS sales record since tax sales don’t list that information. I looked.
• So back to reserves holding a rank. If positions were properly achieved, as all these members achieved their positions, through lawful promotion processes and were selected by the then full time liaison chain and members of CMPD’s Command Staff; and the positions were held without issue until Major Foster was promoted to Major and put in the Liaison Chain over the Reserve Unit and once she had Monroe's ear, doesn’t it appear as though Foster sold a bill of goods to Monroe and other Command and Executive staff? That Reserves are not qualified to be holding a rank because of a list of reasons she pulled out of the air. None of her claims could be substantiated by any record of wrong doing, complaint or other action. None of the Command Staff or Executive staff move against the reserves until Major Foster began sharing her bias thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Sorry long ...
• The Commander felt compelled to retire after Monroe's false statements stated in the memo to the council [See Past CP from Friday, February 20, 2009] alleging conflict of interest. That document failed to state the conflict topic was fully cleared by the Police Attorney's Office & the prior Chief of Police that there was no conflict of interest. Only now there was. There was no presentation of facts supporting this, just a simple claim made in a memo.
• Way to go Monroe you twisted facts to your benefit once again. Read the document you don't even name the company properly, so how can you allege anything you don’t know who you were doing business with other than a company owned by the Reserve Commander. Do you know his name? No.
• The commander repeatedly attempted to meet with Monroe, but all communications went unanswered. There was no communication from Monroe to the Commander. Monroe did not even tell the Commander to go through someone else. All communications were ignored, so apparently the differences between others do impact a career.

• Three weeks after the Commander retired, and after he had turned in all his gear and his Pistol Permit in order to receive his service weapon retirement gift that is customary when a police officer of any rank retires [NOT resigned but RETIRES] and that was made in the retirement offer. The CMPD sent a letter to the Commanders company cancelling the services. Monroe alleged were in conflict of interest, but in the letter they stated they could do it internal cheaper and better?
• But the CMPD made the Commander feel compelled to retire earlier. All the while it would appear to a reasonable person the plan was to run him off then cancel his contracts. All part of some plan to hurt the Commander and send a message not to go against the Chief or his inner circle.
• Monroe never took the time to meet with his reserve unit commander, someone in his organization's command staff. It appears obviously due to Major Foster's differences with the Commander and her personal opinion about Reserve Officers being lesser than regular officers. Sure is funny no reserve has been charged with being a blue light bandit, but a paid full-time police recruit was. This was one of Foster’s many reasons/excuses on her list of reasons for busting up the reserve organization, each one of these concerns was just as valid against fulltime officers as well.
• How many reserves were arrested for taking pay for off-duty when not actually working it or falsified on-duty records to double dip in Off-Duty? Two fulltime officers in the past two years, never a reserve though.

• The Commander accepted the command staff's offer to a full retirement, which doesn’t mean much in way of pay or any benefit package since reserves are unpaid and volunteers, but was stipulated to include the proverbial service recognition of a retirement plaque and the gifting of their service weapon in thanks for the years of service. After two month's with no contact from the CMPD, the retired commander contacted the CMPD and was told, the chief is pissed at you and you are not getting anything. You CAN say you are retired as Commander, but you will not get your retirement gifts or gifted gun.
• Isn’t this a breach of contract? The CMPD made an official offer accepted the Commanders official resignation based on the terms of the offer and then to not fulfill their commitment seems all over some legal issue. This especially after his accepting the retirement offer from the department versus losing his private business contracts due to some illegitimate allegation of conflict of interest as he perceived the situation.

Anonymous said...

Ok last thought.
Everyone needs to understand posting on Cedar Posts is a dangerous proposition. When the post hit with Monroe’s son’s pictures and Foster’s real estate holdings, things hit a nerve and allegations of cyber stalking began. The department had the Criminal Intelligence unit expending resources attempting to trace posts to determine who made the posts. They don’t do that for any citizen being stalked. So unless you are solid in facts and weak in hiding who you are, you should be careful about posting. Even if you don’t do something, once one of them get it in their mind you did you are toast in all the eyes of the inner circle. They act like a collective; they don’t think independently so keep this in mind. only 2 more years and I decide what time I get up, go to bed and where I go. Be safe my CMPD Brothers and sisters and hold your head high we are the CMPD not Monroe or any of those white shirts.

Anonymous said...

I've also heard that RoMo has a "fund" set aside for when people start suing him over the unfair practices of the new promotional process....

Anonymous said...

The e-mail announcing the survey said that the survey is an effort to improve the way that we operate as an organization and the purpose is to determine if access, inclusion, and equity are values that the CMPD embraces and promotes at all levels. They believe that the survey will provide tremendous insight on any barriers which limit current and future employee's potential within our organization.

I'm not all that surprised that the survey is not anonymous, but as a good friend often says about his relationship with his superiors: "What are they going to do? They can't eat me!" I guess I shouldn't be worried about what they think of my opinions because things really can't get much worse. I myself have already been passed over for another assignment because I'm not the corporate color. I only hope the survey has fill in options instead of just check boxes...but I doubt it.

el grande said...

Having been around associate satisfaction surveys for many years in one of Charlotte's larger corporations, I would advise that direct supervisors, i.e., the sergeants, often bear the brunt of negative survey results. Negative results can easily be blamed on the next level of command in order to maintain the teflon finish of the upper echelons.

I have reached the point where I do answer such surveys very bluntly / truthfully, because I also subscribe to the "they can't eat me" school of thought. But, then again, I've been with my company for a loooong time and have no patience for those who delude themselves, esp. at the top of the house.

If you like your sergeant, just be careful of questions that can pinned back on them.