I'm pleased to see that the Observer published the report and here it is. Props to the FOIA folks at the Observer.
Meanwhile, Cedar hears that Chief Monroe has been seen in his new Captain Stubing "Love Boat" uniform, complete with shoulder boards and gold braids.

Cedar would be thrilled to have a photo of RoMo in all his regal splendor but in the meanwhile this is the best we can do. From what I hear it is not that far off.
I was told that on an interview on Channel Nine with rodney, that he DENIED that any promotions at CMPD were based on race in the interest of diversity.....
If ANYONE with half a brain took the time to go through personnel records since rodney came to CMPD and chart the race of people that have been promoted, moved laterally into better positions, there would be OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary.
As someone told me that works at CMPD, they have seen it from almost day one of Rodney's reign when he promoted a black female captain to major, when she had not been a captain for a full year....and it has just escalated since then.
IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE at CMPD that if you are not African American, your chances of promotion are nil.
Read the surveys, almost without exception the ONE THING THAT IS MENTIONED OVER AND OVER AND OVER is the promotion of race over tenure and qualifications for the sake of "diversity".
So it seems that rodney, once again, has been disingenuous with the media, and by proxy, with the citizens of Charlotte.
As he was about his college degree.
It seems it comes easily to him, WAY too easily.
WOW!!! I have to say that I am both very pleased but disappointed with the outcome of the survey. Was there an article tied with this? I couldn't find one. I was a bit disappointed so see such high numbers that said Strongly Agree or Agree to some of the equity questions but I loved the honesty in the open comments. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that didn't care that it most likely wouldn't be fully anonymous and spoke my mind. These were great!!!
Here are a few of my favorites so far...I'll have to read more later.
-Allowed for work performance to used as a criteria for advancement.
-Focused on who can do the job rather than filling artifical quotas
-Honest. When race and demographics factor into promotions and transfers to specialized assignments there
is a problem....
-Interested in employee's experience and qualifications when making hiring, promotional, and transfer
decisions, rather than blatantly seeking to fill a position based upon a gender or race specific quotas.
-if the department was more race-neutral, if advancement and reward was based on merit and not race
Here's another good one that was too long for my previous comment:
-...equitable in its selection processes. For instance, why was there no "official" process for the open Homicide Sergeant's position??? Qualified candidates should have been afforded an opportunity to apply. apt to give people jobs based their expertise or abilities rather than just trying to make everything diverse. No matter what they look like or their race, people should be given the job based on the fact that they are the most qualified candidate. We can't have quotas for tickets, etc. there shouldn't be quotas for a certain amount of diversity. This is not coming from someone who has been burned by this either. It is just
something that has been observed, especially lately, throughout the department.
And my favorite so far:
-apt to promote and/or reward officers lateral (detective) positions based on their competency, work ethic and
intelligence rather than the color of their skin and/or other "diverse" characteristics. Very well qualified applicants have been passed over for less qualified more "diverse" officers. Because the Chief now chooses between 3 "finalists," it is apparent that he makes his pick based on "diversity" (i.e. photos from Personnel) and not based on the finalist's abilities. Examples of this are "diverse" sergeants who are promoted and go
directly to specialized units without having to serve in patrol first; "diverse" sergeants who are laterally transferred to specialized positions over more qualified (non-diverse) sergeants who have investigative
experience, "diverse" officers who have very little experience and are rewarded detectives' positions over more qualified AND experienced "non-diverse" officers. Highly effective, experienced, knowledgable officers
are becoming disgruntled and morale is the lowest that it has been in my 10 year tenure and it is a direct
result of positions being "given" to "diverse" officers rather than earned. apt to promote and/or reward officers lateral (detective) positions based on their competency, work ethic and
intelligence rather than the color of their skin and/or other "diverse" characteristics. Very well qualified applicants have been passed over for less qualified more "diverse" officers. Because the Chief now chooses
between 3 "finalists," it is apparent that he makes his pick based on "diversity" (i.e. photos from Personnel) and not based on the finalist's abilities. Examples of this are "diverse" sergeants who are promoted and go
directly to specialized units without having to serve in patrol first; "diverse" sergeants who are laterally transferred to specialized positions over more qualified (non-diverse) sergeants who have investigative
experience, "diverse" officers who have very little experience and are rewarded detectives' positions over more qualified AND experienced "non-diverse" officers. Highly effective, experienced, knowledgable officers
are becoming disgruntled and morale is the lowest that it has been in my 10 year tenure and it is a direct result of positions being "given" to "diverse" officers rather than earned.
-If promotions and speciality units assignment processes were fair and not based on promoting and assigning females and minorities over extremely more experienced and better qualified white male candidates. Our command staff has successsfully alienated the majority of our department which consists of white males. Discrimination is wrong and reverse discrimination is just as wrong. Reverse discrimination is blantant and consistently being applied every time there is an opening in a desired position and specialty units. I am discusted and embarrassed by the actions of individuals in our command staff. Many officers are talking about legal action and I feel this is an immenant result of the blantant reverse discrimination that is being applied in this department.
Speaking of race and tapping people for jobs without a process, did anyone know that when Ray/Ray leaves soon because he's not renewing his contract, the Chief has chosen recently retired Ricky Robbins to take his spot. Now nothing against Ricky, because I thought he was more than apt at his jobs in HITS and homicide...but once again, who does Romo think he is to just say: "Here you go...enjoy the job."
Ricky Robbins isn't replacing Ray Ray. He has been hired as a "homicide advocate" or something like that and was given a take home car so he can respond to all homicides. Again, this position was created for him and there was no open process for any other City (civilian) employee.
Here is the Observer story:
And so, what salary will Ricky be making in this new position that was created just for him??? Won't this be DOUBLE DIPPING????
This guy is OUT OF FREAKING CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!
Doesn't anyone care about the millions of dollars CMPD is surely going to have to pay out in lawsuits that are going to result from the many unfair promotions/lateral moves that have taken place over the last year?????
These two guys, romo and ray/ray, are not only going to be responsible for the total destruction of the reputation of CMPD, but they are going to cost the city literally millions of dollars in lawsuits because of the hostile work enviroment.
But I find it completely amazing that no one calls him out on these things, no commissioners, no sbi, no ia, no MEDIA, except for Cedar.
How can he keep getting away with his unethical, if not unlawful behavior??? In all honesty, I don't get it.
I mean, he LIED in a taped interview....LIED.
Sergeant Pepper with his gold package and white shirt sat there and lied.
Does no one understand what is happening, I mean, I believe MY lying eyes. Honestly, are people really believing him when ALL comments, and evidence, say the opposite of what he is saying???
Anon 11:16,
You've got that right!!
(Why is there a "word verification" now when you post?)
Sorry about the new "word verification" step.
Older posts were getting spammed at a rate of about 5 a day.
Mainly ads and links, some for viagra, others investment scams.
So for now we'll have the extra step.
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