WCNC has reported that Chief Rodney Monroe was not in charge when Marcus Jackson was hired in September of 2008. But as Cedar Posts see it Marcus Jackson is fully on RoMo's watch.
WCNC of course took the facts straight from the horses ass himself.
The real facts:
Rodney Monroe was hired on June 16, 2008 and Marcus Jackson hired September 8, 2008.
WSOC is reporting on the fudged police report that Jackson was suspended for and the Charlotte cab driver who was a victim of that accident with a CMPD patrol car.
WBTV is runing the Foxx interview where Foxx backs RoMo.
Wednesday, Mayor Anthony Foxx stressed that changes have been made. "The chief has put in some additional accountability and controls over the hiring process since he's come on board, and my hope is that we can not have a situation like this occur in the future," Foxx said.
Foxx said that the chief's swift announcement of the arrest and the termination of Officer Jackson is a step towards improved public trust. Furthermore, Chief Monroe has been actively soliciting input from any citizen with a complaint about Officer Marcus Jackson.

The Observer has titled the above photo as:
Seems a little odd if you ask CP.
The CMPD supplied the police id photo cropping out Jackson's CMPD uniform. But where does Latino art come from?
FOX News:
Police Chief Rodney Monroe says 25-year-old Jackson should have never been an officer. "There were things that were missed in this background investigation that should not have been missed,” Monroe told reporters at a news conference.
Jackson's background check was botched and restraining orders for domestic violence were missed. Someone who answered the phone at ISS, the company CMPD outsources its background checks to, told FOX Charlotte’s Morgan Fogarty, "We don't talk to the media" and hung up.
Public Confidence Shaken
Andrew Murray hopes to be elected Mecklenburg County's district attorney next fall. He says a case like Jackson's significantly impacts public confidence. "Going forward, they [the police] need to make certain that nothing like this is missed again,” says Murray.
Every misdemeanor case Jackson was involved in has been thrown out the felony cases he had a hand in are still under review. "The DA's office will have to make an individual evaluation of each one of those cases, but if he is the primary officer and they have no other significant witnesses, then those cases will have to be dismissed,” says Murray.
CMPD tells FOX Charlotte it will continue to rely on its current resources but will also research other options that might provide more comprehensive background checks. Jackson remains in the Mecklenburg County jail under more than $400,000 bond.
(Interesting the Mecklenburg County Sheriff's Department says his bond is $428,000.00)
The best photo of former Officer Jackson comes from the spanish newspaper Mi Gente (My People)

The translated lead in reads:
The complaint of a young Hispanic couple on the moments of terror, frustration and humiliation he suffered after being arrested by an officer, served to mobilize the Charlotte Police Department arrested him and quickly fired under criminal charges.
In the hit or miss world of Charlotte News coverage its really hard to get to the facts.
Even harder when the man giving out the information is Rodney Monroe.
Romo is taking a hard line on this case because he is covering his butt. He transferred the recruiting officers who tried to prevent Jackson from being hired. They knew the potential for problems from jackson, but Romo ignored and intimidated the recruiting officers. Romo is 100% at fault in the hiring and retention of Jackson. Curt Walton, what are you going to do about it? Your CMPD is dying of cancer.
Looks like RoMo is going to dodge another silver bullet thanks to Parks Helms and his big nite out.
Next time Ro Ho won't be so lucky.
No way Romo should skate on this one, he has blatantly lied to the public, and to CMPD.
He HAS NOT PUT IN ANY ADDITIONAL SAFEGUARDS TO PREVENT THIS FROM HAPPENING AGAIN....if ANYTHING, his lowering of the standards has set CMPD up for EXACTLY this type of thing to happen again.
People with "dubi"ous backgrounds
have been admitted to the academy for the sake of romo's personal agenda of "diversification at any cost".
And I am now asking the citizens of Charlotte, is this the price you are willing to pay to have romo as chief with his misrepresented and fudged crime stats?
Ask questions and demand REAL answers, not the spin romo is now trying to put on this.
From everything I have heard and been told, he should be packing his bags!!!!
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