I promised myself I wasn't going to speak up about Fantasia's sex tape, mainly because just the thought of that is so incredibly gross I won't be able to eat pizza for a month.
Even her alleged confession to Mrs. Antwan Cook, makes my head hurt, telling Mrs Cook. “He don’t want you. Maybe the next time that you get a husband you’ll know how to keep him. That’s why he is here with me.”
The other thing that troubles me is I have this uncontrollable urge to speak and type ghetto whenever I start thinking about Fantasia.
So Fantasia wanted to end it all?
I'm thinking the Fantasia suicide attempt is pretty dull but now that we have the 911 tape, well it's still pretty dull.
The Observer has the recording here.
If you remember a little more than a year ago Fatasia was on her way to being homeless. Then she got to work and someone fronted her a bunch of cash. So for the last 12 months she has been spending the green like she's a diva. Trips and new cars, and "supporting her family", can you say that in the voice of a 5 year old? Honey that money is going to run out twice as fast as last time.
Fantasia's business manager says she's been dealing with (in a hushed voice) a lot of stress.
I don’t know about you but I have plenty of stress in my life and I don’t eat a bottle of pills just because my day didn’t go just the way I’d like it to.
So let me get this straight, Fantasia’s stress, is that she found out the married guy she was seeing was a liar and a cheat?

Whoa I bet that was shocker! Considering his facebook photo has him wearing a freaking Wedding Ring!
I know what you're thinking some Hollywood a-lister playa, someone from the record industry, a producer, some multi millionaire who hooked up with her on his G-7 flying to Vegas?
Nope the dude hawks cell phones in a small store for T-Mobile at the Stonecrest shopping center.

And, that her man’s women is now suing her ass for a jackpot load of cash which she’ll never have a chance in hell of collecting on because Fantasia’s “extended family” is all living in the crib with her?
Whoa another shocker!
And Antwaun Cook is toast, as his wife has him in the cross hairs and it is not going to be pretty. Read the complaint here.
Of course none of this is news, the rumors had been floating around since December, when Fantasia went on record with the following:
“… Yes, [the rumors] were all really cute to me. I guess it was something about a guy from T-Mobile? Inaccurate. He was hot, but I think I’m looking for my own man. There’s no boo in my life, I’m married to my career. ” “… As a matter of fact, I’ve never even [met him] before. I think I’d want to be with a guy who’s in the same tax bracket as I am … or higher!”
Fantasia pays taxes? On what income?
So she hooked up with a guy who wouldn’t make it past round one of the bachelor and she feels life’s little bumps are just too much to take and then decides to end it all.
That is just total bull shit!
Listen to the 911 call and you know what you'll hear? You'll hear some dude worried that the gravy train is leaving the station. You know what I mean?
They put Fantasia in the shower, I guess she sings better in the shower? Hell, I know I do. So maybe they thought that would wake her phat ass up?
The dispatcher “they put her in the shower?” Well tell them to get her out of the shower now!” The paramedics don’t want to see anymore of her big ole beer gut and sloppy booty than necessary.

Ugh the visual is just too much!
To Fantasia's peeps: You people need to learn from Michael Jackson’s death, that there brother is dead man, if the goose dies y’all out of a job cause the goose ain't laying no more golden eggs.
Y'all know what I mean?
And another thing lemme axe you this who's gonna pay for that pimpin Escalade with them 28's, if y'all don't give that girl some breathing room? And take her phat ass out of the damn shower!
Cedar you suck!
Too funny! Where did you get the RIP? No way that was in front of her house?
Thanks for the laughs Cedar, I know you don't wish her dead. And its in pretty poor taste but still way funny.
I feel sorry for the woman who tries to keep your big headed ego satisfied. Poor taste is right - not only are you a pig, but I now see that you are a racist.
That is one nasty photo of Fantasia. I thought it might be photoshopped I just saw the pic of that phat ass on CNN's Nancy Grace OMG she has been eating way too much fried chicken.
Cedar you tell it like it is!
You know what they call it? Digger Rich!
Fataisa, that says it all.
Careful, white boy. You're making a fool of yourself and your racism is much more apparent than you think.
And you're misusing "phat." It's not synonymous with "fat." Google it.
The misuse of phat was intentional. I couldn't bring myself to say juicy.
Of course I'm racist, I'm a white guy born and raised in the south.
On the other hand if Fantasia walked down the street and knocked on my door I would invite her in and see if I couldn't talk her into 45 mins on the treadmill.
God may have given this girl a voice but he sure did short her when he handed iout the brains.
I feel bad that she chose the road she did....false pride and ego run rampant in our country! MANY people who become successful end up the same way or worse!
Hopefully if she survives she will take a cold hard look at her life and re-think some of her bad choices and decisions!
I pray she does wake up to start making wiser & healthier decisions....
TO: Anon 10:10 PM
Racist? Where is Cedar racist in his article? Maybe you are reading something else.... need glasses or just can't read at all!
To Anon 8:34 PM - The word of the day is comprehension.
The sad part about your comment Cedar "of course im racist, im a white boy raised in the south". UHHH What does that supposed to mean? I'm a white boy that was also raised in the South that isn't racist. Your comment is unjustified. you are just stupid. Why waste your time writing about someone that you obviously hate? My guess would be that you don't hate her, your envious. And I'll bet your eating some fried chicken and potatoe bread right now while you are trying to think of your next article. You seem to spend a lot of time researching people that you hate, African Americans. So your racism is probably more a front and a desperate cry for how bad that you wish you were African American. Shame on you! Also, to discuss someone almost dying is the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard of. One day when you realize how ignorant and ridiculous you are you may make the same choice being how sad you are now, and someone will write these same things about you. I have to laugh at how sad you must be inside. My advice, spend your time researching and writing about something positive. It may help you MENTALLY!People like you shouldn't even be allowed to have a log. Disgusting
Oh and to the person who posted under the name ANON, you should feel mighty bad now defending him not being racist right before he admitted to being so.I hope I never run across any of your articles again. Waste of a read.
The sad part about your comment Cedar "of course im racist, im a white boy raised in the south". UHHH What does that supposed to mean? I'm a white boy that was also raised in the South that isn't racist. Your comment is unjustified. you are just stupid. Why waste your time writing about someone that you obviously hate? My guess would be that you don't hate her, your envious. And I'll bet your eating some fried chicken and potatoe bread right now while you are trying to think of your next article. You seem to spend a lot of time researching people that you hate, African Americans. So your racism is probably more a front and a desperate cry for how bad that you wish you were African American. Shame on you! Also, to discuss someone almost dying is the most disgusting thing that I have ever heard of. One day when you realize how ignorant and ridiculous you are you may make the same choice being how sad you are now, and someone will write these same things about you. I have to laugh at how sad you must be inside. My advice, spend your time researching and writing about something positive. It may help you MENTALLY!People like you shouldn't even be allowed to have a log. Disgusting
Oh and to the person who posted under the name ANON, you should feel mighty bad now defending him not being racist right before he admitted to being so.I hope I never run across any of your articles again. Waste of a read.
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