Later today, accused murderer Danielle Holmes mother lashes out at Cedar Posts and offers a warning to all parents. Her email attacking the posting of the above photos offers a look into the world of parents in denial
Angry and heartbreaking at the same time.
Cedar Update:
Waiting on a reply to the email. May or may not post it without confirmation. Blogger or Journalist? Oh the hell with it or check the sources? Hard Choices. Hang in there folks!
Thankfully she's not going to take any blame for creating such a cute little killer.
After all, it was just a Mexican she murdered.
NOT JUST A MEXICAN!!!! What is wrong with you people! He was also a drug dealer and a gang member!!!!
So this is her way of dealing with the illegal immigrant problem in our country. I see the logic, except he wasn't illegal.
Don't worry, I'm sure his fellow gang members are planning for revenge against Bonnie and Clyde's families.
Maybe they should read the news of what's happening south of the borders, and as close as Atlanta.
These gangs are ruthless and stop at nothing for revenge and to make a statement w/ beheadings, torture, mutliation, kidnappings, etc.
Enjoy your days looking over your shoulder at every dark skinned person in the shadows.
The photo at the top was from 2 years ago now she looks way and her face has no life left in it empty. To be 17 and kill someone not with a gun but to touch that person to hold them down while the life drains out and the beg you to stop. To carry out such a planned attack at 17 amazing.
The case has her guilty as charged with vics blood all over clothes and in her hair. Supose her parents wrote her off long ago. So sad
As a blog administrator if you have an email supposedly from the mother then you have no choice but to verify that source first. Should be relatively easy to accomplish.
Hasn't this been brutal enough for everyone ? Is it possible for us to actually push this discussion
towards what we as individuals can
do instead of how f'ed up everyone is ? Is there not some collective wisdom here ?
His name was
Oscar Alvarado Chavez.
i hope you all know that this can happen to anyone, go to a party and their are drugs,
it is your first time doing it
soon you are addicted. she is a good person with a good family but has made a few bad choices.
this girl went to my school and i know her younger sister, she is sooo sweet
If you actually know Danielle Holmes or Jonathan Fitzgerald or Oscar Chavez and are willing to speak about the impact of black tar heroin on their lives, please contact investigative reporter Stuart Watson at swatson@wcnc.com.
This causes two sad days, one family is walking slow and singing sad and the other families horrors have just begun. We as parents need to know what our kids are doing. My statement does not make this little girl's mother a bad parent. We as a society tend to judge others and the bible said judge not lest you be judged. Both sides of the fence were wrong, he was a drug dealer but he was still human, I read she comes from a good family but somehow,somewhere something went wrong to cause her to be seeking out the drug dealer. She is human as well. My heart goes out to both families because in all honesty they have both lossed a love one. Everybody pays their debt one way or the other.
I knew there were crazy people in the world and some of you just prove my point!! Doesn't matter the race or what he was doing, they took a life, what in the hell make them any better then the drug dealer. Her parents should have known what she was doing, she was only 17. Look at the change in her?
I saw the First 48 on them last night. What a sad thing. Please understand that it is not always the parents fault. Drugs take a hold of your life and change it forever. I feel bad for both families. Both sides have lost their children.I am so sorry that you have to read unpleasant posts from people who don't care about other peoples feelings. May God be with you
Have they been sentenced yet ?
Takes a village to raise a child minus the liberal press of course.
for one lets get it straight people the victim was not from Mexico so he is not a dirty little Mexican, He was born and raised in El Salvador! But what am I talking about they are all the same, Drug dealing thugs that come to are country and push that crap to our kids. I believe Danielle did right in sticking that dirty immigrant and saving some other young girl from getting hooked on that crap this guy was peddling!! He's more scum then human and scum needs to be wiped away!!!
fuck all of you. danielle is SUCH a sweet girl, and you don't even know her. this murder wasn't planned, and how about you watch the first 48 episode she's on and see how the boy admitted she had didn't lay a hand on him
I've known Danielle and her mother since she was in grade school. Danielle was a bully then, so it was no surprise to see how she ended up. When parents let their kids run wild as a child, why is everyone so surprised at how they come out in the end? Mother is just as responsible for what her child has done, it's not that something went wrong. Where is personal responsibility these days?
Tuesday 19th July 2011
Danielle been arrested for armed robbery and possesion of drugs. Have not yet heard the full story and so anybody who can add to this please do. This is not a hoax or a prank and I have put the date at the top of this post to vindicate it's reliability once thenews breaks fully.
email: hardypick@googlemail.com
Danielle has just been arrested on armed robbery and drug possesion. These charges are new and unrelated to her pending murder charge. The offences were commited whilst on bail for the murder of the mexican drug dealer/ Once again this is not a hoax or prank.
dude above me. SHUT UP AND GET A LIFE! quit giving her the attention she wants and leave her family the hell alone they have enough problems going on without you sick people stalking there lives i mean really and who ever said they knew danielle and her family in grade school and her mom is just a guilty yeah i bet you KNEW them but how well? danielle's mom had ALOT of health issues that are none of yall's concern like do you not understand the woman was getting and needed medical attention i mean she has the same disease POPE John Paul II had she shake uncontrolably every second of everyday of her life shes very sick i mean her family was there for me through thick and thin esp when my mom got sick with cancer like the are not bad people! even if danielle was a little bossy sometimes alot of kids are she didnt have a stone cold heart how can her family help her when her own family is going through problems seriously all of you need to stop it does not concern any of you who dont know them personally
Just saw the episode. Googled the names to offer a prayer and ran into these racist, degenerate, ignorant above all negative posts. I hope to God we don't have to answer for everything we write because if we do some of you are going a lot of explaining to do! God Bless all the family's involved and wey learn a lesson in the perspective of addict and a dealer. No one wins...
Hi..my name is JILL HOLMES. I AM THE MOTHER OF DANIELLE HOLMES. Thank you Nat for defending me.My story is one that should be told.Time has not been kind to our family.Danielle escaped through drugs.She was always very protective over me. i could not have had a better daughter. BLACK TAR HEROIN turned her into another person.It is a form of insanity.Any addict would know this.She is back to her old self and she is clean. Yes she is in prison but she is safe.We love her and that will never change.Heroin is evil....not my daughter.
All charges were dropped for the armed robbery off of Morrison RD.
Why don't you drop me an email at cedarposts@gmail.com I have someone you should talk to.
Send me a letter regarding what this is about before I e-mail you! I`m sure that you will have no problems getting my address.... Jill
Hi Jill.
I can do that. Was just thinking you could sit down and talk to one of my friends she is a reporter with a local station. She'd like to tell your story. Maybe it would help some other parents and kids. I promise the person I'm thinking of is very kind and understanding.
Just watched the episode on First 48 and right away my heart broke for this poor girl (and her family) who have fallen victim to a terrible addiction. Jill Holmes, if I could hug you right now and make everything better, I would.
To some, you guys should stop judging until you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes. Parenting is difficult to begin with, could you imagine how much more so when you're battling an illness!
this story is why we have to legalize drugs... to stop force adicts into the arms of mexican mafia, for real drug dealers with guns. these poor kids were sick and made a mistake ..yes a mistake should they spend 20+ years in jail when they come out what will they be..should have put them in rehab, and 10 years service to the community talking about the effect of hard drugs. just to name a few..on the same show frist 48 a young male who had already did 5 years for trying to kill someone shoot at a man in a wheel chair at 8pm and grazed his neck....2 hours later the man in the wheel chair was found dead in the street killed by the same man ...so he shoot the man in the wheel chair 2 differant times in one day and only got 5 years ...so this guy is going to be on the streets..drug dealing, killing scum when these 2 kids are in there for 20 years for a druged up mistake ..its BS..so sad ..we as a country have to do somthing about the drugs in our country....the war on drugs isnt working..costs us are youth ... over crowding are jails and prisons, spending tons of money on the war on drugs that we chould use for rehab for addicts like these poor kids...stay strong danelle and josh..your addicts thats all who made a awful mistake
illegals are just that illegal no road to citizenship, no health care, get out of are schools, stop selling drugs to our youth, stop bringing your drugs here... The more I think about it this scum bag drug dealer got what he deserved for getting are kids hooked...I bet all you bleeding hearts would change your mind if it was your kids getting hooked on such a evil drug...to the rest of you illegals I hope you get the point were sick of you messing up our country get the hell back where you came from and if you want to become americans ...go though the proper channels and we will be glad to have you but doing it the wrong way you get no pitty from me criminal scum
I feel terrible for Danielle. Drugs are such a horrible thing. Overcoming addiction is the worst thing a person can go through. It makes a person do things they would have neber imagined doing. I pray for her, Jonathan and their families.
I would love to write her so if anybody knows where I can write her email me. Thanks
Oh boo hoo, smoke that cunt danielle little silver spoon fed fiend. I was hooked on opiates but chose to be sick and withdrawal and get clean rather than murder someone for $200. U ignorant redneck fucks think this young man's life isn't worth more than $200, which is literally a 8 hour high. U scumbags make me ashamed to be white - I know u white by way u talk of a victim and defend these little spoiled, enabled, kids who never got to see real hard work life ,either did the young man they murdered. Difference is he delivered dope, they killed for $200 worth dope and had nerve to nod off fall asleep in interrogation room. They did not care. Any of u stick up for them I want ur phone # I will meet u and knock u out u fuckin weak human excuses. 9ome to boston my irish white ass show u what strong man is. We don't judge people on race or their hustle, but how weak their choices make them. Wanna be dopehead? Work to support ur shit. Don't kill someone for an 8 hour high. If their parents did their job they would have worked even if they caught a habit. Reading these comments I want to blast all u ignorant southern fucks. I have house in myrtle beach and I glad people there have grown intellectually unlike u country ass retards who still eat pig shit intestine chiterlings and pigs feet. Wash ur ass u dirty fucks. Shave ur bush whores. Get a haircut wash ur balls u fag dudes. I knock u out. Double wide fucks. Go get education and real jon. I hate u. Maybe if danielle and fitzy the crying bitches, both who are in PROTECTIVE CUSTODY, knew how it was to sacrifice ur life to make it to america and then fuck up and die, but they had it all, all their parents worked for thwy shit away cuz they spoiled little heartless shits. I would like to get in the ring with fag bot jonathan and beat his face in, and his little richgirlfriend, whose family bonded her out with ALL their assets (and she got arrested for robbery again after 1 year, no excuse her withdrawals over she could have got in recovery and showed judge she trying, and her family who put up $900000 cash!!!!) All u sympathetic idiots shame me to be white as u all are obviously more racist towards latino victims of murder than u aRe critics of little spoiled white kids who kill cuz mommy and daddy won't give them more $ for dope. U all should be ashamed u fuckin pieces of shit. Redneck racists come to new england so us irish people who paved way for u can smack the shit out u.
Who are you? Never once did I mention a racist comment. I love my daughter and will defend her at all cost. You seem to be upset over the fact that I was able to bail her out!! You know nothing about me! My life has not been easy..in fact it would shock the shit out of you to know what me and my daughters have gone through. Money does not buy happiness. I did not grow up with a lot of money but I had riches beyond your believe. I'm sick of all this talk about money. Danielle may have had more than others but that doesn't mean that she couldn't become addicted to drugs. I hate the fact that she chose that path. It breaks my heart. There is no way that I could possibly understand the pain and suffering that the mother of the child who's life was taken.My thoughts and prayers will always be with her and her family. There is no excuse for what happened. YES...there is..HERION. My daughter would never had been in that car had she not been addicted to herion. Still it's not an excuse..but the problem with this is herion and all drugs. Danielle is not the devil...abuse is!!
My comment is directed to the ignorant uneducated fuckhead in Boston who owns a house in Myrtle Beach (yeah right, you fucking clown), and all the other heartless scum on both sides. Who gives a fuck if you got clean? Not everyone can, and no one cares except your mommy. By all the evidence and by the stories of all three perpetrators, this was essentially an accident. No one deserved to die, accident or not, and their addiction caused their desperation. That doesn't make it right (accidental or intentional). This dealer or delivery person, got what sometimes happens when you get involved in the illicit drug trade (as did the perps). If he is an illegal alien, then just the act of being here illegally put him in that position (necessarily). There are no winners here, and no one needs to be a self righteous asshole to prove a point. The point is that drugs are destroying lives, whether it's meth, heroin, alcohol, or prescription drugs. I agree with the person who said drugs should be legalized. Most police including the LEAP organization (google it) agree that it would solve a lot of societal problems. The government has no right to tell me what I can or can't put in my body, or what gun I can own or any other decision I make, as long as I'm not committing a crime (of any kind) against someone else's person or property. We have been for a long time now in the age of tyranny at every government level, where the government is more and more intrusive in our personal affairs and lives; and in the usurpation or removal of our constitutional rights; with thousands of laws on the books subject to interpretation where cops don't even know the laws or your rights; all under the false guise of non-existent foreign terrorism. The real terrorists are in our government and on Wall Street, and in the Corporate greed world, selling out (for a long time) this country for a FIAT dollar, that is becoming more and more worthless. 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Administration and Obama is complicit in the cover up. He should be impeached for treason. How long are we going to simply continue about our daily lives, while our country is destroyed?That is my rant. Peace and Love to you all. -John H.
She is a waste of a nut. The true definition of white trash scum of the earth killed a man who was doin nothing but serving her. Why do you see drug dealers as bad people all they do is provide a service to addicts. What about a liqueur store owner. Did he kill anyone? No. But she did. STOP BLAMING THE DEALER AND BLAME THE JUNKIE. I have no sympathy for her. He did not force her to do drugs. And as a parent how do you not know that your child is a junkie.
To the ignorant person who made that last statement...a dealer supplies an illegal substance. Opiates are the most addictive substance that an addict can get their hands on!!! Educate yourself before you make such a ridiculous accusation! My daughter was not in the car at the time this young adults life was taken. He was supplying the most addictive opiate on the streets. Was it not for black tar herion...this young man would still be alive!! I hate this more than you could ever believe. I blame the black tar herion for this horrific tragedy! Once an addict the drug takes complete and utter control of the person. It turns them into another person. Someone that they don't know. It's god awful. To compare a street drug to a legal substance is totally insane. I have my own opinion on alcohol..the addiction is very similar...however we do know what is in it!
Actually, I believe you are wrong, your daughter was indeed in the car when the man was stabbed to death, she said so herself. She even admitted to cutting his throat "by accident". If you mean she didn't hang around to hear his death gurgles, the blood bubbling up from his punctured lungs, no, you're probably right, but then neither did her gallant boyfriend. By the time he died they were driving away with the 200$ and dope, with which they returned to the hotel to ease their consciences while the El Salvadoran they murdered bled out.
To you above me...I do in deed know! The young mans lungs were not punctured,it was his heart. Danielle did put a knife to his throat and panicked. It was a superficial cut. No blood at all.i hate defending that action...but my daughter did not have a drop of blood on her and only one drop was in the back seat. She was so messed up that she didn't know what happened. When the other one jumped in and started fighting...she freaked out and ran and jumped in the car. So many misconceptions. HERION did this. To all of you out there that claims that I don't know...are wrong! I have the discovery and have read it over and over and over!! Herion can change people!!!! I'm so sorry for what happened..I can't justify it. This has caused nothing but pain and suffering for all involved. We think of this young man who lost his life in a horrific way. We pray for him and his family! Please...was it not for herion..this would not have happened!!
Jill, please tell your story, tell Danielle's story, tell other teens and parents how awful heroin is and how devastating it has been to Danielle and your family.
You can help save others from this drug, the addiction and a life behind bars.
Please email me at cedarposts@gmail.com I promise to put you in touch with caring and understanding people who will tell Danielle's story.
You can indeed turn this tragedy into a positive life saving event.
Hi,when I feel the time is right...I will contact you. I have had to many deaths surrounding me. Family members and very close friends. Focusing on the devastating effects of black tar herion is something that I would like to address! I would like to thank you for commenting. People need to understand just how this drug can alter a persons thought pattern and how it can turn the best of us into another person.
Hey jill, I definitely knew danielle pretty well. And her friend heather also. My name is kris. Danielle and I would talk constantly over the phone and always chat on fb and ive even been to her home. So I know w/o a doubt how great of a person she is, inside and out. I miss her a lot and think of her often and would love to write her sometime. Ive asked heather has she heard anything of danielle but she hasn't for quite some time. Danielle is and always will be in my thoughts and prayers. So please ignore all the BS and ignorance on this site because a lot of it is. If comfortable, please contact me so I can write her. I told her I would.., but it's been real difficult trying to find her. And this is probably my best shot. So if you would please contact me by email. harper.kris@ymail.com. I'd sincerely appreciate it.
Hi Kris..feel free to write danielle. You can call NC correctional prison in Raleigh and get all information. Thank you..your opinion of my daughter..means a lot to me. Your reading a lot of comments from people that are dealing with some type of addiction themselves. Its been hard for me to try and make these people understand! Drugs affect their thoughts in a way that you and even myself can't possible understand. Thank You again..
Fuck all of yall. Danielle and Jonathan are good people. I knew Danielle and Fitz before heroin got big in Harrisburg. She is doing good. I was Locked up with her as well. She's doing things for herself while you sit here and talk shit. Live a little.
No FUCK YOU Dumbass!
Sure they are both "good people" good as dead.
Her tiny ass is where it belongs in a cell where is will rot, like the scum she is and her punk boyfriend, well I'm sure he is happy being some big jungle ape's new love toy.
They are both just this side of hell, which so you know is their next stop.
How naive of you to think Jonathan is someones bitch, I assure you he is not. Danielle is not rotting in a cell either. Prison has a lot of freedom. Danielle works mowing grass, weed eating. YOU HEAR THAT? They trust "murderers" with weapons! WOW! She is doing more in there than most people do out here. So please take your immature judgmental ass elsewhere. Your opinion is irrelevant. Talk about something that you are actually educated about.
All of you White people tripped me the fuck out. It's funny how they only got 20 1/2 years to 27 years for planning out a robbery and carrying it out, and killing person. It doesn't matter that he was selling drugs. There are White drug dealers out there too. You know?It's really screwed up that Blacks and Hispanics get twice to three times as much prison time than whites for the same crimes. There is no justice in this country laws work to favor those of power and prestige. Most of you here are too ignorant to even realize that he wasn't even Mexican. He's from El Salvador. A totally different country. BTW White people make themselves sound really ignorant to us Hispanics when they call someone out of their race or ethnicity, so please you should try to make a point to get it right. You might say "whatever, it's all the same" but some of you would get indignant if someone mistook you from the type of neighborhood you lived in much less something like what country you're from. Most of you here are so uneducated you think the only ones who speak Spanish are Mexican. There are something like 20 countries where the official language is Spanish. Get your heads out of your asses. I mean you're all here defending these two for the sole reason that they are white.They made choices. They made a choice to get hooked on heroin. Then they made a choice to go out and rob and murder someone. Therefore they should live with their choices.
I have reviewed this case a little today since seeing the show today while at the hospital. It caught my attention when I saw it was charlotte bc I've lived here for 18 years now. For all of you that do not live in charlotte or know the effect and reality of the heroin epidemic here in the city, its hard to understand this case completely. I personally understand what this boy and girl were feeling at the time and know the desperations and lengths they were willing to go to get well. This is a evil sickness were talking about! The devils pipe they were at end of! A horrific drug that makes great people do horrific things! The mother has nothing to do with their actions and I can't believe the people on here bashing the parents! You all obviously are not thinking about all the hardships they are enduring! First, these Mexican "Hispanic" drug cartels are ruthless and do not care about our kids health or lives at all! I know first hand bc I knew a few of them personally here in charlotte. Personal phone numbers for dispatchers and all! And for all of you bloggers, you know how close that gets you! I want the parents to know that these guys and sometimes girls that push this tar, target suburban white kids! They do not care if it tears their families apart of ruins jobs. They know what the nature is before they take the job! They know people get desperate and kill and rob for this drug! It's a sad but true situation. I used to be an addict and been cleanalmost 3 years.Even stop smoking! But I know how these kids felt! If it were a heroin overdosewhich happens allllll the time!, all of you would be pointing the finger at the cartel or the police for not getting to them fast enough! No one wins here! That's the sad truth! Don't blame these kids for this evil drug that the cartels will actually set up shop right across from the methadone treatment centers to compete with just for pure greed of money! There already billionaires from this crap! They all know each other! When one dies or goes to the pin, they send another that's next in line! That's just the cold reality of it! I know I'm preaching to the choir but a lot of parents out here don't know the truth and this is it! Charlotte has made its mark in last 5-7 years hitting hard on heroin! Look, I knew this Oscar guy off central, I live a couple blocks down road near east meck. He only met girls bc he didn't want to get robbed, AGAIN!!! He knew what he was up against. He saw how it changed us and our kids. He still decided to sell the devils work even though he knew how bad it was and what it did. And guess what, a friend or relative of his will be right out there on a nearby street doing same thing. You can't totally blame these kids for the crimes that their promoting. I know it was wrong what they did but don't judge the situation until you have lived it or seen it first hand. Much love and respect to both families n friends to both sides! And especially mom n dad! Hang in there! Find god and keep him close. This is serious out here! And its not going to change. You don't have to prove yourselves on here to no one! I know what they went through and I want you guys to please not hold blame against them but on the drug itself the most.
All I can tell you is she was fine white ass. A brother and me had her on the spit 3 hours we poke that girl she took it like a champ hell she couldn't get enough.
Her boyfriend keep calling wanting to know if we was done, little mother fucker he just wanted his shit.
Damn wish she hadn't killed that spic, I damm sure make her my baby's momma.
To all who feel the need to say Mexican or spic but not say the facts that two white trash kids killed someone. I'm sure your views will make you a victom soon enough.
White or Mexican it does not matter...people can be so ridiculous .....the comments you foolish people wrote were racial ....white people rape kill and are thieves ...its people like you that make me feel ashamed of my race...she committed a crime that is forgivable by God ....drugs take control of your body and mind...if the 3 of them were sober I'm sure this horrific crime would havr never occurred...fact is ...it happened and 3 lives as well as 3 families have beem effected...God bless all of them...and I will pray for all of those that commented with complete foolishness..
If in fact that this guy was calling to see if all forms of sex was performed and completed...was this not a form of human trafficking. This girl had not been an addict before meeting this man. This is a big market in Charlotte at this time and era. My understanding is he was an addict and running out of money. How convienant to meet such a young girl with her looks and her family problems. Easily manipulated into herion use. It's so sick!!
Danielle was under age at the time that she was pimped out! Why in the hell would someone buy a child that this man introduced to HEROIN. This is such a tragedy!! Your as sick as the boy that turned her on to heroin. God...you two that did her should be incarcerated too!! She could have been your sister or anyone else that was introduced to this god forsaken drug!!
Heroin did not do this. DANIELLE AND HER BOYFRIEND DID IT! Did the physical form of heroin it's self kill that man? No. They did. High or not, THEY DID IT. And by the way, when you're high on opiates yes your thinking might be radical at times, but you can still process thoughts. They knew damn well what they were doing. I went to school with Danielle. She was always a bully & a spoiled bitch. It would have been nice to see her change for the better. But as I thought, it wasn't likely. I don't give a damn who you are. If you're defending someone who murdered another damn person, you're just as deranged as these 2 are. Over 200 bucks worth of heroin. How pathetic.
Wow... so many years later & this still infuriates me.
I came to this site to see how she was doing in prison, maybe there was word.
The only comment I see is the one above me. Which, that statement is completely true.
Jill Holmes. All I see you typing away & posting are excuses for your life and how "fucked up" it was. And you are making excuses for your murderer or a daughter. You're looking for a pity party for the both of you. No amount of excuses will make me or the majority of people feel bad for you or your daughter. Who gives a fuck how hard your life was/is. News flash.
A LOT of people have it hard. Not just you. My mother was very ill at many different points in her life. I didn't go to drugs. I didn't kill someone. Again, excuses.
You are an intolerable, infuriating woman. I can't believe you are blaming anyone or anything else other than your daughter! Was she mentally ill? No. She was dope sick. Which, by the way, I have seen many people dope sick and the closest they came to "violence" was yell and throw a fit. She had it in her to murder way before the drugs. She knew exactly what she was doing. Say it was the drugs all you want. You're fucking stupid & delusional if that's what you think. I get you love her and all that. I getnit. She is your daughter. But you need to hold her up to the choice she made! She did it her self because she wanted to! She thought she could get away with it AND get high! She has no regard for human life. Neither do you. I feel so bad for your children. They will never know what it is like to have responsibility or know what it is to be accountable. All they have to do is look to mommy and she will bail them out of any situation any time they are up shit creek without a paddle. You. Are. DISGUSTING.
God bless you Jill. You have INFINATELY more courage than any of these COWARDS posting hateful garbage under "anonymous". Addiction IS a disease, & while parents CAN do certain things to help protect their children, there is NOTHING anyone can do to inoculate their children, friends, or family from its evil clutches. And while the Salvadoran stabbing victim certainly didn't deserve to DIE, he KNEW he was profiting from the sickness of white kids that HE HOOKED, & the police who so zealously pursued his "murderers" would have been ELATED to bust this "VICTIM" only hours earlier. How quickly a "PERP" becomes a "VICTIM". God bless you, and I'm infinitely sorry for your loss.
And to all these people talking about how "hard" they had it, and how THEY didn't turn to drugs or crime... Where the F#$k is your humanity.... YOU DON'T KNOW this person's specific circumstances, and EVERYONE'S story is different. DON'T JUDGE... you ARE NOT God! (Newsflash). Jay-Z was born poor and became a millionaire, SO WHAT? Does that mean that because YOU didn't become a millionaire that he has some MORAL SUPERIORITY over you??? No, because some people are lucky and some aren't. Some people do good and some do evil. Siblings raised under the same roof OFTEN go different paths; cop & criminal, lawyer & hobo.... EVERYONE is different & responds differently to life's struggles. Go ahead, on your high horse, until tragedy hits someone YOU KNOW, then you'll feel differently, I guarantee it.
Thank You to the person above. It's amazing how people react to my understanding of how drugs change people. I'm not at all making up excuses for what my daughter was involved in!! Someone would have to be sick to rob a HERION dealer in broad daylight! That alone should tell you how strong Herion is.they didn't rob a store or mug people..they went straight to the source. Unbelievable...it all is. She is where she should be. She is safe and sober now. I may sound bad but I'm so glad that she is not out here now with this new form of herion and how it is overwhelming our city and state. So many lives taken due to overdoses. We as a whole need to do all that we can to educate these kids. I have told Danielle this same thing!! I am so thankful that she is clean now and safe. My heart goes out to anyone going through this and may God have mercy!! Yes I care and prey for the young man who died in their God forsaken crime! To all of you that chooses to blame me...I accept your blame. To the one person that my daughter bullied in school I am also sorry for that!! Had I known..Danielle would have been punished!! I make no excuse for that. Danielle was never a big girl. Had never been in fights. She made great grades and all teachers told me how nice,kind and polite that she was. So I'm so sorry that you two had major problems. I will take the blame for that too. Mothers don't know everything that their children are doing at all times. I'm so sorry!!
That's total bull shit, she's not clean now look at her record. Several infractions for drug use in prison and sells sex to get the drugs! Jill you are an idiot in denial.
Cedar I hope you take the time to post a story about this girls continued drug use in prison and her idiot mother.
I am so sorry that this individual above me Hates us so deeply! Something bad must have happened a long time ago between the two of you. I visit Danielle every week and speak with her councilor when issues arrive. It's hard not to have issues in there! Reading what you had to say..helps me to understand how stories can change the actuality of a situation. You came up with a warped reality of what you read. Charges in there are different and harsher..as they should be. Your not going to like this but Danielle is doing fine. She looks great and has that wonderful laugh and smile back!!.... Your hate and bitterness towards us is so sad. I'm sorry that you feel this way. I do wish nothing but the best for you!!
Glad she is doing good. Recently overcame my addiction to heroin, 5 months clean. Although I would never take it that far, I get it. I really do. Her and her boyfriend we probably sick, amped up and their dealer probably said something they didn't like. Or it was imply a robbery gone wrong. Being sick from dope is the craziest thing. It's not like the flu or the cold like most people think. It is debilitating. And believe it or not, you can hide the addiction if you want to. That's what Danielle probably did with you, Jill. Until it was too late. I am do glad she is clean, I'm glad you are active in her life. Hopefully things continue down this awesome path!
I heard Danielle had a baby...? Was wondering about that too. Don't like to pay attention to rumors.
They are saying he was just a Mexican drug dealer and a gang member. And then they laugh at it. Until they find out it was their daughter or son that got murdered what then
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