Chaplains apparently no longer associated with CMPD are Jack Munday, Pastor Daren McGrew, Pastor Bill Fogarty, Rev. Rollo Leimer, Rev. Hugh Foy, and Kristina Franklin. The Rev. Frances Cook remains involved with the Gang of One program. One of the recently dismissed Chaplains had more than 15 years of service with the department.
Above: Jennifer Shelton the widow of slain Charlotte police officer Jeff Shelton is escorted into Calvary Church by Charlotte police Chaplain Bill Fogarty. Photo Credit Charlotte Observer
The reasons the clergy have left CMPD are unclear. But according to one source a dispute arose when Chief Monroe told the Chaplain Unit to open up volunteer applications to new members, specifically to bring aboard a friend of his, Rev. Floretta Watkins.
Rev. Floretta Watkins
Rev. Watkins was unanimously rejected by the Chaplain Unit after they reviewed her application and conducted an in depth interview, but Chief Monroe told the Chaplains they “would” bring her on.
According to one source: "On paper, she's more than qualified. However, she interviewed horribly for the position. Her role as an activist also concerned the chaplain corps deeply. They felt she would not be serving as a chaplain out of a desire to help the officers, but instead would use it as a platform for her activism. She also could not or would not tell the chaplains what her spiritual beliefs were, when she was specifically asked".
It was also noted that she was unprofessional in her interview as well. Ultimately the chaplains were not comfortable with bringing her on board and rejected her application.
According to several sources Folretta Watkins is a well known lesbian minister and a gay rights activist.
If the facts check out, the chaplains told Chief Monroe that they would resign if forced to accept Watkins, in part because their churches would not permit their association in a professional status with a homosexual minister.
While several of the Chaplains routinely minister to the LGBT community they are bound by certain rules of conduct. To many having an openly gay women in their ranks violated their own congregation’s rules of conduct.
When they tried to discuss this quandary with Chief Monroe he, as one source put it "promptly showed them the door".
In all eleven CMPD Chaplains may have been fired or resigned.
The Chaplains Unit has also reportedly seen a sudden and unexplained reduction in their responsibilities. According to sources, Chief Monroe recently informed the unit that they would no longer be dispatched to suicides, homicides, officer involved shootings, or anything else in which CMPD has typically reached out to Chaplains Unit for service.
However according to the source Chief Monroe would permit the Chaplains Unit to assist with officer funerals, weddings, graduations, invocations, and the like but only if formally asked.
CMPD brass has apparently told officers that the Chaplains Unit is to be replaced by the services of the Mecklenburg Mobile Crisis Team.
Mobile Crisis is a not-profit organization funded through Mecklenburg County taxes to provide counseling services on an as needed basis. The paid staff members are referred to clinicians and do not provide spiritual guidance.
About Mobile Crisis from CMPD:
The Mecklenburg Mobile Crisis Team is available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week, 365 days/year. Mobile Crisis will either respond in-person or over the telephone. If a face-to-face meeting occurs, it may be in a person’s home, office, school, or other close setting as appropriate. Mobile Crisis services are delivered by qualified professional staff, and are delivered by one or more individual clinicians on the team.
According to one CMPD officer, the chaplains have always been a beneficial part of the department, routinely attending roll calls, and always on scene for homicides, suicides and other major events.
The volunteer chaplains have served the City of Charlotte for decades, not just for the officers but for the community they serve as well.
Many officers that Cedar Posts spoke to are upset that CMPD Chaplains will no longer be allowed at officer-involved shootings, and that instead officers will be given a toll-free number to call.
In the opinion of Cedar Posts, the disbanding of the Police Chaplain Unit has been handled much the same way as the Reserve Officer Unit was last year. Down low and dirty.
Cedar Posts contacted several officials at CMPD regarding the Chaplain Unit, none of our emails or phone calls were returned or responded to.
A Chaplain, to remember:
Perhaps the most beloved Chaplain of any department Father Mychal Judge, a Roman Catholic priest of the Franciscan Order of Friars Minor, Chaplain Fire Department of New York, and the first recorded victim of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Rodney Monroe specializes in destroying all the traditions and structure of each organization he is put in charge of.
Cedar why don't you just give it up! You don't have anything nice to say about our Chief ever.
You are a bigot as much as an idiot, Chief Monroe is just cutting expenses and getting rid of dead weight.
I say thank you Rodney Monroe.
Anon 10:25- you must be just as big of an idiot as Monroe.
He is ghetto, uneducated and has absolutely no idea what he is doing. I pray that there is a department left when he finally leaves.
I concur with 10:32; 10:25 is an idiot.. and may I add, "Jackass!"
I'm not a fan of Monroe, but he got this one right. If they refuse to accept a chaplain into their ranks merely because that person is gay, I hope the door doesn't hit them on their way out.
Bigotry shouldn't be tolerated no matter whether it comes from Monroe or his Chaplains.
I understand that it wasn't the forced hiring of RoMo's Black Lesbo daughter of a friend that set the whole thing off. I'm sure they would have have figured a way to work around that.
What really caused all of them to quit is that RoMo was folowing the lead of the Virginia HP and had banned the use of the word "Jesus" and had reduced their roll to nothing.
If you remember when Shelton and Clark were shot there were no less than six chaplains Fogarty was one I remember at CMC that night.
This just proves Monore is a Godless wonder!
Anyone know who the head Chaplain was? Any idea who is still there besides Francis Cook? Just wondering.
Cedar Posts is a trouble maker all he wants to do is bring shame to the department. Ask youself have you heard anything offical? Have you read an email from command? A directive? Of course not this is just more BS from some loser.
Whose pervue does the Mobile Crisis Unit fall under? Is it the city, the county, or CMPD?
And exactly what is the unit that Monroe created for his friend, Ricky Robbins? What do they do?
Is this just another redundancy that we don't need?
And if these good "christian" chaplains don't have it in their heart to get past their bigotry, just where are their christian values?
And if this was just over rodney not getting what he wanted and seeking revenge, well, that is how he rolls. Don't you guys know that by now? How many more examples do you want?
Do you really think if someone outside his "inner circle" had done what Vicki Foster did that they would still have a job? And he may promote her to Deputy Chief?
Where is the difference? Foster is intolerant of anyone who thinks differently, she keeps her job and is promoted.
The Chaplains are intolerant of anyone who thinks differently, and they are "fired"?
Rodney has so screwed up CMPD that no one knows what the hell is going on.....everything is kept on the down low. And it's because rodney doesn't know what the hell he is doing.....he runs this PD like it is his own little "company", once again, as people have said over and over and over. He has no oversight, and as long as that continues, he will continue on his merry way to screw up CMPD and ruin peoples lives.
Monroe is the bigot if this woman wasn't black she would have been given a form letter and that would be that.
The crisis people are nice enough but they are a for profit group who came along with the Open Door mess from Meck County. They are never called because they have hours that conflict with police work. You get a recorded message that says if this is an emergency call 911. To Freakin Funny!
Monroe hasn't made any friends with the "old school" and while his crime numbers are down most are counting the days when his time is up or they hit 55.
Look around you my brothers, how many old guys are left? People with 20 years on the streets and a bunch of hash marks on thier sleeves? Not many.
This is just one more nail in the coffin thanks to RoMo.
Another sign that we are headed towards a Godless society.
Anon 3:32
The apocalypse is upon us!!!
Give me a think this is an indication of a "godless" society?
The things that have been done in the name of "religion".....
Complete and utter BS! You need to check your sources.
To those who think the chaplains left because they are bigots need to think again. This may have not come from an 'official' source, but I heard this directly from one of the chaplains, so I can attest to its truth.
The chaplain that I know said he has nothing against anyone who is openly gay. However...he said that the Bible does not condone homosexuality and for him to work alongside a gay minister, then he would be going against everything he preaches is wrong and that his church would no longer support him. And they have supported him for many years as he spent countless free, volunteer hours out on the street counseling officers and victims. He is not a bigot because he routinely engages in counseling of those in the gay community. The chaplains deciding that they could not work with a gay preacher is no different than if they were told they would have to support someone who worshiped witches or devil worship or scientology. No different, but because it is a gay person, then they are all intolerant hypocrites...
Continuing from above...
Besides, the issue surrounding them being forced to take on a homosexual minister was just the last thing. This all began with them having practically no responsibilities because everything that they had done for so long FOR FREE...was now being done by Mobile Crisis Team. And they are funded by Mecklenburg County taxes.
But I guess all you fingerpointers just wanting to keep throwing stones as anyone Christian because they are standing by their beliefs, I guess you are fine throwing all your money out the window so more CMS schools can close to fund this organization while a handful of men and women had devoted decades of their own time and effort to do it for free. But go ahead guys and gals, you without sin, cast the first stone.
Anon 5:54,
Then I would argue that the Chaplains are hypocrites without a backbone to stand up to the people of their respective "churches".
They "support" gays, but they won't "support" gays? What?
And to compare being homosexual to being a witch or devil worshipers just shows your overall ignorance.
I think it is fine to disagree, some think being gay is ok others think its is wrong. I won't judge you for being gay but don't judge me for thinking is pretty freaking sick.
Anon 6:48
"Pretty freaking sick" IS a judgment, you idiot.
I think being forced to bring aboard an openly gay minister was the last straw, after RoMo took pretty much all the responsibility they had and limited them to nothing, I don't blame them at all.
7:09 is being just a little judgemental. I just don't agree with being a fagot, homo, queer or whatever but I'm not judging anyone do your job, pay your taxes and bills and obey the law..... oh wait humping some guys ass is against the law.
Just saying
We should include everyone. But I think it's time to have the chaplains respond with the support of the FOP at the officer's request. That would be an alternative for the officers and keep the damned department out of it. Then let them try to deny access.
I just asked our capt about the chaplains and got one of those "don't ask me about that" looks.
Cedar I think you have openned another bag of cats.
First of all, as one person pointed out, and I'll like to reiterate, the chaplains provided a FREE VOLUNTEER service to the men and women in blue. They are/were a fine group of people who provided a wonderful service to many officers and their families over the years. Leave it to ROMO and his thugs to screw up another good thing at CMPD.
I have spoken to a former chaplain in person about how this went down. First, a "ringer" was found by ROMO's inner circle. Her name is Floretta Watkins and she is a lesbian minister and an activist. On paper, she's more than qualified. However, she interviewed horribly for the position. Her role as an activist also concerned the chaplain corps deeply. They felt she would not be serving as a chaplain out of a desire to help the officers, but instead would use it as a platform for her activism. She also could not/would not tell the chaplains what her spiritual beliefs were when she was specifically asked. She was unprofessional in her interview as well. The chaplains were not comfortable at all with bringing her on board for the reasons above.
To label these chaplains as bigots is horribly unfair and unfounded. They are fine Christian men and women who simply made a stand for their beliefs and those of their churches, as well as the best interests of CMPD's officers. They have ministered to straight and gay officers, and are well-respected by both. I know one of them personally, and there's never been a finer, more professional, more dedicated individual to serve CMPD's guys and gals: whether they are straight or gay.
Did anyone know that old Ray-Ray took money that had been earmarked for the chaplain program? The money was donated by a major bank and Ray would not allow them to use it for ballistic vests (since they USED TO go out on dangerous scenes with officers)or training. He scooped it up and used it for some other "useful" purpose: maybe frisbee football, shrink-wrapping cars, redecorating offices, or white shirts for command staff. Who knows?
Bottom line is the Kool-Aid drinking command staff have done their best to besmirch the reputations of some wonderful, compassionate servants. Who else was a casualty of this debacle? The men and women of CMPD who trusted these chaplains with their innermost secrets and knew they were always there for them. There's no telling how many marriages were saved and how many suicides were prevented because these officers had a solid, trusting relationship with a volunteer chaplain.
To the "leaders" at CMPD (especially those who espouse to be Christians) who played any part of this travesty: Judgment Day is coming and you will be held accountable.
First of all, as one person pointed out, and I'll like to reiterate, the chaplains provided a FREE VOLUNTEER service to the men and women in blue. They are/were a fine group of people who provided a wonderful service to many officers and their families over the years. Leave it to ROMO and his thugs to screw up another good thing at CMPD.
I have spoken to a former chaplain in person about how this went down. First, a "ringer" was found by ROMO's inner circle. Her name is Floretta Watkins and she is a lesbian minister and an activist. On paper, she's more than qualified. However, she interviewed horribly for the position. Her role as an activist also concerned the chaplain corps deeply. They felt she would not be serving as a chaplain out of a desire to help the officers, but instead would use it as a platform for her activism. She also could not/would not tell the chaplains what her spiritual beliefs were when she was specifically asked. She was unprofessional in her interview as well. The chaplains were not comfortable at all with bringing her on board for the reasons above.
If you want to be gay, long as you guys are not recruiting I could care less.
As Clergy, you have to point out the fact that Queering is morally wrong and point the way to God, not to the Pickle Park.
Now, for the intolerant Homos...It is the same as a police officer telling some one not to steal and then taking bills out of their of wallet for the "Retirement Fund." Or swapping BJ's for not arresting.
Yes, I do judge a book by its cover. I do tolerate Homos. And I hate everyone (no descrimination).
I hate to see the Chaplains go. They seemed to care about us and gave us a break of sanity when they rode along.
Cedar thanks for posting the photo of Father Mychal Judge, in doing so I think you added the sense of respect the CMPD Chaplains felt they have lost and for you to associate the two, Father Mychal and the CMPD Chaplains is a awesome thing. Kudos
Anon 7:38
It honestly is hard to believe that ignorant people like you, totally unsophisticated, pedestrian thinking people like you are still out there....time traveler from another century.
I'll bet you don't let your wife vote!
Nothing worse than a black lesbian with an agenda. Why would anyone take a women so filled with hate and anger seriously for a job that requires the ultimate in compassion.
Honestly would you ask Whoopi Goldberg to be by your side as you walk behind your police officer husband's flag draped casket?
To those saying Cedar is lying about the Chaplain Unit basically being gone. You are wrong. Heard it from one of the Chaplain's mouth myself. He was very direct about what had occurred and explained that the real losers in this whole situation were the officers of CMPD.
I think Cedar is pretty much dead on 99% of the time. I've noticed that when he does get it wrong he's quick to correct.
The trouble is most of us are afraid to speak up. We just keep our heads down and go about our jobs. It's not like the FOP is any help.
Point of clarification: The Chaplains resigned because the Executive Staff demanded that the Chaplaincy program lower its standards for chaplains. Period. They had always insisted upon high standards for all chaplains and refused to take pedophiles, wife beaters, drunks, etc. The Chaplains balked at being forced to take someone who interviewed poorly, would not clearly state her religious beliefs, would not give clear answers to questions, and had a reputation as a militant activist. The chaplains did not know whether she was gay or not; they never asked her. They strictly followed the SOP of the department in unanimously rejecting her. The leader of the chaplains was immediately ousted, 10 others followed him out the door. The department thus loses thousands of hours per year of FREE services from professional, trained, qualified, seasoned clergy who had proven their worth over and over, especially through some of the toughest of times in the department.
Thanks to all those chaplains -for a job well done.
TO: November 4, 2010 1:01 PM
Rodney Monroe is the one who has brought nothing but shame to CMPD and he should be FIRED!
He is an uneducated idiot and is as prejudice as one person can be against ONE race and ONE race only! I can't wit for the claims to start falling and there will be some!
Monroe has totally ruined the dept and WAY too many GREAT long term officers, of ALL races, have left BECAUSE of Monroe!
Monroe treats people as if he owns them! HE DOESN'T!
Monroe is the MAIN reason Barnes didn't get the DA position! WHO wants a DA that thinks like he does? NOT ME!
Cedar Tara of WBT has picked up on this story. Lesbian Brawl lol hope you're listening.
Cedar CMPD is saying FOX got it wrong, that only a handful quit and no one was fired. As if having a 10 or 20 percent turnover is a good thing.
What a shame for the officers of our city.
Thank God FOX 18 has brought this to light.
And once again, the Disturber and the rest of the media do nothing. They have become shadows of their former selves.
Might as well Stop The Press... they sure don't do news.
Vicki Foster, on a video for her proposed "reality show", said that if people she was protecting did not share her "christian" views, that she would have to think about whether she would protect them or is on tape.
She is a Major with CMPD and one of Rodney's inner circle, someone he is thinking of promoting to Deputy Chief.
And he puts out the bullshit that he is "trying to be inclusive"???
But he did not even reprimand Vicki Foster for her statements that she would not protect "non" christians that did not hold HER beliefs? So he agrees with Foster, and therefore is excluding "non" christians?
Yea, as long as you are African American, he will "include" you.
That is the only thing that is a "given" with him and understood by all!
He clearly doesn't know what the hell he is doing....he changes his "beliefs" like most people change their briefs.
When is the public, and the media, going to catch on to him and expose him for the corrupt, unethical, bigoted person he is?
No one respects him, and this latest
travesty is just another of his huge
He really is trashing CMPD.
Reggie Lloyd at SLED is worse...
The CMPD Chaplains vote not to accept Watkins because she was an angry person who just happens to be black and a full blow out in the open and proud of it DIKE!
She is pissed off at while people and it total ghetto which is why RoMo wanted her in his club.
you can bet that if I, or another serving officer, are involved in a situation where we feel the need for spiritual counsel, we will not hesitate to request Rev Darren Mcgrew or a similar person to attend to our needs in time of turmoil! Monroe and the rest can go sit on their hats! I will call whomever I feel qualified, NOT whom the dept tells me I have to. The ones I have had the honor and pleasure to meet would never fail to answer the call of an officer in need. Freedom of religion is guaranteed by our Constitution...and I WILL exercise that right, politics be damned.
Do these Protestant chaplains serve with Catholic chaplains? Because both of these groups view the other as evil and going to hell. What's the difference between that and serving with a gay person? If you are a Baptist and say you can't serve with a gay person, you also, bt the same theology, serve with a Catholic, or Jewish chaplain.
The Bible also says disobedient children should be stoned and adulterers should be stoned, and that (according to Jesus himself) divorced people who re-marry are adulterers. Why don't Christians follow the WHOLE Bible instead of picking and choosing what they want? They ignore the ENTIRE BOOK of Leviticus except for a few verses that support what they choose to believe. The rest they ignore or argue away.
Anon 5:20,
The chaplains were from over 10 denominations and included both Protestant and Catholic clergy. They worked quite well together. Call the priest and ask him, or call the female chaplain and ask her. Or the Latino, Asian, or African Americans. They'll all tell you the same thing: there was no discrimination, not ever, and they did a superb job of working together, ministering to the CMPD. Ask any gay or straight officer and they'll tell you the same thing: no discrimination against a single person based on gender or sexual orientation. Likewise, no gay or straight applicant was EVER turned down based upon sexual orientation.
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