Monday, January 3, 2011

Andy Dulin Represents Mayor Foxx at Office Depot Grand Opening

Photos of Andy Dulin at an Office Depot Grand Opening back in November showed up in Cedar Posts in box this weekend. Nothing unusual about that, Dulin widely considered Charlotte City Council's court jester makes a habit of showing up just about everywhere.

What's odd is the staggering amount of the charitable contribution Andy Dulin representing Mayor Anthony Foxx was on hand to support.

Yes that's right a big check for $100.00 was presented to A Child's Place of Charlotte, Inc. and Andy Dulin was on hand for this major event!

Just another day in the life of Andy Dulin your elected official......

A copy of the press release announcing Mr. Dulin's attendance is here.


Anonymous said...

Wow! The check probably cost $20 to print. Big Spenders...

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable...all the money Office Depot makes and that is all they could afford AND they make a big deal out of it? WOW

Anonymous said...

Andy Dulin would go to the opening of a letter...anything to get his silly looking mugg in the paper.

Let's face it, we do have a bunch of clowns on CC, with no qualifications other than a love for media attention and big, obnoxious egos and mouths....but nowadays I think that IS the definition of a "politician".

Sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Hey. At least Andy shows up--unlike our nothing Mayor. Get off Andy's back--and he is a lot smarter than you want to admit!

Anonymous said...

Andy Dulin is a pretentious jackass with an uber inflated ego and a misconception of his own "effectiveness".

He is a very little fish in a murky, stagnated pond.

And no, I think he is about as smart as he presents himself to be over and over and over again....which is NOT VERY.