For more than two decades these Bradford Pears have graced the edge of Carmel Road in front of Charlotte Country Day School's athletic fields, just south of Fairview Road.
On Wednesday crews hired by Duke Energy began "trimming" the trees.
Cedar Posts talked with a Asplundh supervisor on site who said "we know people are going to be upset, but we just do what we are told".

The trees were planted by the school around 1983 and were at the time far from the power lines. But a City of Charlotte side walk and street widening project in the 90's re-located the power lines.
Apparently the trees are within the utilities right of way and they can "trim" them if they like.

I expect that Charlotte Country Day School will ask that the trees be removed and while the trees belong to CCDS they really belonged to all of us who travel Carmel Road and live in our city.
Now that shows you the intelligence of the idiots we have around charlotte. Just cut the damn things down...
It looks like some Kindergartners 'trimmed' those trees!! WOW--that's bad.
I hope someone sues Duke Energy, at the least makes them remove the trees completly. Just way stooopid.
THAT is trimming? Damn hate to see what they call cutting down!
Another sign that our fine city council members are on the job. Where is Peacock?, Dulin?, Cooksey?
You jerks are a bunch of stiff shirts who talk a big game but when it comes to calling Duke Energy out for not giving a damn out our lives where are you?
Like Cedar said a few weeks ago, just a bunch of Potted plants.
As I understand it Duke Energy has an overhear right-a-way along Carmel Road. It is the width of the overhead lines plus 15 feet.
Ugly ass stupid that this was allowed to happen and I'd say that is more than $10,000.00 a tree loss.
I bet those were beautiful trees at one time!!!!!!!!! I guess if it was up to Duke Power, no one would have trees!!!!!! I'm going through the same thing right now. Trees we planted quite a few years ago are now supposedly in the right of way!!!!!! Now they want to pick and choose which ones they want to go!!!!! If it's up to me none of them. We planted them when a dear friend passed. We told the tree company they hired to do the dirty deed to no avail!!!!! Do I need to tie myself to the trees to get my point across!!! These huge companies think they can just walk over the little guy!!!! And the tree companies are their bitch!!!!!
Well we lost some trees the other day. They were going to scalp them as the tree company that Duke Power hired said. They would have died so we told them to cut them down!!!!! But more will go in place of them. I hope I'll be around in 20 years. That's how long it took these trees to get to the height they were. So those of you who are fighting to keep trees around keep on fighting. Let them know what you truly think!!!! The next time they want to try to cut them down there will be a war of words. And if they succeed on taking the trees down, there will be more trees to replace them!!!!!!! lines.
I feel for you and those beautiful trees! They came out to my property after a freeze caused a transformer to blow up. I had no problem with them cutting the unwantd trees away from the line, but not only did they leave me the mess to clean up...they also deliberately cut down some cactus that were on my property in the area where they were working. They had no right what so ever to do this AND no Reason! I called Action 9 and sent photos but due to my work schedule, was unable to meet with anyone, but I assure you, if anything like this happens again I WILL do something about it! I depise Duke Energy! Some day they will be put in their place!
Duke Energy get's away with TOO MUCH! They think just because they supply our power that we need, they can do anything they want and get by with it! Something needs to be done!
I worked for Asplundh for ten years and can assure you who ever they sent out to trim those trees didn't know what they were doing! They do have to get there clearance but there's ways of doing it without getting into that big of wood! And plus I see plenty of incorrect cuts and rips. By the way I'm far from your area and have never worked for duke. But just wanted to let you know this guy had no pride in his job and not to judge all of Asplundh by this guys careless attitude!
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