Saturday, June 25, 2011

CMPD Officers Dealing With Video Idiots

Cedar Posts does not condone the actions of the person or persons shooting the video in any of these shorts. While Cedar Posts empathizes with the CMPD Officers who have to deal with all the crazies pointing video cameras in their direction, there are wrong ways and right ways to deal with the fools.


First up the wrong way number one. Trying to grab the guy's camera and pushing him around will not earn you any points:

Next wrong way number two:

Though I'd probably let her put the cuffs on me any day, since I'm a sucker for ponytails. But again is this the Charlotte we want showing up on CNN?

Finally the same 4Vision guy (Cito Scott) uptown again, and running his mouth with all kind of nonsense but CMPD Officer Holmes does it up right.

So your turn. Who is right and who is wrong? Sound off speak up.


Anonymous said...

Cedar if you want to hook up with a woman who chews gum like that I am really going to start questioning your taste in women.

Holmes has it right turning the tables on the 4Vision idiots.

KellyO said...

Great stuff Cedar, once again! Here is my humble opinion. #1- Mr. Officer did not act professional by yelling but the guy filming was WAY TOO close to that accident scene & kinda deserved it! #2- I though she did great & threatened arrest for actual reasons once needed. Personally, if I were acting like those guys, I would expect to be in the paddy wagon. #3- Awesome! Officer Holmes rocks... way to give it right back in a very professional manner.

Hindsight is 20/20. Looking back, I should have switched my digital camera to video mode and gone to town! Damn me, for getting so shaken up by threat of arrest and not thinking straight! Darn in!

Anonymous said...

In the first two cases the officers are in direct violation of department directives. In both the officer is seen touching, pushing, shoving,grabing the videographer.

The only time you put your hands on someone is if you are going to arrest them.

Office Holmes is borderline. While his actions are reasonable they are far from department guidlines.

IA would recommend inactive suspensions of 16 hours and their files would be noted as such.

Billy Fehr said...

Holy Shit, and that's not the F-bomb. All I am saying is good work, color makes no difference, anger is anger, I personally know how easy it is to wind up in cuffs to be not guilty at all, the female girl cop with a real voice was familiar to me as well as always nice, James Ball self immolated himself on the entrance to Cheshire County's courthouse in Keene New Hampshire less than three weeks ago, al Qaeda hit an Amtrak passenger train in Nevada toonday, and so on...

Anonymous said...

My two cents. First Crime in Charlotte. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish, other than highlighting all of the black men arrested in this county. You say you work your ass off, well I’ve seen you and you have a lot more work to do.

Now Cedar Posts. I like your blog. Not always police related, which is good a mix. As for Rodney Monroe, if he tweeted a photo of his genitals to all of city council, county commission and the general assembly, there would be a line a mile long waiting to perform feliatio on him. It does not matter what he has lied about, or officers do, he is untouchable.

Anonymous said...

Nice 10:59 PM, attack someone for their body appearance? Classy!

KellyO said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I thnk those black 5.0 treat that blogger bad cuz they didnt like her site. duh

Anonymous said...

I don't find anything respectful in the actions of any of these officers. Holmes is just a little more creative, but in each case its a white officer talking down to a black guy with a video camera.

If this is how they treat brothers when the camera is on just think how they act without and record light flashing.

Anonymous said...

Chris Rock got it right!

Anonymous said...

To: ANON June 26, 2011 5:40 AM

Well, at least one black person has it right! But let a white person say the same thing and they are racist...

Great video....

Anonymous said...

To ALL Press:

To be honest if the 4Vision photog got in my face with his foul mouth, he would be lucky to have his teeth and I am not a cop.

He makes the rest of us look foul and stupid. It is sad but not all act like this.

I think there has to be some accountability as to how you handle yourself in the press. This scum is nothing more a fool out provoking the police. He is most definitely attempting to start a war between blacks and police. His agenda is quite obvious.

Rest assured not all blacks condone his antics or rhetoric, he does not represent us at all. Let's hope someone stops him or at least gives him lessons in etiquette.

Anonymous said...

4Vision - Well who knows what his deal is all about. His channel has a lot of stupid rap some which is entertaining he has some talent for that sort of thing. Most of what has CMPD is just BS, but you would think CMPD knows who he is and would get over it.

He makes hanging up uptoon look cool. He should be recruited to work for the DNC!

Cops LOL! They are all way too uptight. They need some training, yell at people to keep moving is nuts. Did you see that bitch cop get all upitty?

The nigga was in cuffs when 4Vison says "arresting him for no good reason" which sets the bitch cop off! She's all dike ass acting and all the while the other cops are uncuffing him.

Did you see how many people have out their cells? Taking pictures and shit?

In the first one the Fire Department and EMT's are all taking pictures.

No cop wants his photo taken what is up with that? Its not against the law and they need to get OVER IT!

Anonymous said...

I have to say the guy coming up to the accident scene would have gotten one warning. Move on or go to jail for interfering with an accident scene.

I agree that if you need to push the camera out of the way, then you need to take them to jail.

And anon 9:27pm how are Officer Holmes actions borderline? And why would you say he should get 16 hours inactive suspension?

It's amazing how quickly thugs leave when you start filming them or taking their picture. You want to break up a large crowd that was just fighting but isn't when the police get there, start taking pictures of everyone. They'll scatter in a heartbeat.

Anonymous said...

Tufano hasn't commented on the statements CMPD made that our Police department doesn't follow the FIRST AMENDMENT or OTHER RULES here in Charlotte, right? If you can get a comment, be sure to get one about violating the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. Then there’s the FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT which requires due process for all citizens. Of course, there are the CMPD Directives. Then there’s proper hiring, retention, supervision… They didn’t get the message with all the lawsuits that have been filed already. The City has done their best to keep them as quiet as possible. Most ‘Local Media Outlets’ have assisted. If that were not true, they would be covering this story already. Let’s see if they press for answers and open records.

Anonymous said...

Correction: meant to say FOURTH Amendment protects search and seizure...

Anonymous said...

Holmes was just making a point, by being a wise ass. The trouble with his actions while mild is that it goes against department directives under un-becoming an officer. The mouthy gum chewer and the first cop get the hook. Holmes gets the "don't ever let me see you do that again" followed by "by the way that was damn funny"

Anonymous said...

Holmes was just making a point, by being a wise ass. The trouble with his actions while mild is that it goes against department directives under un-becoming an officer. The mouthy gum chewer and the first cop get the hook. Holmes gets the "don't ever let me see you do that again" followed by "by the way that was damn funny"

Anonymous said...

White Cops dealing with black folks whatcha expect? Nice?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the parents of the young man shot dead at Speedstreet wish the Police had the authority and backing of the community to effectively prevent this kind of activity? When was it said that "phukin" with the Police was a constitutionally protected right?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure where Officer Holmes wold be considered "conduct unbecomming" unless you are super uptight. He was friendly and pofessional in his demeanor. He found a creative non aggressive way to make a point. And mr 4vision was even respectful to Holmes' face. Of course the coward had a lot to say behid his back. Typical! Everyone can ty to make this a black vs white issue...truth is it's a turd vs decent person issue. You don't see all the black bankers and lawyers working uptown out creating havock. The race card is just an excuse.

Anonymous said...

Cedar; my friend. Why do you keep giving these rejects publicity. Any true journalist is one thing, but 4vision ad others just like the attention and you are giving it ot them. They are like attention starved children. They don't care if it is negative or positive attention, they just want some.