Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CMPD Reports Drop In Crime Again!

Are you surprised? Well you shouldn't be, Chief Monroe always reports that crime is down. Even when they are forced to report a certain crime has increased they have a handy bag of excuses and add the "over all" crime is down.

But City News Watch takes issue with CMPD's claim of victory over the issue of prostitution along The Plaza corridor.

What City News Watch discovered is that CMPD's own numbers don't true up. On one hand the numbers don't support the claim that there was a big problem with hookers in the area of 36th and The Plaza. While citizens report calling 911daily to report prostitutes wandering the street, the calls for service report doesn't match up. In fact the reports show there were only a few calls regarding prostitutes. So if there were no reports aka calls for service, then why the major effort to "crack down" an non-existent problem of hookers working the area.

CMPD Command Staff seem to be as my grandmother used to say "talking out of both sides of their mouths".

City News Watch has all the numbers here.


Anonymous said...

Why of course they are. And who made this possible? The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him) willed it to happen. By the sheer brute force of his personality crime is down. Was it the third shift officer twiddling his thumbs while sitting at the street corner? No. The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him) terrified the criminals into retreating to parts unknown.

So believe it, believe IT. Just know that crime is down because HE said so. It’s not like this town of lemmings is going to check the numbers anyway. All hail The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him)!! Bow and be humble before him.

Anonymous said...

Why of course they are. And who made this possible? The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him) willed it to happen. By the sheer brute force of his personality crime is down. Was it the third shift officer twiddling his thumbs while sitting at the street corner? No. The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him) terrified the criminals into retreating to parts unknown.

So believe it, believe IT. Just know that crime is down because HE said so. It’s not like this town of lemmings is going to check the numbers anyway. All hail The Apostle Rodney Monroe (peace and blessings be upon him)!! Bow and be humble before him.

Anonymous said...

I moved from 34th Street in 2003. The police used to have prostitute round ups all the time that they would report at the crime watch meetings. Looks like not much has changed.

Anonymous said...

it's hard on a pio when the i gets out, huh?

Anonymous said...'s all just a numbers try to increase that "perception" of safety thing.
Those numbers are so totally meaningless.
And if you ask the "people in the community" that Rodney is trying to convince people he is so concerned about, they don't feel so "safe".
This new PR surge is the ONLY thing transparent at CMPD.
And don't ALL the members of Command Staff realize the longer they allow all of this crap to continue unabated, they are losing their own credibility, and integrity?
What is wrong with these people??

Anonymous said...

"It's really anti-democratic to think the department can ladle out the information it wants to in dribs and drabs,"

"And their contempt for the press and the City Council has, if anything, increased over the years."

The above quote is not about Charlotte, it is about the NYPD.

Do we want Charlotte to become New York? Is that were all of this is heading?