The re-release of Nike's Jordan XI Concord basketball shoe in Charlotte may have caught CMPD by surprise. Around 5:30 this morning calls for additional officers to respond to SouthPark Mall started coming then a few minutes later the radio exploded with traffic.
Pineville Police and CMPD also responded in force to Carolina Place Mall.
One report has no less than 30 CMPD Cruisers at SouthPark and another report stated that more than 2 dozen CMPD and Pineville Police Officers were now at Carolina Place.
Carolina Place Mall manager tells WBTV Camera crew to leave the property denying that riots were occurring. "There were no incidents, I don't know about any fights."
Carolina Place Mall manager later tells reporters: "Overall, I think it was a successful event."
While Carolina Place tried to keep order SouthPark Mall had CMPD Officer clear the mall. At 6:30 those who had waited in line found themselves outside facing tresspassing charges if they failed to leave the property. No word on any arrests as of yet.
More from WBTV is here.
Rumors that the Bobcats store at Time Warner arena had 500 pairs of the shoes causes a crowd to swell in uptown Charlotte.
The Charlotte Observer reported:
Shortly after 11 a.m., a Bobcats representative with a megaphone addressed the crowd.
"No one ever got 500 pairs of shoes, anywhere...You guys are making it unsafe," he said. "We have people pushing, and small kids."
The store was sold out of shoes; season ticket holders had been allowed to shop first, and had snatched up all the pairs. But the Bobcats did offer a pair of tickets to next Friday's game against the Orlando Magic and a t-shirt to anyone waiting in line.
Some in the crowd yelled that they didn't want tickets, they wanted shoes, and stayed put.
CMPD Major John Diggs addressed the crowd a half-dozen more times with a megaphone. "Just so you're clear, there are no more available at this location...The store is not opening...there are no shoes left for purchasing," he said.
More details from the Charlotte Observer here.
Who was the target market for the shoes?
It happened up at Northlake too. Just imagine what would happen if people actually needed something and not just shoes.
This is what these people do. CMPD, Pineville and The Mall managers are clueless and should be fired.
If they knew that Foot Locker was going to open up at 6AM to sell Air Jordans the Friday before Christmas they should have expected a hugh African turn out and riots.
These people just don't know any better. They are stupid animals and should be treated as such, they really don't understand any other way.
Anon 1:39
And there it is...
Before we go pinning this on the black community, let's not forget all those chunky white women trampling each other for Beany Babies 10 years ago.
Ra-tards have no color barrier.
You have to be an idiot to spend $180 on a pair of shoes..no matter what color you are.....you are an idiot
saw it with my own eyes. no white people. all animals. pathetic. here is your future america!! people who happily take the free handout and gladly spend free money on stupid shoes.
Negros or whatever you want to call them, and they were all Negros, are a prime example as to why this race is still in the dark ages.
If I were a Black person living in Charlotte I'm be pissed that these people are acting like the sterotypical apes white people portray them as.
This is how the white world see black America, what a joke.
Yes I know not all black people act like this, just the ones we see on TV.
I know many are not going to like this...but if they do finally show any pics, please NOTE the race of the crowd. I did not see ONE white person acting like animals over a pair of stupid shoes! I'll let you guess what race does this.....
Great the same Ghetto Rats and Thugs that have killed the idea of family nite at Charlotte Bobcats Basketball games are again given free tickets.
No thanks Mr. Jordan I'll spend my family's money elsewhere and avoid the scum you cater to.
I hope you cash in big on the shoes because I doubt you will make a dime on the Bobcats given the limited number of people your operation has attracked.
All the advances that have been made by/for African-Americans over the years is continually being eroded with the behavior of these younger ones. We are going backwards in time and racism is on the increase, but it is a racism that stems from those young African-Americans towards caucasions and anyone better off then themselves.
I, among many, are tired of their attitudes and demeanor. I find myself thinking and saying things I haven't said in years. I feel bad when I think and say these things to myself... for now.
Just because you think this post is anonymous, it's not. Remember, someday-the racist words you spill on this site will be released. You will then spend time to defend your statements saying you didn't make them. But they are watching and they know who you are. We will see you who you are in 2012.
TO: Anon December 24, 2011 11:36 AM
I notice you didn't post YOUR name? Rodney, Foxx, Obama or Alinksy (oh wait he's dead) which one of you is it? roflmao....
Look there is a LOT of racism and it goes BOTH ways! I am sure You don't believe it, but it does.
I kinds feel sick to my stomach some days that I believed so hard and so much that we could all live in peace and harmony in the 60's & 70's... of course I didn't expect the "entitled mob mentality" either.... and yes, all races exhibit it, but one more so than others....
I have heard that Medlock is going bullshit, once again, tantrums, screaming, berating, just generally tormenting the people working under him making everyone crazy. He does not seem to be suited for this type of high stress job, the way I hear it, he just desn't have a handle on the job, the troops, or his considerable temper.
And this is the person 'Ole Rodney has put "in charge", really?
You know the old saying, fools rush in......
And 30 cops responding after the fact to Southpark? They really did not get advance notice?
Can you say DNC, a disaster just waiting to happen?
It's a shame a majority of black folks act like this. They are content to be lazy and live in filth, but yet they want $200.00 shoes and $5000.00 rims. I just don't get those "people". They have more opportunities to gain success than any race in America yet a majority of them are still feral.
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