Seems like a logical outcome to me. On the other hand he should have walked away and asked the Matthews boyz to take good care of the perp.
Just saying.
Let me know if you think I should dig into this incident further.
Peace Out!
Update December 9 8:34 PM
Well ugh this is not good. Seems Jones has at least 3 prior suspensions, including one last year for 240 hours active.

Officer Jones
Jones claims that the guy who ran into his mother's car was drunk and fell hitting his head.
However the mug shot of McVicker the DWI suspect shows he fell, alot. Maybe five or six times.

The Charlotte Observer worked up the details below:
A Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officer was arrested Friday and charged with assaulting the man accused of hitting his mother's vehicle during a wreck this week in Matthews.
Officer David Estele Jones III, 37, turned himself in to authorities Friday afternoon, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg police.
Jones is accused of assaulting Richard Samuel McVicker, 38, who was charged with driving while impaired in connection with the wreck and remained in Mecklenburg jail Friday.
The crash happened around 5:30 p.m. Wednesday on Sardis Road near N.C. 51.
Jones' 63-year-old mother had stopped at a red light when a vehicle driven by McVicker collided with her, according to a Matthews police report. Police described the wreck as a low-speed rear-end collision with no injuries.
At some point, the woman called her son, police said, and when Jones arrived, he got into an altercation with McVicker. McVicker suffered facial injuries in the dispute.
Jones' attorney, George Laughrun, said the officer was rushing to aid his mother, who had called him for help.
Laughrun said Jones' mother somehow got McVicker's keys to keep him from leaving the scene. Then, McVicker began beating on her car window, trying to get the keys back, Laughrun said, and the woman called her son, who lives nearby.
When he arrived, Jones pushed McVicker away from his mother's vehicle and McVicker fell and hit his head, according to Laughrun.
McVicker was treated at an area hospital. Police said they took breath samples from him and had blood drawn to determine his blood alcohol content. The results of those tests weren't immediately available Friday.
Police took McVicker to Mecklenburg jail Thursday after he was discharged from the hospital.
A mug shot of McVicker shows him with an apparent cut on his nose, two black eyes, including one that appears swollen shut, and wearing a bandage around his head.
Records show McVicker, of Charlotte, was charged last year with assault with a deadly weapon, but the charges were later dismissed.
Jones, who police said was off duty and not in uniform during the incident, faces a charge of assault inflicting serious injury - a misdemeanor. Laughrun said his client plans to plead not guilty to the charge.
Jones has worked with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department since September 2000 and is assigned to the department's South Division. He is currently on paid administrative leave pending investigations, police said.
Matthews police are conducting the criminal investigation while CMPD's Internal Affairs Division performs an internal investigation.
He's been in trouble before....surprised?
Every drunk that gets in a wreck should be punched
Poor drunk driver. They get such a bad name. And we all the know the system will make him from doing it again.
December 9, 2011 6:34 PM
Just curious, you're not behind a wheel right now are you...LOL. Hope not from what you just wrote. Don't you just hate typos that you can't correct! I do it all the time, so I just had to pick on you....roflmao!
Jones is a good person and a good police officer. No idea what took place but Jones is the type of cop you want to show up when you call 911.
I find this so freaking funny. How many CMPD officers can be arrested with in a week on various charges?
What's funny is all the critical perfect little angels on here who are so eager to voice their ignorant opinions upon any officer. Id love to level the playing field and open the door to your closet for all to see. But that wont happen and you will continue to hide behind typed words on a computer screen. As for me, ill be on the streets attempting to making a difference while you will well let's face it, do no more than type.
Anon 9:10
And if I were you, I would get the real facts before I defended someone.
There are MANY honest, decent cops at cmpd.
Unfortunately, since rodney came, the ethical lines have blurred beyond recognition...and many have fallen prey to his many manipulative ways.
Looks like Jones should have acted in a different manner. I expect he'll resign. He knows what he did was wrong and while it might be thumbs up from me the law doesn't see it that way.
Off Duty inside Matthews City Limits has was out of line for poundin the daylights out of McVicker.
Oh the low life had it coming, but that wasn't the time or the place.
If I were to pound McVicker into the pavement, that would be the end of it.
But an "Officer" has a higher standard to follow.
Clean out your locker dude, hand over your weapon, we'll let you keep your badge.
ok, your mom's been in a rear end wreck,somehow obtains the other driver's keys to keep him from driving off,calls 911 for police. The other driver is scaring her,trying to get his keys back,so she calls you,her son, who is nearby. When you arrive,the drunk driver continues, and you put him in his place.........what's wrong with this? I think he'd think twice before showing his butt this way in the future......much more justice than the courts will give this lady. He just picked the wrong one to try to bully today.
Interesting how of the several Police officers arrested over the last several weeks, the observer only published the arrest photo of the white officer.
Honestly, I detest drunk driving, and think we are nowhere near hard enough on drunk drivers......but did you see the guys face on the news?
Seriously? He did that falling down?
Please that the individual fell down five or six times on the ground. He fell five or six times against the officers fist with his help. If he was such a good officer. Then if this is true concerning his suspensions and one that was for 240 hours. Then he isn't all that great.
Anonymous December 10, 2011 8:28 AM
The other officer that was arrested for DWI was also white. Cedar, you think you can find a mugshot photo of her DWI arrest? If so, please place it under the blog entry concerning her arrest.
The example Rodney as set: If the truth is not favorable to you, just lie.
Looks like his Officers have heard that message loud and clear!!! And his Deputy Chiefs, Majors and Captains,.
Simple, just Lie.
It has worked EVERY time for Rodney.
The guy took a beating.
And all you people who say Yes, good for you for beating up a drunk, do you not know RIGHT from WRONG?
Ivwould imagine many would feel like giving the guy a smack down under the circumstances.....but better sense should prevail. That is what separates us from animals.
Our ability to restrain ourselves.
And cops should have even more of that restraint in these kinds of circumstances. They are TRAINED in conflict resolution, right?
This guy knew how to properly handle a drunk, or for God's sake,he should have.
Grow up.
And if you lose control and give someone a beatdown, at least be truthful about it.
Thank you for being the voice of reason and voice of a real cop.
Police officers are supposed to be in control and handle the situation appropriately, not fly off the handle in a rage and beat the crap out of someone--- or allow them to 'fall down 6 or 7 times' right
should we be grateful he didn't have a taser while in a rage, or a gun?
and think of all the incidents we don't know about yet
or should we expect proper screening to get back the overall quality of this department instead of the few struggling to stay in a decent profession helping others while the leader destroys the rest?
Nobody screened Monroe the right way, so what does anyone expect?
Anon. 8:34pm, This is not at all the type of police officer that should be responding to a 911 call.
Anytime the cops are called emotions will be running high on both sides, or it wouldn't be a police matter.
Officers are supposed to be level headed and resolve conflict using education and intelligence.
It just shows he doesn't have the educational skills to handle conflict and he is a liability.
Maybe his mother taught him that. Laughrun isn't much better.
Wcnc reported that the drunk driver was a career alcoholic and has advanced liver disease...his own wife said he was covered in bruises simply from playing with his dogs...not sure what happened cause I wasn't there but lets not be so quick to crucify the cop...
Anyone seen what your face looks like after an airbag deploys and there is no seatbelt to stop your face from taking a direct hit? I can see by the comments you guys are an "educated" bunch and clearly know all there is to know about this incident. Do the police here make a habit in obtaining warrants when it comes to misdemeanors outside their presence or did the Vic in this case obtain the warrants? He pushed the guy down, even the victim in the case said this on the news for gods sake, a belligerent drunk keeps getting up and coming back at you and your not going to push him away every time? This case will be dismissed by any judge and Jones will be back to work..,.go get them George.
Looks like a house divided. Some support some condem, but the MSM is out to get Jones. The ball is rolling down hill fast, much like the Marcus Jackson case. Others are now coming forward to say they too have been on the wrong end of CMPD's bad apple Jones.
I expect he resigns within the month.
@ 108 I agree.
That is an airbag injury.
Anonymous December 13, 2011 4:34 PM
Not sure if you have read this article and here is the link. Supposedly CMPD is double timing it on this one to screw him over.
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