Sunday, February 26, 2012

Danica Patrick Hits The Wall Hard

Cedar's favorite 100 pounds of on trouble smacks the infield wall hard on the last lap of Thursday's qualifying race. She would go on to win the pole for Saturday's Nationwide race only to crash again and then going down better than 40 laps before finishing 38th. Patrick will try again today, this time making her Sprint Cup debut at the Daytona 500.

For all the negative snarky remarks, kitchen jokes and junior varsity locker room comments this girl still owns herself. Yes, the commercials are tiresome and yes she's got a really foul mouth and bad temper. But watch her hit the wall at Daytona, and then step out of a destroyed race car completely unshaken, and tell me you could do the same.

Just saying.....

Cedar Posts Bonus: ESPN David Newton's non-stop Danica Bashing from February 2010 is here and Newton's new Danica view two years later is here. Yes he's seen the light.

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