Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Muslims Plan To Invade Uptown?

A Muslim "Jumah" will be held at Marshall Park on Friday August 31, 2012 in connection with the DNC 2012 event. Numbers vary but organizers have said they expect to have at least 20,000 people attending.

Cedar's Take: This will not be the first time that the sounds of the adhan (Call to Prayer) will echo along the walls of Charlotte's Government buildings, but some the guest speakers have less than attractive views on the US Government.


Anonymous said...

I have friends who are Muslim but I could never understand why those who come to the USA don't speak out against the terrorists who do harm to this country but whine when someone "insults" them. They seem to be two faced as any other immigrant who wants everything the USA offers but give nothing back. I am not impressed with their kind.

Anonymous said...

Did you know Wachovia and Bank of America have given Muslims "Prayer Room" in the downtown offices.
But you can't say Merry Christmas to anyone anymore.

Anonymous said...

Muslims are always talking smack before game time, who can forget "American Dog Blood will flow like rivers" Saddam's last famous words right before his elite repulbican guard peed in their pants and rasied the white flag.

Anonymous said...

Still no word from Main Stream Media...
Charlotte Obserever posted a small 3 or 4 liner in the
"Whats Happening" section - thats it..

Anonymous said...

Followers of the Muslim Brotherhood are a no show. Whooray!

"Organizers of “Jumah at the 2012 DNC” had expected up to 20,000 Muslims from across the country to pray on the first day of a three-day cultural event. But only a couple of hundred unfolded chairs to sit in the park’s shade."

Anonymous said...

If there we more than 200 I would be shocked. jinrikisha Hough should be billed for his bull shit estimate and the police presence that had to be on hand. There were more cops than Muslims. Bunch of idiots.