Saturday, June 25, 2022

Roe V Wade Brings Out Charlotte Anarchists

Friday night CMPD had their hands full as "protestors" gathered Uptown at the Government Center and wandered west to the Federal Courthouse and back.

According to CMPD around 300 people demonstrated and marched in Uptown Friday night following the expected Roe v. Wade SCOTUS announcement. Officers were able to divert traffic without any injuries or major incidents. 

CMPD made a point to tweet out that a homicide on West Trade Friday night (one of six shootings and four murders in the past 48 hours) was completely unrelated to any demonstrations.

What CMPD didn't say was that these people are not demonstrating anything, they are simply Anarchists looking for a reason to cause trouble. 

There is absolutely no reason for this "protest" other than to disrupt businesses uptown impede traffic and have an excuse to damage property on a Friday night! 

Last time I checked "F the Police" is not a pro choice slogan yet countless protestors took up the chat while CMPD Officers looked on.

According to one television news reporter, many demonstrators were vocal about their anger after Friday’s decision. They stressed it is time to act.

“There are always detractors who say burn it down, the system doesn’t work, don’t vote,” a protestor said. “What else do we have? It’s constant. I have been on this earth 67 years and voting works. We saw what happened in 2016 when you didn’t vote and now this is where we are.”

Unfortunate that the homicide happened during/near the demonstrations/protests and while not related to the Anarchists in the street the shooting and murder Uptown is fully related to liberals in the street and in City County Government. 

Had CMPD Officers not been preoccupied with the horde of idiots waving uteruses and walking around Uptown shouting "F The Polices" they might have been able to have prevented a homicide just blocks away.

We live in a country where the president can’t finish a sentence and criminals aren’t required to finish theirs. Thank You Democrats!

North Carolina has no active law on the books to restrict abortions. If there is an adoption of more restrictive abortion laws the ruling will come from Raleigh not Uptown Charlotte.

Once again Charlotte City Leaders allowed a small group to terrorize residents and patrons of Uptown businesses just as they did during the George Floyd protests. 

These protesters were not supporting women’s reproductive rights or exercising free speech they are simply Anarchists and should not be tolerated. PERIOD!


Anonymous said...

Well said mate…

Anonymous said...

Former CMPD here. Been out of the loop. What’s the homicide count up to now?

Anonymous said...

No one cares. There's only one count that most are interested in these days. That's the number of good Hidey Holes!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to use my new CRU training on these clowns. The new CMPD riot de-escalation technique it to shoot first ask politely to disperse later. Time to "get some"! Lock and Load!

Anonymous said...

Why is CMPD even there in the first place,,,, I thought the Jennings policy of "just run away" was still in effect...