One of Cedar Posts favorite bloggers is back. Frankly I can only stand so much of crime and politics and since the Braves are done for the year as are the Panthers, the need for on-line humor and entertainment has never been greater. Alison Henry to the rescue. After deciding the bright lights of LA were not for her, Alison elected to stay in Charlotte. Sadly Alison's effort to regain her job at the Charlotte Observer, which included a brave facebook appeal, fell on deaf ears. But the Observer's loss is your gain, because Cedar Posts has the latest of "Miles from the Aisle" right here:
The Nature of the Beast By Alison Henry Guys are weird. Sure women exhibit some strange behaviors from time to time – mainly involving beauty tools that resemble medieval torture devices or our propensity to over-analyze everything – but guys, too, have their own freakishly odd yet charming gender-specific quirks if you observe them closely. You know, like primates at the zoo. Here are a few of my favorites: Inside-out underwear Because you only have to do laundry half as often if you wear ‘em twice as long. Grunting while lifting weights We get it: “Big. Strong. Man.” (Grr.) Next time I’m at the salon enduring a 3-hour highlight, I’m going to let out a barbarian-like wail when I bend over to pick up another copy of US Weekly. The handshake hug Women hug. Men can’t be seen doing such things. The result: The handshake/pull-it-on-in-for-the-good-stuff move. I’ve tried this with some of my guy friends, and it really just ends up with someone inadvertently touching my boobs. Hey, wait a minute… The rest of this post and everything else is right
here. So go read and while you're there post a comment and come back! You know the feeling, you're driving down the interstate and the girl in the car next to you catches your eye, and for the next ten miles you exchange glances, and smiles. You let her in, she lets you in. She passes you, and then you pass her again, "chasing cars" is the game and for a brief moment in time the thing is on. The world rushes by and you forget about everything, including your exit that you passed 3 miles ago. But as quick as she appeared, she's gone. Forever. There is no way you could have missed the picture perfect, girl next door whose photo popped up on the Observer home page from time to time. The mischievous smile in the look away photo with a brush of her blond hair, frozen in time. This is Alison Henry.

The Charlotte Observer's editor of Carolina Bride, a four times a year publication for the soon to "tie the knot" demographic. Her last
column is
here. In an odd little twist the promoter of weddings Alison, has a blog that is tittled "Miles from the Aisle" in which she writes about her life, offering "an irreverent trip down the often rocky road of relationships". She is always an enjoyable read, admittedly long after I've exhausted everything else the Observer has to offer sans the obits, but enjoyable just the same. Some time ago after reading a half a dozen of her posts I found that I was completely in love with Alison Henry. Honestly she had me with the confession "I'm a serial monogamist", what man wouldn't love a girl who is completely her own and proud of her singleness? But just like chasing cars, Alison has given her notice at the Observer and moved on, this time to the West Coast. I suspect that a hint of the reason for the move west can be found in her blog
Miles from the Aisle. You'll have to read back about a year ago. I wish Ms. Alison all the best, as she follows the sun, but as she hits the exit ramp heading west, I know too well that Carolina Girls really hate LA and I suspect she'll be back. PS I know y'all are going to give me hell for this post. To make it up to you I'm going to post a link to my take on LAX.
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