Friday, March 8, 2024

Thank you for flying Aira Italia Airlines

Traveling to America from Rome the man is flying on a four engine 747 over the ocean. A few minutes into the flight, the captain comes over the intercom:

“Welcome aboard Alitalia Airlines. This isa you Captain speaking. We gotta beautiful day for flying. We gonna be a cruising at about 45,000 feets and it looka like we gotta smooth sailing. So sitta back and enjoy you flight.”

A few minutes later, the captain is once again on the intercom:

“Ladies and gentleman, this isa you Captain speaking. It looks like we’re having some-a trouble with the number one ah engine. But it’s a nothing to worry about. We gotta three other engines and we gonna be fine. Justa relax, and enjoy the rest of you flight.”

The passenger relaxes into his seat. About 30 minutes later, a voice comes back over the intercom:

“Ladies and gentleman, this isa you Captain speaking. It looks like we’re having some-a trouble with the number two ah engine. But it’s a nothing to worry about. We gotta two other engines and we gonna be fine. Justa relax, and enjoy the rest of you flight.”

“Hello?! This isa you Captain speaking, again. We have lost the number three engine, but don’t you worry, we gotta nother one on the left side that will get us where we going. It’s a no problem. 

But as a precaution, we wanna ask every body who knows how to swim to move to the right side of the plane, and those who no can swim, go to the left side of the plane. It’s a no big deal, it’s just a precaution. Have a some wine and enjoy the rest of you flight.”

Shortly after that there was a loud noise and again the voice came over the intercom:

“April Day! April Day!” oh so sorry wrong button OK? “This isa you Captain speaking again. We lost the last engine and it looks like we are gonna have to make a splash landing in da water!"

'So looka here, those of you on the right side of the plane who knows how to swim, don’t you worry. When we hita the water, we gonna do it nice and easy then you a make a you way to the exit signs and jump in the water, and swim straight ahead. We are only about a mile or so from land."

"OK? Those of you who are onna da left side of the plane ……. 

We want to a thank you for flying Alitalia Airlines."

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