On Monday, February 22nd Lance Corporal Noah M. Pier, will return home.
Noah, a Marine, was killed in Afghanistan last week while conducting combat operations.
We would hope that all who are able would step outside and support the family of this fallen Marine, along the route tomorrow morning and on Tuesday.
Lance Corporal Noah M. Pier will arrive at Charlotte Douglas International Airport via a private charter flight on Monday February 22, 2010. The flight will arrive at the Wilson Corporate Aircraft terminal on the east side of the airport. The arrival time is expected to be around 8 AM.
The family and coach carrying LCpl Pier will depart for McEwen Funeral Home, 10500 Park Road shortly after arrival. CMPD and the North and South Carolina members of the patriot guard will escort the family and LCpl Pier.
Visitation for LCpl Pier will be at the McEwin Funeral Home from 5-9PM on Monday.
On Tuesday the Patriot Guard will escort LCpl Pier from the funeral home to Forest Hill Church, 7224 Park Rd at 11:30.
The funeral service will be at 1:00 and the Patriot Guard will escort the family back to the funeral home immediately after the service.
LCpl Pier is to be flown to Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA at a later date (TBD) with burial services at 1:00 PM on March 15, 2010.
Prior Cedar Posts story on the Patroit Guard Riders is here. Prior Cedar Posts story on Noah Pier and a photo link to the Washington Post's photo essay on Marine Corps operations in the area is here and a link to a fellow Charlotte blogger's story about paying respects to LCpl Pier is here.
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