The reporter for Mexico's TV Azteca was doing a story on quarterback Mark Sanchez, had footballs thrown in her direction by a Jets coach during practice, and players later called out to her in the team's locker room.
According to the New York Daily News: She was at the Jets' facility in Florham Park on Saturday to interview Mark Sanchez and reportedly was being harassed by catcalls, whistling and extended stares by the players. The Association of Women In Sports Media has asked the NFL to investigate.
Ms. Sainz is well known for her looks and ultra tight jeans on the sidelines, but the pigish behavior by Jets players is unacceptable though not really unexpected from a bunch of mindless wood heads.
You know what I am a woman - if thats what she was wearing at a football practice and she is wondering why they treated her that way maybe shes the one who needs help...It's kinda like hiring a hot pool boy and him wearing catch me f*ck me shorts and a bunch of women watching- give me a break quit whinning - dress professional and then maybe you would be taken as one...
She tells the world she is the hottest woman in sports broadcasting. What does she expect?
What did she expect? No sympathy whatsoever!
she is looking for a quick way to be famous
That is one fine ass! That should be against league rules.
Hey grown up, what is she supposed to wear? A trash bag??? Or how about those Victoria's Secret pink sweatpants to hide her curves and Uggs to look like she has bear paws for feet, then she would be okay?
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