The Charlotte Observer is reporting that Mecklenburg County Chief District Court Judge Lisa Bell left a political forum under police protection after a heated confrontation with a woman, Thursday night.
The woman Sharon Bennett walked up to Bell waving a photo of her son, Adam, who died last year in China at age 20. Bennett said she was upset about a family court ruling Bell made years ago.
The confrontation happened about 6:30 p.m. at a reception before the NAACP-sponsored forum at Little Rock AME Zion Church uptown.
Bell's opponent, Charlotte lawyer Twyla Hollingsworth, questioned Bell's resolve after the judge left the forum.

"I think Mecklenburg County needs a judge who's strong, who's not gonna cry or storm out when someone asks a question," Hollingsworth said.
You can read the entire Charlotte Observer story here.
Cedar says:
Hollingsworth doesn't understand the first thing about trial law, the second she opened her mouth it was too late and her political career came to a crashing halt.
Judge Bell isn't what I'd call non-discript, tall and attractive, there is no reason for her to attend public forums without CMPD at her side at all times. Charlotte is not the small town is was twenty years ago, there are real crazies out there.
The fact that CMPD was not on hand at this event is truly perplexing. I've attended Christmas parties and weddings where CMPD officers are always on hand.
I understand that some people are not happy with Judge Bell's rulings. I'd guess 50% of the people who stand before her or any other judge aren't happy. But we must accept the fact that for every person who is pleased with a judge's decision there is someone one who is not pleased.
If we strongly feel we did not receive a fair and impartial trial, that in someway the judge was unlawfully influenced then we have the option of appeal.
The truth is sometimes things don't go our way and we have a right to be upset.
However, nut jobs like Sharon Bennett need to be put under lock and key. Period.
"I think Mecklenburg County needs a judge who's strong, who's not gonna cry or storm out when someone asks a question," Hollingsworth said.
You can read the entire Charlotte Observer story here.
Cedar says:
Hollingsworth doesn't understand the first thing about trial law, the second she opened her mouth it was too late and her political career came to a crashing halt.
Judge Bell isn't what I'd call non-discript, tall and attractive, there is no reason for her to attend public forums without CMPD at her side at all times. Charlotte is not the small town is was twenty years ago, there are real crazies out there.
The fact that CMPD was not on hand at this event is truly perplexing. I've attended Christmas parties and weddings where CMPD officers are always on hand.
I understand that some people are not happy with Judge Bell's rulings. I'd guess 50% of the people who stand before her or any other judge aren't happy. But we must accept the fact that for every person who is pleased with a judge's decision there is someone one who is not pleased.
If we strongly feel we did not receive a fair and impartial trial, that in someway the judge was unlawfully influenced then we have the option of appeal.
The truth is sometimes things don't go our way and we have a right to be upset.
However, nut jobs like Sharon Bennett need to be put under lock and key. Period.
Sounds like a setup job to me like I said on the CO! And I bet it does not accomplish what it intended! Instead I hope it has the opposite affect!
By the way folks when I hear the League of Women Voters was not going to actually allow a debate this year I took matters into my own hands!
I contacted the only person I know personally who in in TV land....and Speak Out Charlotte has AGREED to sponsor the debates. Pr my contact they have a commitment from some major players...i.e. Roberts camp! I hope this will go through!
SO with that being said I have created a Speak Out Charlotte Facebook page for ALL citizens no matter WHAT party to submit their questions!
PLEASE join and submit your questions! ANYONE can join, so PLEASE help us get the questions coming in!!!!
Cedar thanks for letting me advertise this platform here!
"Guess Who".....roflmao!
This does sound a lot like Nixon-era "dirty tricks" politics. Not that it ended after Nixon, but they were notorius for it. If you can't beat your opponent, make them look weak, foolish or defective somehow.
Judge Bell is a class act. Too bad the NAACP can't provide anything but a crazy venue for a meet and greet.
Cedar's right Hollingsworth's quest to be elected judge bombed with her comment she is just so full of ghettotude.
I just have to get this off my chest....I think that Lisa Bell is breathtakingly beautiful. Irrespective of how she rules, I certainly rule in her favor.
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