The board voted 5-4 to close Waddell High and make it the new home for Smith Language Academy, a K-8 magnet. Most other efforts to block or revise the plan failed, often with the board's only two black members on the losing end of votes. More can be found at the "Local Paper" which is here.

At least the CMPD show of force that was used during the last CMS Board meeting was kept to a minimum. With suits and CMS police removing protesters instead of CMPD officers.
The highlight of the crazy evening was omnipresent nut case and Mecklenburg County Commissioner Vilma Leake asking "If you say it isn't about race, it isn't the truth, why aren't Myers Park, Elizabeth on the hit list? then adding "We can't take anymore".
Cher Calls Sarah Palin Dumb - Cher has always been just a little "weird", but Wow if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black. (Note to PC people - That's an old saying has nothing to do with race) Considering she claims she forgets that her daughter is now more or less a man. More about Cher talking smack about Sarah Palin, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Chaz here and Cedar's encounter with the former Governor here.
Awesome Campus Libaries - On those nights when you're hunched over your books, over-tired, over-caffeinated and counting down the hours until your paper is due, take a break to look around -- you might be in one of the most beautiful college libraries.
Campus Grotto compiled a list of the ultimate breathtaking study spots in America. Duke and Virginia made the list. Huffington Post has photos of the top ten here.
Best news in libraries (if your graduation year is not preceded by a Zero) if you ask Cedar Posts is the death of the card file and the Dewey Decimal Classification system.

If your a library purist your already screaming "We still use it". Cool thing about the Internet and google you don't need the DDC and that is "Wonderful".
Looks like we had all the nut cases out last night even the RENT IS TOO DAMN HIGH guy!
That's funny Cedar thanks for the laugh!
Vilma Leake is a cancer on Charlotte. She spreads hate and makes every black person feel like they are owed from whitey.
So the school board came up with the Harding idea as a distraction, knowing all a long they would close Waddell. Very smooth move Gorman.
No Justice No Peace!
We'll have a black school board in place this time next year.
The Rent Guy is funny as @#&%!
The reason the blacks are all upset is because it is all they know how to do.
They have learned over the years that if they start yelling racism that whitey will back down, hand over more money and think up something else.
Well homey, the money has run out, whitey is broke and is tired of hearing about how the black folks have been mistreated. Its time for you people to throw down those unlocked chains you have been dragging around for the last 100 years and get to work like the rest of us.
O lvu the "Rent is too damn high" guy! He is funny as hell!
And as far as Cher goes I have to agree with her re: Palin....she is an idiot!
And if Repubs don't want Obama back in office they better find someone better than her!
Rand Paul would do :-)
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