Sterling is being held in South Carolina, while awaiting extradition.
Bob Barber, 64, was shot and killed Friday morning. He was a retired Air Force Reserve colonel and the director of financial services for Carolinas HealthCare. He was killed a little after 10 a.m. Friday while walking home on Mullens Ford Road in the Foxcroft East neighborhood. He had just had coffee with his wife at Caribou Coffee on Fairview Road.
Police worked throughout the weekend, interviewing neighbors and employees at the Caribou Coffee shop, among others. They released few details during the investigation and only gave a vague description of the suspect.
Sterling was taken into custody Sunday at 10:05 p.m. at 285 Fargo Street in Rock Hill by CMPD's VCAT unit. The Rock Hill Police Department and York County Sheriff’s Office assisted with the arrest, Fey said
Sterling is being held in South Carolina, while awaiting extradition.
Photo From Chauncey Sterling's facebook page.
Photo From Chauncey Sterling's facebook page.
Sterling's most recent post to his facebook wall:
u knw lately i been n dis zone like i dnt give a fuck n everything around me but i was built n made to complete a task dat is to get rich hustle or die bitch
And below some of Sterling's friends doing the gangster thug thing.
Update 12:05PM
Chief Monroe gave a short statement and then answered questions from the local press during a mid day presser:
At the press conference on Monday, Chief Monroe was asked why a Rock Hill resident would be on a south Charlotte residential street.
"He had relatives who live in the area near where the robbery took place," he replied.
According to the "Local Paper" The CMPD chief said tips from the public helped lead investigators to Sterling. He said detectives worked nonstop Friday and Saturday, and they received "several important pieces of information" late Saturday or early Sunday. Monroe indicated some of the information came from Sterling's relatives.
"I believe people will do the right thing, no matter how close they are to a situation," he said.
"I cannot emphasize how important the information from the public was in bringing closure to this case," Monroe added.
Check out Chauncey Sterling's MySpace Page here.
Chauncey looks a little light in the loafers. He'll enjoy the bighouse with his new friends. Fresh Rock Hill meat.
What did you do on your Easter weekend? I took the kids shopping on Friday, Saturday we mowed the grass picked up a ham had pizza for dinner and watched a movie from RedBox.
Sunday we went to church at sunrise, hit the Lowes and HT planted some flowers cut down an dead tree. Colored some easter eggs and had family over for dinner.
Sterling spent the weekend freaking out known that the cops where just around the corner. Must have been really stressful being Chauncey.
Next stress needle or life? I'd bet the needle.
A Facebook love letter from our perp to his baby momma:
Chauncey Sterling
i got a freaked who will suck da dick n swallow da nut den lick under da sack bow bow 7popping bitch
December 30, 2010 at 11:26am via Mobile Web
Jessica Land that freak n cant nobody get him the way i got him!!!!! or get the same love that he have 4 me n dont believe me he got a mouth n what i mean nobody i mean nobody so yall bitches n kiss my ass cause he will always be mine n i will always be his girl!!!! thank u...
December 30, 2010 at 11:51am · 1 person
Chauncey Sterling most def
December 30, 2010 at 12:02pm via Facebook Mobile
Chauncey Sterling u already knw
December 30, 2010 at 12:05pm via Facebook Mobile
Major Props to CMPD Homicide and VCAT guys for all the hard work and effort.
We won't sleep any better but at least we might be able to have a cup of coffee without looking around every 30 seconds.
You guys ROCK!
PS Thanks RHPD and York County LE for the assist!
RIP Bob Barber, You deserved life more than that no good Chauncey Sterling. He just got out of jail, and he should have stayed in because my long time customer could have been alive today. You are a sick little boy Chauncey and I hope they give you the death penalty because that is what you deserve. They need to shoot you just like you shot Bob. What's even worse is you shot someone who you know would not have gotten the best of you? Damn coward! I guess that was part of your gang initiation...And they should post his photos so they can see how FAKE he is!
The rumor is that certain people are posting racist rants and comments on here to take away the legitimacy of your Blog and to make it a "black vs. white" agenda.
Please be careful and don't let this happen.
You know you have angered Rodney and his followers and others in "politics" in Charlotte with your honest stories that are right on 99% of the time. And they would do this to try and make you look bad.
Thank you for posting the photos of this thug Sterling.
I hope you will post the photos of him strapped to the gurney with the needles in his arm and write about his momma crying how he was a good boy.
We need to remove this sort of trash from the face of the earth. I'm counting on Andrew Murray to send this POS on a fast track to Raleigh and on to hell.
A- (8:48) Are you sure you did not get that mixed up with the President's Valentine greeting to the first lady- and her reply
1:10- You be on to my tricks- Glad you did not teach at U of Richmond or I would not have a "degree" today ROMO
I watched RoMo presser and listened to his uh.... announcement. Good grief why do they let him talk.
He claims he was on the scene Friday, anyone see him? Anyone talk to him? Anyone have a photo of RoMo anywhere anything other than a golf course on Friday?
I think the SOB just lied in a press conference again.
Does that guy on the left in the group photo have a pair of thong underwear around his face?
Chauncey is a loser -- the dumb girl who birthed his child is a loser as well. Why does trash like this exist? I hope he gets killed in prison.
I love the photo of homo Chauncey thugging it up with his other loser pals. Shame when useless people take things away from folks who contribute to the world. Death to Chauncey and his sissy gang pals.
Nothing less than the needle is deserved here.
I understand the outrage at the young man who allegedly killed this nice man just minding his business on a south charlotte street. What I don't understnad is the need to call his mother a whore and all other sorts of names. How do you know she was a whore? I guess someone could look at the outside of my situation and conclude the same. I am a divorced mother of 2 young ladies. I divorced the man after years of infidelity. I chose to move here and start over. Both my girls are now Juniors: 1 in high school and 1 in college and both on time to graduate accordingly. Does that make me a whore? Or not? Because they have not been in legal trouble? They could have been, but were not. I beleive that you can raise your kids up to a point and after that, they have to take ownership for their actions. That does not make the kid's mama a whore. She cannot be made to pay to infinity for what young adults choose to do. You can scream to the heavens and sometimes they will not listen. And white folk, dont tell me your kids do... Danielle Holmes. Need I say more.
danielle holmes is more of the exception than say the daily reports of young black males shooting each other and commiting crime upon crime. every group has rotten apples but the AA community has a bigger share from a much smaller population. I feel bad that I now stereotype every young black male that looks like a thug. It shouldn't have to be that way but when you see examples of malcom xavier springs, and chauncey sterling I can't help it. oh don't forget the 20year old black male with starter dreads that killed the white man at gateway center. he was caught last friday but his headline was overshadowed by sterling
Understood. But what does that have to do with automatically painting his mama as a whore? It's been done on more than 1 post in this blog. I guess my point is that u cannot paint everyone with the same brush. Reagrdless of the stats.
The young man executed thug like if it walks like a be it. But don't paint every black child's mama as a whore for giving birth to him or her. Some of us did the best we could to keep our children from a street life fate and despite our best efforts... it did not work. I have been lucky (so far). Others not so much. But I am not so high and mighty as not to identify with what could have been for mine.
There are more of us out here than you know. That is - back single mamas that are NOT whores. And trying to raise our kids right. The good kids don't make the papers unless they are world class athletes. Beta club, etc.... don't sell papers.
For all yall talkin abt the baby mother being dumb Thats my sis for one... 2nd a lot of Yall seen tough behind a comp. 3rd. My sis is very intelligent as am i. Being tht she had a child by someone who made a bad decision do not make her dumb nor anything less than intelligent. Now on the whole calling his mother a whore. Really.... Thats childish. Not to mention disrespectful. What this guy did does not lower anyone else that knows him as a human. In the report it stated that his family helped the police with the investigation. How man of you all would help someone put away your love ones. That being said you all show think before you type your harsh thoughts.
And then the whole black/white crap is bull... Why.. Bc no matter who you are you will mess up... It who we are... So i could care less about the color because just as well as they have him on the news for murder they would have a white Hispanic or any racial background person up here for murder.... Stereotyping is also in our nature we can try to avoid it but at the same time it will happen even w/out you knowing you did it. But i can dress like a thug and everything else but tht does not define me as a person... The guy you all would think would be into drugs and gangs could be on his/her way to one of the top colleges in the usa
why would you want to dress like a thug? I wouldn't wear a Hitler mustache because it projects a certain image, one that I don't want. It would be like going out and wearing a prison uniform-your going to get some stares if not police attention. thug costumes are the same.
as far as this killers mother, nobody knows if she struggled to keep this pos in line or not so name calling is unjustified at this point
Why would anyone dress as a thug? Good question... Well i dnt dress as a thug Ima prep but why would ppl prep dress... See we can go on and on abt why this and that... Which comes back to our ability to decide... And no 1 is in control of that but you... ( the person deciding) no matter what u look like or dress like that should not define you as a person... And for ppl to constantly stereotype out of malice is just flat out ignorant. Why should it matter what a person have on their back and feet? Why? /the brother of the baby mother (BMB)
I take back the mom's being a whore, but I'd imagine the bulk of them are strung out losers.
Either way, this little pos needs to get ready for a life in jail. In some sick way, I'm sure it's a trophy he'll sport proudly to his peer group. Killing and crime is easy -- actually working hard, contributing, and doing what's right is tough. Oh well, enjoy your choices in life, Chauncey (a wanna be gang banger named Chauncey -- that's a laugh in of itself).
If you all want to be negative, be negative about the person who is RESPONSIBLE for this tragedy. I will miss my grandfather EVERY DAY....but I will also pray for his family because they do not deserve the heartache just like me. I just hope as he sits in cuffs awaiting his fate, that he realizes what he has done to my family, and his. I wish for the best for his girlfriend,child, and other family for you Chauncey..may God not sympathize with you.
That little punk will get what he needs in the bighouse. The "real men" will take care of him...
Rodney says, "I cannot emphasize how the PUBLIC HELPED".....
It wasn't just "the public", it was a family member, wasn't it?
So, it wasn't really John Q. Public.....can't the guy ever tell the truth?
And really, shouldn't he just keep the piehole shut in an ongoing investigation???
Chauncey does not come from a line of losers. His older brother is a college graduate who owns a home and has a family. His older sister is currently working full-time to pay her way through college. His grandmother was a college graduate and a teacher. Most of his aunts and uncles (there were a total of 11) were college graduates as well. There are too many cousins to list that also has college education and degrees and many many many accomplishments. I bet your family has bombs like everyone else. We all will meet our maker and will be judged. You let GOD handle him because you are nothing more than anyone else. Where are your credentials? I bet you don't have any! Get a life.
Anonymous 7:57
Funny how you can educate the entire family give them degrees and still their spawn are nothing more than scum just passing through on their way to hell.
Funny how with all the Brothers, Sisters, aunts and uncles (there were a total of 11) and many cousins to list that also have college education and degrees and many many many accomplishments" and just so much success, that not one of them or all of them collectively can scrape up enough cash to get Chauncey a defense attorney.
I hope the judge in this case reads your crap and makes your family pay for this pos and his defense team.
Funny how you can go on about all your family success be still you are sucking off the rest of us.
Funny how your not the slightest remorseful.
Funny how you offer not one I'm sorry for the pain a member of my family has cause the community or the Barber family.
Funny how the idea of collective punishment in this case seems just so right.
Not funny about your lack of shame or your ego.
Funny how people were referring to him as a "good boy"...does a good boy rob and kill someone? I cannot believe people are coming to his aid because he is black. He shot and killed someone for the money in the guys wallet...can you seriously defend this? What is wrong with you idiots? You rally your support for a guy that cared nothing about human life. He has two kids of his own is their excuse, he is a father is another excuse. How hard is it to knowck up some girl, does it take skill or simply another bad decision. He deserves his punishment if found guilty but in this county with this public. You will have a juror that will not give a guilty vote because he is black.
Chauncey's family are a bunch of scum, they knew their "boy" had a gun, they knew he had beat up his girlfriend, the knew he was up to no good.
They looked the other way.
Redemption might come if we just get this over with ASAP.
Sterling's family why don't you tell him to act like a man, around the neck and jump off the shitter. GAME OVER!
7:57- If your brother had killed a member of my family you would be dead right now, along with the rest of your scum family. XX buckshot at point blank, so your whore mother would have to go to a funeral with a closed casket.
Chauncey is being accused of this crime. In America you are innocent until proven guilty. Did he confess to doing anything? Only time will tell. I bet all the people who are pointing the fingers have secrets that will be taken to their graves. In the eyes of GOD no one sin is greater than another. What you all need to do is seek GOD because He is watching. May GOD comfort the Barber family and may he have mercy on Chauncey's soul as well as you all.
This is G-Money and i need to take a shit
It sounds pretty open and shut to me. Chauncey Punk's family turned him in. They knew he did it and gave the cops enough dirt to say yes thats the guy.
50 years ago he'd be hanging from a tree and that would be the end of it.
Godd riddence you little pile of shit!
Notice to Charlotte the war is on. It's us against them. You know what I'm talking about.
Forget waiting til you get that concel carry permit to buy a gun, that may be too late. You don't need a cc permit to buy a hand gun. Just head over to Hyatt's and buy a nice 40cal weapon and learn to use it.
And the next time you see some dregg lock nappy headed, baggy pants POS coming towards you, just flip off the saftey take aim at the center and squeeze the trigger.
Tell the cops you felt threatened, and that will be the end of that. No jury will convict you no one will blame you. Its time America take back your country.
wow..After reading all these comments I am shocked. Why is very taking sides on this matter. No one wins. Two families have lost a loved one.. no matter the circumstace...yet everyone is on her bashing one another. Yes, he mad a bad decision but alot of us do. None of us have the right to look down on anyone. And some of one of these post talked about shooting a "thug" and whatnot...if thats how you feel than what makes you any better than better than this young man. and to the post who believe said if it was your member that was killed you would have killed the family of the person who did it..? if that was not correct i apologize if it is..than can you really talked bad about this young man..none of you are really showing that your mind set is any better than his. We cant keep blaming families for the outcome of one family member...and some might say its not about a race thing.. but read all the will probably change your mind.....everyone is pointing figures..blaming whoever...but think about if this was your this what you would want to read. Or if it was your family who lost a loved one is this the type of encouraging you want..i doubt it. I honestly think this page should be deleted or at least stop people from posting comments..because people dont know what to say...TC
BMB/ okkk u guys have no clue what was going on and what iS going on and for anyone Thats not involved to voice an opinion is not needed. Why? 1: the news is twisting things up bc what happen inside our house is no1 concern and then the news made it looked like he abused my sister everyday. Ha. I wouldnt stand for that one and is was a petty argument... But u all do not need to know all that. 2: HE shot and killed some1 not my sis... Me... Nor his family. No1 is in control of his decisions. No1 can tell always what a person is going through. No1 will always know when a person HAS A GUN AND PLAN TO USE IT. WHY? most ppl would keep tht between them and God. 3: i wouldnt care if your family owned every inch of this world... There is always and will always be a bad apple in the bunch. The best you can do is help them through their prob.z and wish the best for them. That always does not work but Thats life. He will be punished as if any1 else would... NO MATTER WHAT RACIAL BACKGROUND!!! He made the mistake... So there is no point of bring the ppl around him into this... Why? Bc they didnt commit any crime and if being family with some1 who have done something wrong.... Well reality check, (especially for u ppl Thats acting as if you are perfect enough to make comments out of malice and stupidity) we all are guilty because not one family on God's green is perfect and flawless. / BMB
First & foremost I will like to say Sorry for Both families Losts in this situation ! While readingg the Post, their were a lot of thingss going thru my headd ! But I am not to judge anyonee & neither is ANYONE else leaving commentss, ONLY GOD ! But the post left on this page honestly tells a lot about EVERYONES Character ! Not tryna justify that what happened was right, but I'm only stating that the negative, racial, disrepectful, & stereotypical comments aren't neccessary ! EveryOne is entitled to their oppinion, but at the end of the dayy he has to answer to neither of YOU , only person he has to answer to once again is GOD !
With that being said sorry Once again for your Lost Barber family !
& @ Chauncey's family sorry for your lost as well, & to the MOTHER of Chauncey as well as Chaunceyss BBYMOTHER, Keep your head up ladiess. This may seem like the end of the road but TRUST me ; God did not bring you this far to leave you !... keep your faith in God & take care of each other & your beautiful kids !
*God Bless you all !
Uhhh, I'm fairly confident that the secrets I take to my grave won't include slaughtering someone in cold blood. Or knocking up 16 year old girls (PLURAL) But I guess I'm just funny that way.
^how many times do i have to say this STFU about my sister.... leave her and his family out of his prob.z
Whacha going to do about it? Bust a cap upside my head? Wooooo I'm so skeered. I'm shaking in my MJ Nikes.
Why don't you just come a little close so I can show you the pictures I have of your hoe sister.
A little closer, right here in this box I have the pictures have a look inside.
What's wrong tuff guy, your don't like my 44 in your face. OMG did you just piss in your pants?
Some gangster you are. Now wipe up your pool of piss pull up your pants and get off my lawn.
dude.. I am not going to lose my composure... Just forget it because your ignorance and stupidity and lack of moral responsibility as a human is completely not worth the time nor effort.
Anon 10:48PM, Get it through your crack addled mind, Lil Chauncey slaughtered an innocent man in cold blood. There is absolutely no excuse. Please stop trying to make him into a saint or a martyr.
if u real all my post (BMB) you will see that i have not taken up for him nor tried to excuse his actions once... I am trying to get through all you ppl headz tht the ppl around him have nothing to do with his actions so why Slander their names... Thats not cool at all in fact it is shameful that someone would go through the trouble to talk down upon someone they do not know and that has not committed any crime. Thats just outrageous.
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