Sunday, May 29, 2011

Post Speed Street ALL HELL BREAKS OUT!

Charlotte police officers had their hands full early this morning as dozens of African American thugs described as "several groups of people" by CMPD, confronted each other on the streets of "Uptown" Charlotte shortly after the Speed Street event had closed for the evening. The violence continued off and on for over two hours and ended in a homicide.

Nearly an hour after the official end of Speed Street events and long after most NASCAR fans had gone home, the groups began fighting during what some have described as "near riot" conditions in the post Speed Street hours.

According to CMPD the groups where not partaking in the Speed Street events but apparently came uptown to create general mayhem. The groups were seen roaming the area that included the Speed Street venue and the transit center.

"Officers noted people flashing gang signs, challenging other people as well as police officers, attempting to block sidewalks, and impeding vehicle traffic."

The mayhem reached a dramatic crescendo when CMPD officers heard several gunshots, and responded to the 200 block of 3rd Street to discover one person dead and another shot.

According to the CMPD press release, two groups became involved in one of many continuing altercations when a someone in the group pulled a handgun and fired at random, striking a man once in the head. He died at the scene.

The mob moved further down Collage street where a second person was shot in the lower leg. He was later transported in handcuffs to Carolinas Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.

CMPD helicopter and K-9 units were called in but were unable to locate the shooting suspect.

The Speed Street event has been staffed with officers from CMPD's Central Division as well as paid off duty CMPD officers. As the conditions deteriorated additional CMPD resources, including CMPD's Civil Energency Unit aka riot police were called in to control the gangs.

A department email released at 3:18 this morning stated that "Approximately 70 arrests were made, including nearly 15 juvenile arrests. The majority of the arrests were made for disorderly conduct, fighting, assault and impeding traffic.

Cedar Posts Update: 11:00 AM After staying quiet most of the morning the "Local Paper" has now weighed in as have WBT and WSOC.

If you think Uptown is the place you want to be after dark this video might change your mind. The video is here. I'm not sure of the source but it appears to be from a CMPD camera taken with a cell phone video camera.

Note: The video linked above is not from last night's madness but from April. Though I expect the idea is much the same.

Cedar Posts Update: 4:23 PM CMPD has identified the deceased victim as Antwan Terrell Smith DOB 8/23/1988. Smith had priors for sexual assault, ADW, resiting arrest, assault on a female. He was last arrested in June of last year.

Antwan Terrell Smith

The second shooting victim has been identified at Durante Kavon James DOB 03/16/1989. James has a long arrest record dating back to at least 2008. Crimes included armed robbery, drug charges, trespassing, resisting a public officer. James is expected to recover from his injuries. No word on pending charges.

Durante Kavon James


Billy Fehr said...

Thanks for being the first source I check in the morning.

Billy Fehr said...

Any word on the victim?

Anonymous said...

Welcome DNC. We look forward to you meeting our youth. Maybe more "Hope and Change" can be brought to the Queen City.

Great job to the men and women in Blue for doing the best you can with limitations you face from within.

Anonymous said...

Personally I would have let them just shoot it out see how many of their own people they could kill! Sure would save the taxpayers a LOT of money on that revolving door thingy.....

Anonymous said...

Cedar, it is nice to know there is one source in town to get accurate news.

WSOC and WCNC get a C for at least reporting the homicide but now photos or video of the mayhem caused by Charlotte’s misunderstood and misguided thugs, oops, I mean youth.

WBTV, Fox Charlotte and the Charlotte Observer do not have anything on their web sites as of this posting. I know it is a holiday weekend, so, 70 arrests and a homicide is not news worthy in Charlotte.

I can’t wait for the DNC to get here. I wonder what kind of media spin our City Leaders will be able to put on Charlotte crime when the national media and world are watching.

Anonymous said...

I was walking in the direction of 3rd st when police officers one after another sprinting past me in the direction I was headed. I turned around, as I wanted no part of whatever was happening. Interesting, though, the number of people who did the opposite, gravitating to the spectacle. Most frightening was the horde of around 150 shitless teenagers who passed me five minutes later as they stampeeded toward the general mayhem. I was shocked that your blog is the only relevant search result I could find in a search for "police charlotte speedstreet" this morning after.

Anonymous said...

Living in uptown, I ventured out to Speed Street yesterday afternoon. That's will be the last time too! They ought to keep that stuff by the Speedway, charge a small fee to get in (with proceeds going to charity). It's kinda like, “if its free, it's for me”. It's not about NASCAR folks. It wouldn't surprise me if there were more altercations that we won't hear about.

Anonymous said...

Great details Cedar! Have you seen this video of what may be the same gangs involved in another riots/fight a month or so earlier?

Anonymous said...

It definitely was not safe out last night and we all know why. I'll be curious to see what actually gets reported by the media.

Anonymous said...

Crazy Ass HoodRatz!

Anonymous said...

What are you believing this BS.

You people are sick. You read this blog and really think it is true?

If it really happened don't you think the REAL MEDIA WBTV, WSOC, Charlotte Observer would have reported it? NO ONE I REPEAT NO ONE IS REPORTING THIS BS.

Just another Cedar Post HOAX!

More of his sick twisted effort to discredit Chief Monroe.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned earlier that I was there, and I was sort of upset by it. That's why I looked it up. Blogs like this one do air opinions that I generally do not agree with, but in this one instance, something crazy really did happen, and for whatever reason, this was the only place I could find that makes any note off it. The skepticism expressed in the earlier post is understandable when bigotted commentors use terms like "hoodrat," but to dismiss the report as a "hoax" is just as crazy on the other end of the spectrum.

Anonymous said...

The Observer is finally reporting this. Guess it's not BS, anon. Where the heck were the parents?

Anonymous said...

And the goddamn blacks wonder why respectable citizens consider them an infestation akin to rats.

Anonymous said...

These people are still trying to uplift themselves from the torment that befell them during the period 0001-2011. Still trying to show that they know how to properly act. It is not their fault. After there is no one to show them how to behave.

blpadge2 said...

At Anonymous @ 10:36

Anonymous said...

This event had nothing to do with speed street. Most of the people involved in these flashmobs are kids 14-18 years old.

I am actually going to give a kudos to the police department. They responded when they determined the event was getting out of hand because of the kids. Speed Street has never been a problem before and there was no reason to suspect it would be again. However, CMPD had the foresight to have units pre-staged in case it did get out of hand.

Anon 9:52am, those same 150 kids stampeding toward the mayhem. They were the same ones causing the mayhem as well. They were just doing it at a different spot when the shooting happened.

Anonymous said...

Cedar Posts is well connected. Yes he's got an axe to grind with Chief Monroe. But this should have never happened. It simply shows that, as Cedar Posts has been saying all along Chief Monroe is unfit for the job.

Monroe completly under estimated the number of officers needed for crowd control. This could have been much much worse than a single death.

Anonymous said...

The Speed Street folks and NASCAR will claim this has noting to do with their event. The spin is already out there with the main stream media giving it that angle.

But the fact is these thugz causing the trouble are all I mean 100% black kids 18-30 and they were uptown at this event. When the white folks went home they stayed and things rapidly got crazy.

Media gets paid big bucks by Food Lion, NASCAR so there is no way they are going to not spin this as it was hours after Speed Street ended.

Guess what 11:32 is not hours after Speed Street shut down.

Anonymous said...

This article makes mention of a video. Where is it?

Anonymous said...

I looked all over youtube and can't find any video of last nights events. Anyone have a link to some real footage?

Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition said...

Sorry the link was mistakenly left off. Fixed now. BTW it is not from last night but from April.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again CP. Had this activity occurred at the Charlotte Motor Speedway for the "600" the local print media outlet(AKA observer) would stop the presses and front page the violence but, when Blacks are predominantly or THE ONLY demographic involved in "unacceptable human" behavior, a great reluctance and hypocrisy rears its ugly yet true head in local MSM news coverage.

I attended the 2010 Garinger/Charlotte Catholic football game last season(at Garinger) and witnessed/experienced firsthand an obnoxious, violent group dynamic. Fortunately local media covered this event immediately due to the involvement of so many children. But, the sad truth of multiple gunshots and a permeating, regressive thug culture in predominately Black venues such as Garinger High School is one that will never be spoken of or covered in its proper context.

Many major PUBLIC downtown Charlotte events like Speed Street or 4th of July fireworks are accompanied by multiple arrests and, with rare exception, is one particular truth revealed. The color of that crime. Somehow a gunshot wound, a homicide, and a rioting lot of which 70 or more were arrested isn't newsworthy because everyone involved was Black. That's a lie.

Anonymous said...

Say what you like about Cedar Posts he gets the job done. The rest of you people can be sheep if you like, but Chief Monroe is leading you to the meat packing house.

It's all about the spin, everyone even the media is on a need to know basis. In other words, unless Chief Monroe thinks you need to know you don't get the facts ever.

How else can you explain a blog scooping the Observer and all and I'll say it again ALL the local media.


Anonymous said...

anon 10:36
"chief" Monroe is totally responsible for his actions which result in his "bad press".
And though I don't agree with all Cedar says (his opinion) he has rarely if ever been wrong on the FACTS.
Once again, others will be blamed for monroe's lack of expertise , preparation and his hubris rules again.....idiot with his idiot flunkies who are afraid to tell him he has no clothes on.

Anonymous said...

Probably the only true title I saw for that event online was on this blog, as compared with CO's article title; "Charlotte experiences slight unrest during night maneuvers"

Ya'll might like this classic photo from the 'unrestful event' too;

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, yes, the Charlotte Observer refuses to allow us to call this what it is! More violence from the tribes who think they live in the jungles AKA the entitled!

Could care less what you call me...I am sick of blacks acting like they LIVE in the jungles of Africa. All while taxpayers are FORCED to support their lazy asses! No it is not ALL blacks, but how many do you see trying to stop this? NOT TOO MANY! Nope, most just want taxpayers to shut-up and support them...this has GOT to stop!

Wanna see a great video? Check out Rep LaRoque from Lenoir calling out NAACP! We need MORE of him and less of these jungle idiots!

FINALLY someone standing up to the racist NAACP!

Anonymous said...

Negros killing negros- stop the frigging press. The more the better. Think how many kids the negro lying on the slab will not father, that we will not have to pay to raise.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you just lable them thugs. Why lable them African-American thugs? Their race is irrelevant to the situation. If they had been some banjo playing Rednecks would you have labled them Caucasian thugs? I think not. Lay off the bigotry or get left behind. My president is black and my money is green. Now you've just been owned in your own blog. Now kiss the ring.

Rea Road Neighborhood Coalition said...


I gave a good amount of thought to identifying them as "groups of people" as the CMPD press release stated or maybe just "college kids", or "African American NASCAR fans".

I elected to call it as I saw it. African American Thugs.

Given some more time to think about it, I might have said "groups of people" and that would have been enough, because everyone would have guessed they were African American Thugs.

I have to admit Race Fans can and have rioted, I know soccer fans riot, I know mosh pits get out of hand, concert goers crash fences and superbowl wins and ncaa basketball championships bring out the thugs from all races.

But of the 70 arrested, the one shot, and the other killed. How many were skoal using Miller Draft drinking good ole boys?

Thank You!

Anonymous said...

The Observer runs the previous day's mug shots every day. Why are there only 82 arrests for Sunday, particularly if 70 were arrested for this incident alone? Are they seriously wanting us to believe if this thug riot hadn't occurred, only 12 people would've been arrested yesterday?

KellyO said...

@ 5:33pm: Some of the arrests were made prior to midnight, so they would be shown on the 5/28/11 arrests. The rest are shown on 5/29/11. Also, 15 or so of those arrested were under the age of 16 so their mugshot would not be posted.
Also, considering the CO's lack of coverage, you may want to check the actual Sheriff's site instead for the TRUE arrests:

Anonymous said...

This Shit is true i know both of the people that got shot so stfu

Anonymous said...

It is a shame of how the media will bring things up that has nothing to do with the incident that occurred. You find these facts and base a person off of your opinions and judge them as another black male from the jungle. News flash for all the adult or if i should call you that be thankful that your kids, your friends, mother, father, or your damn self wasn't the one shot. This is his youngest brother. I'm 20 yrs old, in college, am manager, have car, and have a wonderful family that wouldn't take you words very little for all you people that has something smart to say. I have been raised right; probably know more then your kids and your damn parents. For the media, learn to get your information correct before commenting on shit you don't. For the people with smart comments and all you races people; remember half or probably all the shit you use was manufacture by us negro that you lazy ass white folks couldn't do for your damn self. I HOPE I meet all of you'll one day. My brother, a father, a teacher, and mentor.

RobertoRaymon said...

If you're gonna "report" information, then "report" it, but your derogatory and racist innuendo is unnecessary!!!