No official word yet but Keller Willams has a sign out in front of the Carolina VFD Station 2 (Formerly Carmel VFD) which seems to be going the way of Mallard Creek and Newell departments which have recently closed.
The history of the Carmel Volunteer Fire Department (Originally Sharon VFD) dates back nearly 59 years. In the 1990's Carmel megred with Carolina Volunteer Fire Department as annexation closed in around the station.
According to the Carolina Volunteer Fire Department's web site Station 2 houses Ladder 1, Service 8, Retired Rescue 12 and Rretired Brush 7.
The 3500 square foot prefab building built in 1981 has a tax value of $217,500.00 is listd with Keller Willams for $195,000.00
A recent story in the "Local Paper" detailed the closing of Mallard Creek and Newell departments that story is here.
According to Mecklenburg County there are still 16 volunteer and rescue agencies serving portions of unincorporated Mecklenburg County.
Is there anything that we (the public) can do to help them Cedar?
Carolina Volunteer Fire Department is not closing down or shutting its doors. The station is closing and all opeations will be running out of station 1 on Providence Rd West which is at Carolina Fire Departments service area. In tough financial climates we all need to make tough choices. This however seems to be a no-brainer in order to conserve and save and better serve the residents of Mecklenburg County and the Town of Pineville.
Thanks for the explanation!!
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