Photo Thanks to Bill Fehr
If you drain a lake there is bound to be something interesting uncovered as the water recedes, in this case a car.
The draining of Forest Lake started Thursday after heavy rains weakened the already under stress dam. Charlotte officials had feared the dam might fail and requested assistance from the Charlotte Fire Department.
Once the Fire Deparment pumps began the task, it wasn't long before the roof of a car was visible, and Charlotte Police were also called to the scene. Word late on Friday was that the car did not contain a body and foul play seems to be limited to auto theft or insurance fraud.
More photos of the operation and some great details from Bill Fehr here and less details and even less photos from the Charlotte Observer here.
Great pic Billy :-) Glad you are getting back to your blog
Thanks TQC...
I was told that the engineers kept running into dam pump problems overnight when the pipes continuously got clogged with condoms that had been thrown in the lake, 25 years worth...
Good question, Cedar about the Hornets......and how about insurance...will they have to buy supplemental ins.? And who is buying equipment, uniforms, etc.?
And does anyone know if rodney got a pay increase or any kind of bonus this year? Isn't that public information?
Nice take on the lake story Cedar, Billy's photo in black and white makes the entire event rather timeless.
But pumping out of a lake also reminds me of the Zaraha Baker case.
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