According the the Cabarrus County Sheriff's Office accused murderer Danielle Holmes was arrested late Saturday night for armed robbery, simple possession of marijuana and heroin.
She will have a formal bond hearing Monday Morning. Ms. Holmes is currently being held in the Cabarrus County Jail on 1 Million dollars bond.
Holmes was free on bond while awaiting trial for the murder of Oscar Chavez in Mecklenburg County. That trial is set to begin on September 1, 2011.
Cedar Posts prior coverage of Danielle Holmes is here.
Mega Props to the Cedar Posts reader for the "heads up"!
Unfreaking Believeable!
Is anyone surprised? Drugs are very controlling and will continue to run/ruin your life until you decide you want help. The courts or others deciding for you rarely works. The only progrram I have seen that works well is Meck Drug Court!
I suspect this young lady is better off in jail, where she should have been kept in the first place.
Our DA should be locked up as well as Danielle. He is an enemy of the people.
What is even better is that she has a higher bond in Cabarrus County for armed robbery than she did in Mecklenburg County for murder. Her total bond in Mecklenburg was $800,000.
yo this whole thing happened to me and im the one that called the cops, danielle didnt do a damn thing. she got setup by jordan hillenbrand and a guy named david and she is getting out of it
There has got to be something wrong with this girl.
Éven crack hoes aren't that Stupid!
Why was she even let out of the Mecklenburg County jail?
She is not a crackhead she is a heroin junkie.....
She has fuck me harder written all over that mug shot
TO: July 18, 2011 5:55 PM
I am assuming Deeds since you live Kannapolis and Langhough lives in Charlotte?
And I hope you are also expecting to go to jail once you have admitted to filing a false police report?
Yo do KNOW that is what is going to happen, right?
Where are her parents? I thought she was bailed out on the condition she would be closely monitored?
The newest arrest just hit the mainstream online paper. Cedar beats them to the punch again. LOL
Word to your Mother!
Well, rodney was out at a scene last night, surprise.
Must not of had an early tee time!
He is a liability the moment he opens his mouth and "whatever" comes spilling out.
He just cannot think on his feet and come up with precise, thoughtful pertinent comments......like a deer in the headlights he is.
Just a " no comment" on an active, ongoing investigation would suffice.....and let him read a prepared statement by his pr group later!
Don't worry... Releasing criminals saves money. I feel rich and safe now!
releasing criminals? shes in jail you dumbass
Her parents are obviously complete fucking idiots allowing her to have friends over at all after the shit she did before. Let this be a lesson to all parents. This is what happens when you let your little girl fuck niggers. This little cunt is a coalburning snotty little girl and now she is going to pay the price. I hope she liked that nigger jizz while it was being pumped into her diseased snatch. Now all shes going to get is a face full of bull dyke muff.
Anyone who saw this braindead little cunts facebook page knows that she is a nigger cum dumpster.
Snow Bunny... Hahahahaha!
niggers isnt the only thing she fucked.
I have a video of her with two niggers fucking her at the same time. Im sure that one made her pregnant. In prison with a niglet on the way. I bet her parents are proud.
I bet she took it like a real trooper. You should email a couple clips to Cedar I'm sure there is a market for her out there.
Cedar is a major force is the local porn production market. You could be sitting on a pot of gold.
Does she get really nasty? I bet she does.
poor thing, she needs god in her life...
god in her life? AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH thats funny cause she went to a CATHOLIC SCHOOL from oh kindergarden till sophomore year in high school she had god in her life plenty hahah that was really funny
excuse me scratch that till JUNIOR year im sorry..so from baptisim till the age of 17/18 she had god in her life and im pretty sure shes only 18 soooo shes had him her whole life idiots what she needs is to be medicated and a reality check your not a thug sweetheart you will get your ass pounded in jail
First, She was not set up by Jordan Hillenbrand. Danielle lured these guys over to her house to still weed from them. She set Jordan up. The night before she stold zanax from a guy named Nate, Her parents should have never bailed her out the first time for murder! What where they tinking? She gave them nothing but problems since she was bailed out, and to drug her Mother....This girl is evil just plain evil and will hurt anyone she is around. It is sad a baby is coming from such an evil person, there is no telling how many DNA test will be done to find out who the real jurk fathered that poor little child.
are you on drugs too? because you obviously do not know how to spell or know how to use correct grammar.
Ewwww... She's having a niglet? Disgusting.
i cant believe shes knocked up what a stupid cunt
I know for a fact David had nothin to do with this nor does that girl Jordan, but this girl obviously does possession of heroin charges and had track record that should say enough . And the drugs it's self will take over your life and make you do bizarre things as you can tell she went out and killed someone. I don't know what her parents were thinking to bail her out shame on them
she got a baby now lmfao
Hi,my name is Jill Holmes. Understand that I am the mother of Danielle Holmes!! The time Will Come when I will speak out. My plans are to go public and I will Stand and speak loudly. To all of you that are obsessed with my daughter actually needs to take a look at yourself. My daughters thoughts Were so distorted by drugs just as your must be. Danielle and myself will start speaking to the media when the time is right. How dare anyone come to my house and bring any form of drugs to a publicly known drug addict!! I had no knowledge that they were interning my house uninvited my myself. How in the hell did the Charlotte police departments monitoring service not detect that my daughter was out of range for several nights. These kids that were supplying my daughter with drugs and having parties at my house....needs to have their thought patterns adjusted. They were totally enabling Danielle. Drugs are the problem....and more needs to be done. Danielle and myself will have our say. If anyone could give advice on substance abuse and how it alters your thought patterns....that would be my daughter..Danielle Holmes. I love her with all my heart! She is alive,clean and totally back to her normal self, filled with grief and horrified at what took place while she was addicted to black tar herioin. She is being counciled and attending church as often as she can. I will never abandon her.
Jill, I am so very glad to here your daughter is doing well.
If you would like to tell your story I can put you in touch with the right people who will be kind and considerate.
You can always email cedarposts@gmail.com
To those of you that claim my daughter killed that young man..has no knowledge of the facts. My daughter was not even in the car at the time of the murder. She was actually pulling out of the parking lot. I have the discovery and the facts are stated. If you want to combat Danielle then you will go through myself. Minds that are distorted are minds that need to be corrected. So to all of you that are expressing your false points of view...then I myself will correct your ignorant judgements of the facts!! Keep in mind that it will be me(Jill Holmes) that will be reading everything nasty that you write. Thoughts are so very powerful,so get your thoughts out of the gutter. My love for Danielle can and will combat each and everyone of you.lets hope that your mother would stand by you the same way. Do they know that you yourself are on drugs too, they should. That is my goal. No one knows better than myself and soon Danielle and myself will be heard.
LOL. I guess the 911 caller was lying when they said they saw a "white female" get into the car with the drug dealer. So are you saying that either Adam or Jonathan were dressed like a female? I mean I would volunteer to be Jonathan's celly just to tap that but not if he likes to x dress. Ewwww.
Danielle was in the car. Had you watched 48 hrs you would know that she freaked out and got out of the car and ran. Your thoughts are distorted by all these other nasty and misinformed people. I will correct each and everyone of you that have your information twisted. My daughter would not give any of you the time of day before drugs and now that she is clean. I'm sure that you will comment on her being in prison but that is what happened and I can't change that. I wish that I would have been more informed about the effects of herion and how it can actually change a person. I do carry guilt for the awful event that took place. A life was taken and that is what is so damn bad!!
Stop standing up for your drug addicted daughter. How can you not know your daughters friends had drugs or threw parties? I have a feeling you are just covering up. Just another example of a rich white bitch in jail. Should of paid attention to your daughter and kept her in jail instead of bailing her out.
Hey Jill how dare u blame law enforcement for u not doin ur duty as a mom of a murderous brat, u should be mom make sure she alright not fuckin up house arrest u obviously had no prob droppin $900000 cash to get her out for murderin a man for $200 worth of dope. Enter reality jill. Ur daughter is a murderer, u wasted bond bailin her out (u won't get $ back now she violated u dumb ass), and she robbed again cuz even though she withdrew from dope and was clean her willpower is weaker than ur strength as a mom. U need to parent jill. U do not enable ur kids to do drugs, ESPECIALLY AFTER A MURDER CHARGE DOCUMENTED ON TV, and the after u fools bail her out ANOTHER FELONY ROBBERY CHARGE DO U NOT SEE SHE DOES NOT CARE FOR U AS MOM AND HER FAMILY U TRIED GIVE HER SECOND CHANCE AND SHE EMBARRASSED YALL AND HURT U WHN ON BAIL FOR MURDER!!! IF SHE WAS LATINO SHE WOULD NOT HAVE GOT BAIL. I AM WHITE MY SON MOM MEXICAN A0D SHE HAS COLLEGE DEGREE AS DO I AnD WE HAVE BEAUtiFUL HOUSE AND LIFE. HOW DARE U SAY IGNORANT RACIST SHIT UR DAUGHTEr IS A MURDERER CUS U EN0BLE HER sTILL INSTEAD OF GUIDING HER U HAD CHANCE MOST DON'T TO GUIDE HeR WHEN SHE ON BAIL FOR MURDER CUS SHE A STINKY RAT. U COULDN'T EVEN HELP THEN JILL I DON'T KNOW U BUT I MUST SAY UR SORRY EXCUSe WERE PASSED DOWN TO UR DAUGHTeR THE MURDERER. U NEED TO PRAY JILL. BEG GOD. AS U aRE THE DEVIL'S MOM
I wish that I could answer that. My home is not a small house. To assume that I knew is absolutely crazy! The thought of anyone entering my home with any narcotic after her arrest in charlotte is totally deplorable to me. Her name and face was publicized all over the news. My child was titled "the new face of heroin" An addict will always struggle with their addiction. To those who entered my home and supplied Danielle with a substance and partied with her are sick themselves. I hope and pray that their parents realize their sickness a lot sooner than I did.
Hi Jill,
I saw "TheThe First 48" and the story on your daughter and I just wanted to let you know that there are those of us out here who know what you must be going through and pray for you and your daughter daily... I pray for your daughter Danielle, I pray for John, and I pray for Oscar. I hope that all the families, friends and loved ones involved in this tragedy may one day feel whole again.
Please forgive me for posting anonymously: its not that I'm afraid to stand by my words, but that my current profession as a teacher, and someone who works with kids, obligates me to do so.
I have the deepest feelings of sympathy and empathy for you and your struggle. When I saw the show I could not help but think of my friends growing up who threw their lives away for heroin: The parallels were heart wrenching. I'm 35 years old, I grew up in the late 80's and early 90's and I'm from Southern Connecticut; about an hour north of New York City. I live in the main drug coridoor between New York and Boston and still only a few hours north of Baltimore which is one of the biggest heroin ports on the East Coast. Kids who grow up in southern Connecticut in Fairfield County are generally from well off families and when we were growing up we had a lot of time and money which are a dangerous combination. In my youth I experimented with all sorts of drugs but in adulthood have settled with marijuana and beer - these two generally keep you out of trouble if you manage to keep it behind closed doors and my state has recently become more liberal with marijuana, essentially decriminalizing it inder certain amounts.
Unfortunately, I had plenty of friends who were not as lucky as I was and got caught up with harder drugs: I've personally lost three friends to heroin overdoses and nearly lost my brother as well.
I also want to let you know that I don't blame you. I know exactly what you're talking about when you say you don't come from a small house and from the looks of it your daughter's decline was so rapid you probably wondered what was going on, but didn't have time to stop anything from happening.
Growing up, we had a room above our garage which was like a completely separate wing of the house connected to the main portion of the house by a breezeway. When several of my friends had died and my brother decided to get off dope he was, thankfully, able to get off by himself. However, he spent days on end in the room above the garage throwing up, with fevers, cold chills and near psychotic episodes. My parents had no clue what was going on. When we're born we don't come with directions and someone lacking experience with drugs would not know what to look for right away.
You're fortunate to still have your daughter and I hope you can feel whole with her once again as a free person. Beware of those who finger point and castigate. All too often in our lives bad ideas evolve into situations that rapidly grow beyond our control: Danielle should not have to pay for her mistake with the rest of her life and I hope she gets out soon. Please tell her to keep her chin up and let her know that there are people like me out here who are rooting for her. I wish you and yours the very best and will keep you in my prayers. To the Friends of Danielle and Jonathan and the friends and family members of the victim Oscar Alvarado, I wish you all strength and healing. It seems there are a lot of people on this blog sharing their opinions who don't really know a lot about anyone involved and what happened a couple of years ago. Heck, I'm a complete outsider from Connecticut, but saw the story and cried for everyone involved because of the parallels with my life, not to mention the youth and lives lost in this horrible tragedy. Please don't pay attention to the people who are clearly idiots on this blog. God bless you all
- Concerned human being and teacher from CT.
its funny im sam campola, this happend long ago i knoe but jordan is my homie i love that girl scot, well both of them are little punk ass pussies i would have robbed them myself with my fists if they were still 'selling weed' who the fuck calls the cops when you get robbed for bud. 'hey officer, all my pot was taken at gunpoint, help me' fucking fags.
I think this little bitch deserves to be where she is now. what i dont think she or her child deserve is being brought down for her moms mistake. the kid did not do anything. the baby doesnt deserve to be called names. but Jordan hillenbbrand is my best friend and she did not set anyone up. Danielle set her own self up by planning the whole entire thing. Please. If you do not even know the story. shut the fuck up.
A good friend does not.bring drugs and alcohol to a known addicts. She entered my home after being thrown out days before and told not to return! David and Jordan both kept telling me how sorry they were...actually in front of the police. I was even beside the police when text were coming in about other drugs that Jordan had been trying to buy!! Don't you dare try to say that I don't know what happened!! I do have the.discovery. She was even popping pills at the police station. The young men that were robbed had already supplied danielle and one was having a relationship with her. I can't stand that anyone was supplying her with drugs. Danielle did not need money nor did she need the drugs. Jordan must have a serious drug problem to try and rob a drug dealer after what danielle had been through. They admitted to needing the money because they had no where to stay. I will not say that Jordan is stupid because drugs affect ones ability to think.im sure that I made a lot of mistakes as a mother but I will not take the blame for all these young adults entering my home and bringing alcohol and drugs and having parties. My home is quite large and my girls were suppose to be asleep. How dare you blame me and actually claim Jordan and David were made to comment this stupid crime. They should never have been at my home. I should have had them arrested for entering my home after being thrown out! It's a damn shame what drugs can do to people.
Was anyone aware that when Jordan held the weapon up to rob this friend of Danielle's that he took the weapon away from her...and then gave it back to her!! It's the strangest robbery. Danielle even tried to retrieve the items and told them that she would give it back but they said that they stashed the money in the woods...no money was ever found. Makes me wonder if this group of friends were not just fighting within themselves. Just wish that they would have fought else where. Tell me something....does a friend help an addict by parting with her...at all cost.
I had no clue that guys gossip and talk among themselves like a gang of school yard girls.. Lol wow you people are really pathetic and ignorance doesn't even begin to describe the most of yall. Do you not have any morals as men? Were you raised by animals? While you all are talking about her mom, I just hope you know all this is reflection on how your parents raised you. Lol fine job they've done with you guys lol sound like a group of true successors and scholars. Bravo, a round of applause at that. Do you guys not have a decent mother sisters or daughters of your own? Obviously not. No fuckin manners, morals or home training. It's because of racist none bathing redneck inbred bums like you who give the south a bad name. Lol and the greater half of you fucktards are quite literally stupid. Lol I mean illiterate or educationally challenged take it how you please, but please, lol pick up a book. Smh a lot of you "guys" sound like bitter HS "kids" still.
Hey Jill I have heard that you leave needles laying around all over you house. What's up with that? Also religion turns people into complete morons which explains a lot in your situation.
The bottom line is, Danielle along with Jonathan both pled guiltyJill, if she was innocent like you claim, why would she plead guilty instead of pleading not guilty and showing the courts all this "discovery" that proves she's innocent? It sounds to me that you as a mother are trying to hold your family name together... Not necessarily for Danielle but for your other daughter Michele and Danielle's son.. I can't imagine how many friends and family members want nothing to do with your family so you are trying anything you can to salvage your family's reputation. If I were you, I would have cut Danielle off completely. Your biggest mistake was bailing her out. If you had not bailed her out, she would not have gotten the charges stated above and would have had a better chance of getting a lesser sentence. But considering she's a repeat offender, thanks to your participation in bailing her out, she got the sentence she deserves. I do not feel bad for your family nor will I ever. Clearly your mothering skills have failed as your daughter has been arrested again, and knocked up with no sight of the father. You do not have the slightest clue on how to mother so you are just as responsible for the murder of Oscar as Danielle is. Danielle and her friends administered the drugs to her, but you enabled it. Please stop while your ahead and realize that sometimes being a mother involves tough love. You can't hold on forever especially when your daughter has embarrassed you and failed you not once, but twice. Once you let go you will give Danielle the time to heal and to really learn from her actions. But as long as you keep enabling this behavior by being a friend instead of a mother, then the vicious cycle continues.
Oh my...who might this be? I never stated that Danielle was innocent. She was involved in the robbery but the actual murder was not commented by her. She was not even in the car at that time. N.C law states that if someone is killed during the process of a robbery that they too will be charged. She admitted to the robbery. The needles...how in the world do you know about them? I have MS and take daily shots. Don't try and deceive others with your thoughts. I had no idea that a herion addict would actually empty my medication and use my needles. Strange how you could have known that. We're you there. Not many we're missing but when I thought they were..I locked them up. What is it that angers you so much about what I express. It's the HERION that I condemn. WAKE UP all of you. Neither of these young adults would have commented this crime without the effects of black tar herion!!! A death of a young man took place and that is tragic. My reputation has not been scared. Educating others on how easy it is to become addicted to black tar herion and the signs of use is something that all parents should be informed of. I wonder about you....to attack me and actually make up so much bull. I was ignorant to the signs and quite Nieve. I thought that I knew about drug use but nothing at all like this
Hi Jill,
Just saw a rerun of the First 48 and while I really feel for you and the pain this has caused I have to say hearing about the these additional troubles gives me great doubts you were giving your daughter the attention she needed. Yes, she's an addict, but you didn't even know people were coming to your house, having parties and bringing drugs to your daughter who is on bail for murder? I'm sorry just because it's not a small house is no excuse for you not paying better attention to your drug addicted daughter. Drugs are a plague but many are able to stay away and even after her initial time in jail and getting off drugs she was right back at it in your own home. So please stop blaming the drugs and the people bringing her or selling her drugs. Stop defending her and start supporting her... and NO they are NOT the same thing. Please figure out the difference!
Stop defending her and start supporting her...no they are not the same. My daughter is at fault. Drugs were her problem. To all those that entered my house were on drugs too. My house was locked up and everyone was in bed. She had been doing quite well and attending substance abuse meetings. She was proud of herself and I was proud of her. I do blame those that brought drugs to her! You know nothing of drug abuse to think that she could turn down a substance this soon after being highly addicted to herion. My daughter chose to try drugs the first time but drugs chose her after that. It took me a long time to understand addiction. If that's not support then I'm not sure what is. To support her the way that I do I first had to understand what took control over her. This is something that I wouldn't wish on anyone. Try to understand what I just wrote
Does anyone know about the meeting in huntersville, nc about the increase of herion in our area?
I guess all the hopes, dreams and recriminations written above are a moot point now.
I'm looking at the North Carolina Department Of Public Safety Offender Public Information website. It lists, DANIELLE A HOLMES - Offender Number: 1281747. The Projected Release Date: 12/31/2034
CP is working on a follow-up on this story with local main stream media. Anyone who would be willing to be interviewed should email CP at cedarposts@gmail.com
CP is also encouraging Jill Holmes to reach out via the same email address.
On March 1, along with the update CP will begin a "go fund me" campaign to raise money to get Danielle Holmes the help she needs and hopefully reduce her sentence via the legal process.
i correspond with jonathan fitzgerald quite often, im a random person that lives in california who has nothing to do with these group of friends but can relate very much.
Ive had the same exact debauchery with my group of friends when we were 18-22, same problem black tar heroin from mexico comes up to Los angeles we have the same mexican runners and all that.
I was in vegas on vacation one night and came back to my room to watch tv alone and turned on A&E and saw the episode in my room in the middle of the vegas strip and i couldnt feel further away from vegas at the moment, i could relate so much to this story.
At the end of the day heroin isnt an excuse to murder, but heres the thing.
Some people strung out during withdrawals will steal from friends, family, loved ones etc. but they will never rob or attempt a robbery that may lead to murder, they just wont even think about it.
That's like 90% of junkies they will steal and do shady shit, but not hold guns to peoples' heads that kinda gnarly, but that wasnt Jonathan's nor Danielle's situation.
Their situation to me was more of uneducated 18-19 year olds same way my group of friends were, who didnt understand what they were getting into. He proabbly thought that the runner would be complacent and just give him the tar but thats the scary thing about robbing, you better be ready to use the weapon...
so in Danielle's case again it is kind of Jill's fault i mean if i was under murder charges my parents wouldnt even let me look outside my window let alone have friends over, have a phone, tv or even an ibuprofen within a mile from me.
Again i dont blame you Jill, if anyone knows their own mother they know mothers deal with a lot.
You probably just wanted to move passed it and thought things were some what better because she was better, but with opiates it can go from better to horrid very quickly because of the physical dependence, it almost goes beyond will power cause you know the pain will stop with a hit.
Im going to continue talking to Jonathan and maybe ill even mail Danielle.
Im telling you when i was in Vegas that night that 48 hours episode hit me so hard and i related to it so much i found and wrote Jonathan that very moment, and im actually going now to the post office to send him another letter which is why i stumbled upon this page.
And grow up guys, im younger than Jonathan and Danielle by a year or two and i look at the way you people talk to her mother jesus christ... imagine someone talked to your mom that way what would you feel like doing to them lol? bozos...
Danielle gives the best head though ��
So what’s the latest?
Jill, you said that your daughter wasn’t even in the car when that man got stabbed. That’s not true. She told the police that she told the guy to just give her the drugs and she would leave. He started to fight with her and she said she cut him in the neck. THEN Jonathan ALSO stabbed the man. Your daughter is a murderer. She cut the man in the neck. She wasn’t running out of the parking lot like you said. Even Adam testified that she cut the man.
It’s sad that your daughter would sleep with literally anyone for drugs. 2-3 guys at a time, she didn’t care and you sit there and say it’s not her fault. Well you’re partly right. You’re the main one to blame. How can you not know your daughter is on heroine? Are you that stupid or were you just too busy to pay attention to your child.
You’re a pathetic excuse for a mother and I hope to God you don’t have custody of your grandchild.
If the mom actually gave a fuck about her daughter in the first place.. she wouldn't be in the situation she's in.. yes drugs did play a huge role in this, but so did the mom..shes needs to wake the fuck up! Idk why the fuck you even bailed her out. And then she pulls a robbery again... hope you realize one day that ur daughter took someone life. A life that he can never have back ,at least ur daughter is still alive ... i wish the best for you and urs...
I doubt that was Danielle's mother. Danielle testified to the police that she was in the vehicle first. Adam said the same thing, both their stories matched. As well as it matched the testimony of the witnesses that called 911. We saw the interrogation and of all 3 children. Jill, only Johnathan said different becaise he was trying to take the fall for Danielle that is very admirable Even asked for the death penalty, now listen up JILL HOLMES. You're daughter just got in trouble for using drugs in Anson Correctional , she was locked up in segregation for 30 days and also refused a drug test, she has been also caught using drugs her entire bid there. Look up on the NC DOC offender search database. Stop being delusional. They also changed her to.CLOSE custody from MEDIUM. That means she is restricted in her movements. Subloxone is all over Anson, yup, that's a Opiate, and your daughter is still getting high. I hope the best for her, she looks a lot more healthy, but she still getting high honey, let's not be delusional. She is a little hustla too.
Danielle's about to finish her murder charge this year on August 16th, 2024. If her mother just kept her.butt in jail and not spend $80,000 to bail her out on a $800,000 bail, she would be walking out those doors. But she now still has close to 10 years left, maybe 8 at the minimum side. That's the sad thing, that a mother enabled her daughter to get more time. Rich white suburban parents, they are so clueless when it comes to their children, too busy making money and being successful. It really is sad. Especially after your daughter spilled the beans to the cops, the courts would of gave her a easy bid to serve, 13 to 16 Yeats for class B charge. But the box car it and railroaded her for making the judge look like an idiot for screwing up her bail, after she was arrested again, bail changed to $3 million, they weren't making the same mistake twice. Unbelievable.
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