Today I enjoy the feel of small Carolina towns like Camden, and Hendersonville. Flat Rock is peaceful this time of year, and I love the fact that downtown Beaufort rolls up the sidewalks around 10PM most nights.
My wife's family is from a small town in Maine with a population of 5,234. I got laugh a couple of weeks ago when the town's local paper ran a head line in tempo type "Major Drug Bust" and the sub hed declared that more than a pound of pot was seized along with $500 dollars.
The Lincoln News has a staff of nine. The paper's editor is also the staff photographer, crime beat reporter, salesman and part time accounting staff. Sports is covered by the same staff that run the presses and drive the one delivery truck.
This morning I was surprised to see a "local" story where the photographer and reporter was none other than Charlotte Observer Editor Rick Thames.

The Saint Andrews community of Piper Glen lost water for a period overnight when a valve failed in a water main at Piper Glen Drive and Links Drive. The incident opened up a sinkhole eight to 10 feet wide. Partial water pressure had been restored by this morning. RICK THAMES,
It made me smile, now if I could just close my eyes and make all this 485 traffic disappear.
Nothing about what Editor Rick Thames is doing to this town makes me smile.
all the stories he's killed that have let this go on...
6:55 I'm not so sure Thames is killing stories as much as the ad rev numbers are killing stories.
Observer's staff is half of what it was five years ago. It doesn't look good and I'm pretty sure Thames has more on his plate than pushing a right wing nut agenda.
Just saying.
@ 8:09Pm - So instead he spends all his time pushing the left wing nut agenda....well Heil Rick Thames then....
No doubt Rick himself was one of the Piper Glen swells who found themselves without water.
Thames moved to Piper Glen in 2004. He reportedly kepts a low profile. I'd guess most of his neighbors have no idea who he is.
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